Films урок английского языка в классах с казахским языком обучения
СабаKтыS таKырыбы:Films
СабаKтыS маKсаты: ОKушылар фильмдер ж‰не оныS т_рлері,атаKты киножaлдыздар жайлы Kосымша м‰лімет алады.Грамматика бойынша созылмалы ™ткен шаKты (Present Continuous)меSгереді.
ОKушылар кино™неріне деген кызыCушылыKтарын арттырады
СабаKтыS эпиграфы: Film is silver, book is gold.
СабаKтыS т_рі:Білімді ж_йелеу мен жинаKтау сабаCы
СабаKтыS ‰дісі:
1.`йымдастыру кезені
-Good morning! Nice to meet you. I hope you are well today
-Today the leader of our organizational moment will be
-What day is it today?
What date is it today?
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
Are you ready to work today?
ПсихологиялыK дайындыCы
Circle- you are sociable, kind person.
In all places you are welcome,
· СабаKтыS таKырыбымен ж‰не маKсаттарымен таныстыру
Today we are going to speak about a very interesting kind of art.
I want to say that today our lesson is about a very interesting modern and fascinating kind of art. Look at the blackboard, please and try to guess what art it is.
«Титаник» фильмніS _зіндігіS к™рсету
So, I invite you to the cinema.
Do you like going to the cinema?
What kind of films do you like to see?
Let’s write the names of them on the blackboard.
3. С™здікпен жaмыс
action films
horror films
an adventure film
fiction film
war film
4.Ой KозCау. ОKушылар сaраKтарCа жауап береді
Do you like watching films?
What genres do you know?
What is your favourite genre?
Can you name any film of this genre?
Do you like crime films?
5. ТопKа б™лу.
1 топ“Western”
2 топ“Comedy”
6. ТаKта мен жaмыс.
An adventure film
Horrow film
Fiction film
has a serious s
has cowboys in it
makes your laugh
often makes an exciting
story about crime and police
has lots of exciting action
has lots of songs and music
has facts which you can’t explain
often makes your scary
has unusual actors
7.Look at the episodes of films and name the types of the films.
ОKушылар фильмдердіS суреттеріне Kарап олардыS Kай т_ріне жатKаны атап береді
A love story, a comedy, a historical film, a comedy, a documentary, a horror film, cartoon, science, fiction film , an adventure film, drama, thriller, western, musical, war film
8. М‰тіSмен жaмыс. «АтаKты киножaлдыздар»
«Бортовой журнал» ‰дісін Kолдану
Біліп тaрCан аKпарат
ЖаSа аKпарат
9. Постермен жaмыс
Which adjectives we use to say about our emotions, our opinion for smth? Let’s divide these words into two columns: which we like and which we don’t like.
favourite, scary, depressing exciting, amazing, funny, horrible, bad, relaxing, interesting, amusing, useful, good, romantic, unusual, kind, terrible, boring, sad, frightened
favourite, exciting, amazing, funny, relaxing, interesting, amusing, useful, good, romantic, unusual, kind
terrible, boring, sad, scary, depressing, frightened, horrible, bad
10. €р топKа карточкамен жaмыс «Кім жылдам?»
Melodramas, action films ,horror films,
musicals, comedies, documentaries
1------- are usually aggressive and have many
fights of different types.
2-------are films with a lot of singing and dancing.
3 ----- are films stuffed with unreal things
and special effects.
4------are films where people find themselves
in funny situations and we laugh a lot.
5------are very popular among women and housewives.
11. Рефлексия
What have you learned to make today?
What did you enjoy best?
ОKушылар бір бірін баCалайды
12. Home task
At home you should prepare the topic of your favourite film.