Конспект урока по английскому языку School poster
Класс 10
Тема: School poster
Общая цель данного типа урока: Выработка умений самостоятельного применения знаний, осуществление их переноса в новые условия.
Образовательная цель урока:Совершенствовать коммуникативные умения учащихся, вести монологическую и диалогическую речь по теме:”School”
Воспитательная цель урока:Воспитывать чувство уважения к своей школе, учителям, одноклассникам.
Развивающие цели урока:Развивать культуру общения, объективность в оценке, творческую активность;
Развивать самостоятельность в решении творческих задач учебной ситуации.
Шаг 1
Обсуждение темы T: We are going to make a poster about our school.
It should be both attractive and useful. What articles should be included in the poster? Suggest your ideas.
SS: I suggest…
I’d like to …
I think…
T: Include in your poster the following:
Basic information about our school
Comments from students
Comments on the school from visitors and parents
Anecdotes about school life
A poem about school
Pictures, photos of peoples, events, school facilities
Шаг 2
Выбор ролей для каждого члена группы T: Choose the roles, please.
SS: I think I can do…
I’d like to be in charge of … because…
I think … is the right person for…
Шаг 3
Выполнение постера T: Now you need to work as a whole group. Look at the materials you’ve brought. Discuss and develop the materials you want to include in the poster.
SS: I like…
I think…
I dislike…
Sorry …
T: Now exchange your ideas about how to place what you have created on the poster. Try to make your poster colorful and humorous. Proofread the material, checking the spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary.
Шаг 4
Презентация SS: I want to start with…
I’d like to tell you about…
As you know…
When speaking about …
Some more facts about…
Шаг 5
Подведение итогов
Выставление оценок T: Think about your own work during the lesson and give yourself a score, filling in the self evaluation card.
Student’s self evaluation card
Criterion Questions to ask oneself Score (1-3)
1 Balance of contribution Did I participate equally with the rest of the group when we created a poster? 2 Content Did I bring useful/original material or ideas? 3 Appropriateness of language Did I use both spoken and written language accurately and appropriately? 4 Task achievement Did my group and I achieve the task we set for ourselves? Total score