“Закрепление грамматических и лексических структур урока”.

Закрепление грамматических и лексических структур урока”.
Цель и задачи:
- развивать грамматические и лексические навыки по теме the Past Simple Tense;
- развивать навыки по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных»;
- развивать интерес к изучаемому языку.
Оборудование: презентация, учебник, рабочая тетрадь (Н.И.Быковой, Дж.Дули, М.И.Поспеловой, Д.Эванс.).
План урока:
Организационный момент. 1) Приветствие; - знакомство - дежурный
2) Фонетическая зарядка; - фронтальный опрос, произношение слов.
II. Центральная часть. 1) Введение нового лексического материала
- выполнение упражнения из учебника(ex.3,p.113,); - словарная работа 2) Закрепление грамматического материала (the Past Simple Tense). - игра “Read and translate the sentences” 3) Закрепление конструкции «It makes me feel » - выполнение упражнения из учебника(ex.4,p.113,); 4) Развитие навыков чтение и перевода текста - выполнение упражнения в рабочих тетрадях (p.59, ex. 3) - повторение специальных вопросов What, Where.
- физкультминутка; 5) Актуализация и развитие грамматических знаний учащихся - повторение степени сравнения прилагательных - составления предложений с новыми словами урока.
III. Завершающая часть.
Постановка домашнего задания;
Подведение итогов;
3) Выставление оценок.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
1) Приветствие (1 слайд) - Good afternoon, boys and girls! Sit down, please!How are you? I am glad to see you.I am your teacher of English for today. I am Osimova M.D. I hope we’ll have a good work today. Ребята, я надеюсь, мы все сегодня хорошенько поработаем на уроке. - Could you tell me who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? Thank you, sit down.
2) Фонетическая зарядка. - So, the first question for you. Do you like music? (Yes, I do. I like music.) - Thank you for your answers. - The theme of our lesson today is “Mood music”. (2 слайд) - Now look at the screen please. Here you can see some English words on our theme. At first listen to me carefully. I will read these words and you will repeat them after me. Ok?
Let’s start! What is it? It is [ Piano, Trumpet, Drum, Violin, Guitar ]. Cейчас потренируем наши язычки и произнесём слова. So, all together, repeat after me, please. II. Центральная часть.
(3 слайд) - Let’s look at the screen.






- Please, repeat after me. (У 2-4 учеников спросить слова на английском без перевода) - You, please, read these words in English. - А сейчас, запишите эти слова в свои словарные тетради. (3 слайд) - And now, try to translate. Как будет на английском барабан, гитара, труба, пианино, скрипка. (5 слайд) - So, I think you like to play different games. Let’s play now. The game is called “Read and translate the sentences” You will work in two groups. It is the first group and it is the second group.
Are you ready? (Yes, we are). Let’s go. 1) He played the guitar. (Play – это правильный глагол и поэтому добавляем окончание –ed.)
2) My mother played the violin. 3) She played the piano. 4) Our brothers played the drum. 5) I played the trumpet. 6) My sister played the piano. - Well done! Thank you. (6 слайд) - Nice. So, boys and girls, now look at the screen please. - As we translate the word happy, sad, scared? (счастливый, печальный, испуганный) So, all together, repeat after me, please. - And now, listen to the music and after tell me, how you felt after listen to the music? For example: It makes (почему makes, потому что Present Simple) me feel (happy, sad, scared) - So, listen to the music very carefully. (три вида музыки) - Well done! Thank you. (7 слайд) - Now open your copy-books on
·page 59, ex. 3. Now let’s read and translate. Start read one by one and translate the text. - Speak up (говорите громче) (Читают, переводят, отвечают на вопросы, вспоминаем как переводятся специальные вопросы What, Where ) I. Last Saturday it was hot and sunny. Phil wanted to go out somewhere. His dad took him for a ride in the countryside. 1. What day was it? Saturday 2. What was the weather like? The weather was hot and sunny. 3. Where did Phil's dad take him? Phil's dad took him for a ride in the countryside. II. Phil's dad put some pop music on and they sang songs and ate chocolate. Then they passed a dog on the side of the road. «Stop the car, Dad!» Phil shouted. 4. What kind of music did they listen to? They listened to pop music. 5. What did they eat? They ate chocolate. 6. What did they pass on the side of the road? They passed a dog on the side of the road. III. The dog didn't move. Phil's dad looked at its leg and decided to take to the vet's. They didn't go to the countryside that day. But now Phil has got his own dog. He calls him «Lucky»! 7. Where did they take the dog? They took the dog to the vet's. 8. What does Phil call his dog? Phil calls dog «Lucky»!
- You made a very good job of that. (Вы хорошо поработали) Физкультминутка - Ребята, вы наверное устали, давайте отдохнем и сделаем физкультминутку. Clap your hands, clap your hands, Listen to the music and clap your hands. Stamp your feet, stamp your feet, Listen to the music and stamp your feet. Turn around, turn around, Listen to the music and turn around. Jump up high, jump up high, Listen to the music and jump up high. Come on, children, clap your hands, Stamp your feet, Now turn around, And jump up high. - That’s right. (8 слайд) - The following task for you is to look at the screen and read sentences (Piano is bigger than trumpet. Piano is the biggest musical instrument). Then you must make a sentence using the degrees of comparison of adjectives and new word lessons. - So, let's remember the degrees of comparison of adjectives. - Please, open your exercise-books and make a sentence. (Слушаем предложения учеников, прилагательные: big, small, interesting, loud, quiet, light, dark) - Now let’s check your sentences. - Right you are. - Good. So, boys and girls, now look at the screen please. - Ребята, здесь даны слова вразброс, вы должны составить из этих слов предложение. Who want to read the first words? 1) a beautiful, violin, The, is, instrument, musical. The violin is a beautiful musical instrument. 2) likes, very, the, to play, much, Marry, piano. Marry likes to play the piano very much. 3) smaller, Violin, is, guitar, than. Violin is smaller than guitar. 4) a loud, trumpet, instrument, is, musical, The. The trumpet is a loud musical instrument. 5) friend, My, drums, plays, the, yesterday. My friend played the drums yesterday. - Now let’s check.
III. Завершающая часть.
1)Постановка домашнего задания.
Homework: Берете на диктант 5 слов (Piano, Trumpet, Drum, Violin, Guitar) и составляют 5 предложений, можно употребляя Past Simple, неправильными глаголами степени сравнения прилагательных, с разными местоимениями.
2) Подведение итогов:
- That’s all for today. Our time is over. Tell me please children what have we learnt today on the lesson?
3) Выставление оценок.
Ok! Right. Thank you for the lesson. Your marks are the following a 5, a 4
You may be free. Good - bye!