КТП по английскому языку, ФКГОС, 6 класс
Календарно-тематическое планирование
учебного курса основного общего образования
«Английский язык»
Количество часов__102__(3 часа в неделю)___Уровень базовый
Учитель: Аджимамбетова С.С., специалист
Керчь, 2015г.
Пояснительная записка к календарно-тематическому планированию
на 2015/2016 учебный год
по английскому языку
6 класс
Учитель: Аджимамбетова С.С.
Часов в неделю 3ч. : 1 четверть: 24 ч.
2 четверть: 24 ч. По программе за год : 102 ч.
3 четверть: 30 ч.
4 четверть: 24 ч. Итого за год _____ч.
Темы разделов программы І четверть ІІ
четверть ІІІ
четверть ІV
четверть всего за год
1 Модуль1. Кто есть кто 9 9
2 Модуль 2. Вот и мы 9 9
3 Модуль 3. Поехали 6 2 8
4 Модуль4. День за днем 9 9
5 Модуль5. Праздники 13 13
6 Модуль 6. На досуге 10 10
7 Модуль7. Вчера, сегодня, завтра 10 10
8 Модуль 8. Правила и инструкции 10 10
9 Модуль 9. Еда и прохладительные напитки 10 10
10 Модуль10. Каникулы 14 14
24 24 30 24 102
Виды работ І ІІ ІІІ ІV за год
1 Контрольные работы 2 3 3 2 10
2 Контроль чтения 1 1 1 3
3 Контроль аудирования 1 1 1 3
4 Контроль письма 1 1 1 3
5 Контроль говорения 1 1 1 3
Календарно-тематическое планирование
на 2015/2016 учебный год
по английскому языку в 6 классе
п/п коррекция Содержание учебного материала Дата проведения Коррекция даты
Должны знать Должны уметь
Модуль 1. Кто есть кто – 9 уроков
1 Вводный урок. - лексику по теме,
- образование количественных и порядковых числительных,
- образование притяжательного падежа существительных и местоимений,
- грамматические структуры с глаголами to be, to have,
- использовать изученную лексику в устной речи,
- знакомиться, представлять людей при знакомстве,
- использовать грамматические структуры с глаголами to be, to have,
- использовать грамматические структуры с вопросительными словами, с притяжательным падежом существительных и местоимений,
-систематизировать новые знания,
2 Члены семьи 3 Кто ты?
Притяжательные местоимения 4 Моя страна 5 Культуроведение. Великобритания 6 Россия в фокусе: Семьи в России 7 Практический английский: Знакомство и приветствие 8 География: Земля 9 Контрольная работа № 1 2. Вот и мы – 9 уроков
10 Счастливые времена - лексику по теме
- образование порядковых числительных,
- использование a/an, some/any, с существительными во множественном и единственном числе,
- структуры с предлогами места,
использовать изученную лексику в устной речи,
- описывать окрестности своего дома (микрорайона), используя изученную лексику,
- вести разговор о времени и дате,
- использовать в устной речи структуры с предлогами места,
- использовать в устной речи порядковые числительные,
11 Времена года. Месяцы 12 У меня дома 13 По соседству. Мой микрорайон. 14 Культуроведение. Знаменитые улицы 15 Россия в фокусе: Дачи.
Контроль чтения 1 16 Практический английский: Заявки на обслуживание. 17 Математика. Выполнение плана-чертежа в масштабе. 18 Контрольная работа №2 Модуль 3. Поехали – 8 уроков
19 Безопасность на дорогах - лексику по теме
- образование форм повелительного наклонения,
- структуры с can/can’t для выражения значения способности, разрешения, запрещения, - систематизировать новые лексические единицы по теме,
- спрашивать и объяснять дорогу,
- использовать в устной речи структуры с can/can’t для выражения значения способности, разрешения, запрещения,
20 В движении 21 С ветерком 22 Культуроведение: Виды транспорта в Лондоне 23 Россия в фокусе: Метро 24 Практический английский: Как пройти…? 25 Что означает красный цвет? 26 Контрольная работа № 3 Модуль 4. День за днем – 9 уроков
27 День и ночь – сутки прочь - лексику по теме,
- образование и использование во всех видах деятельности форм Present Simple (настоящего времени)
-использование наречий частотности в Present Simple, - систематизировать новые лексические единицы по теме,
- выражать свои предпочтения и вкусы,
- проводить опрос, составлять отчет о его результатах.
-использовать Present Simple в устной и письменной речи,
- использовать наречия частотности в устной речи,
28 Урок грамматики. Present Simple 29 Как насчет…? 30 Мой любимый день
Контроль аудирования 1 31 Культуроведение: Жизнь подростков в Великобритании 32 Россия в фокусе: Привет! 33 Практический английский: Назначение/отмена встречи 34 Вычерчиваем числа 35 Контрольная работа № 4 Модуль 5. Праздники -13 уроков
36 Время праздников. - лексику по теме,
- особенности использования глаголов to make, to do
- образование и использование во всех видах деятельности форм Present Continuous (настоящего длительного времени) - систематизировать новые лексические единицы по теме,
- выражать свое мнение и расспрашивать о мнении собеседника в пределах темы,
- использовать в устной речи глаголы to make, to do
- использовать Present Continuous в устной и письменной речи.
37 Урок грамматики. Present Continuous. 38 Отпразднуем! 39 Особые дни 40 Культуроведение: Шотландские игры 41 Россия в фокусе: Белые ночи 42 Практический английский:
Как заказать цветы 43 В Зазеркалье 44 Контрольная работа № 5 45 Контроль чтения 2 46 Контроль аудирования 2 47 Контроль письма 1 48 Контроль говорения 1 Модуль 6. Досуг – 10 уроков
49 Свободное время - лексику по теме,
-способы словообразования сложных существительных,
- времена Present Simple и Present Continuous с расширением контекстов употребления. -систематизировать новые лексические единицы по теме,
-выражать свои предпочтения и вкусы, обосновывать свой выбор,
-правильно использовать времена
Present Simple и Present Continuous.
50 Игры 51 Урок грамматики Present Simple и Present Continuous 52 Скоротаем время 53 Мое свободное время: кружки 54 Культуроведение: Настольные игры 55 Практический английский:
Покупка подарка 56 Дизайн и технологии: Кукольный театр 57 Россия в фокусе: Свободное время 58 Контрольная работа № 6 Модуль 7. Вчера, сегодня, завтра- 10 уроков
59 В прошлом - лексику по теме,
-образование и использование во всех видах деятельности форм прошедшего времени Past Simple,
-прилагательные-антонимы и прилагательные, выражающие эмоциональное состояние - систематизировать новые лексические единицы по теме,
- применять в своей речи Past Simple
- составлять связное описание местности (в прошлом) и повествование о событиях в прошлом,
-давать и запрашивать информацию биографического характера
60 Урок грамматики. Past Simple 61 Дух Хеллоуина62 Они были первыми 63 Россия в фокусе: Слава 64 Культуроведение: Человек из стали 65 Мой любимый супергерой 66 Практический английский:
В бюро находок 67 История: Играя в прошлое 68 Контрольная работа № 7 Модуль 8. Правила и инструкции – 10 уроков
69 Таковы правила - лексику по теме,
- модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты,
- способы образования степеней сравнения прилагательных,
- образование и использование во всех видах деятельности форм прошедшего времени Past Simple.
- систематизировать новые лексические единицы по теме,
-выдвигать и принимать предложения, отказываться от предложений,
- выражать должествование и отсутствие необходимости (модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты),
- образование и использование во всех видах деятельности форм прошедшего времени Past Simple,
70 А давай……? 71 Урок грамматики.Comparisons 72 Домашние правила 73 Культуроведение: Вершины мира 74 Россия в фокусе: Московский зоопарк
Контроль говорения 2 75 Практический английский:
Заказ театральных билетов 76 Моя любимая пьеса 77 Чисто ли в твоем микрорайоне 78 Контрольная работа № 8 Модуль 9. Еда и прохладительные напитки – 10 уроков
79 Еда и питье - лексику по теме,
- исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные и их употребление с неопределенными местоимениями,
- употребление грамматических времен Present Simple, Present Continuous и Past Simple
- систематизировать новые лексические единицы по теме,
- использовать клише речевого этикета при выражении просьбы или высказывании предложении,
- использовать клише речевого этикета в ситуации «заказ в кафе или ресторане»,
-использовать времена Present Simple, Present Continuous и Past Simple в разных видах речевой деятельности,
- распознавать интернациональную лексику в английском языке и сопоставлять с аналогиями в русском языке.
80 Что в меню? 81 Урок грамматики. Present Simple, Present Continuous 82 Давай готовить! 83 Мое любимое блюдо
Контроль письма 2 84 Культуроведение: Кафе и закусочные в Великобритании 85 Россия в фокусе: грибы 86 Практический английский: Заказ столика в ресторане 87 Кулинария 88 Контрольная работа № 9 Модуль10. Каникулы – 14 уроков
89 Планы на каникулы - лексику по теме,
-грамматические формы, используемые при образовании будущего времени Future Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to в разных видах речевой деятельности, - систематизировать новые лексические единицы по теме,
-использовать клише речевого этикета для того чтобы дать или спросить разрешение,
-делать заказ на номер в отеле,
- использовать времена Future Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to для выражения будущего времени.
90 Урок грамматики . Future Simple 91 Погода и одежда 92 Выходные с удовольствием 93 Культуроведение: В Эдинбург на каникулы. 94 Россия в фокусе: Сочи 95 Практический английский:
Бронирование номера в гостинице 96 География: Пляжи 97 Контрольная работа № 10 98 Контроль чтения 3 99 Контроль аудирования 3 100 Контроль письма 3 101 Контроль говорения 3 102 Повторение ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ
Контрольная работа 1
Task 1.Complete the pairs
Father- m__ _ _ _ _ 4. Grandpa – g _ _ _ _ _ _
Brother- s _ _ _ _ _ 5. Uncle – a_ _ _
Husband- w _ _ _ 6. Son- d _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Task 2.Fill in the missing words.Spain- ………… 3. ……………Brazilian
……………Polish 4. Britain- ……….
Task 3.Fill in the gaps with the possessive pronouns or adjectives.This is John and this is ……brother.
That was Mary’s car . It was ……. .
You can have this book. It’s……
Ann and Fiona are sisters . ……….surname is Harris..I love …….. family.
Task 4. Write the opposites.
An old man- …………. 4. Short hair- …………..
A tall boy- …………… 5. Straight hair-…………
Big eyes- …………….
Task 5. Match the questions to the answers.
1. What’s your name? a) Brazil
2. How old are you ? b) Paul
3. Where are you from? c) Twelve
4. What nationality are you? d) Brazilian
Контрольная работа 2
Task 1. What time is it?
8:25 4. 12:00
11:15 5. 7:30
Task 2.Circle the odd word out. 1. bank – baker’s- vase- library
2. fireplace- sofa- armchair- bathtub
3. newsagent’s- toy shop- supermarket- aspirin
4. spring – May- autumn- winter
5. first- two- ninth- sixth
Task 3. Underline the correct word.
Is there a/ some baker’s ?There are any/ some shops in that street.
There weren’t some /any supermarkets here.
My birthday is on /in 5-th November.
Meet me on / at 8 :30!
Task 4. Fill in: at ,in or on.
……..1st May
……the weekend
……8:30 pm
…….the morning
Task 5. Match the questions(1-5) with the correct answers (a –e).
1. What’s the date today? a) Place it over there .2. How old are you ? b) It’s on 5th May.
3. When is your birthday ? c) It’s half past three.
4. What time is it ? d) I’m 12.
5. Where do you want the vase ? e) It’s 17th August.
Контрольная работа 3
Task 1.Guess the words.
Traffic s_ _ _
Seat b _ _ _
3. Traffic l _ _ _ _ _
Zebra c _ _ _ _- _ _ _
parking z_ _ _
Yellow l _ _ _ _
Task 2.Fill in: in , on, by , of
1. He’s travelling ……..the 8o’clock train.
We went to school …….foot,
She is afraid of travelling …….plane.
Don’t lean out………the window.
Walk …….the pavement.
Task 3.Сomplete the sentences with these words: sail, drive, ride, fly, cross..I can’t ………a plane, but I can ……..a boat.
Don’t ………….the road when the light is red.
If you want to learn how to ……..a car, you can go to a driving school.
When the weather was good, Icould ………………my bike in the park.
Task 4. Write the opposites.
Go _.............
Turn left -………
Go up the street- ………
Red lights- ………
Fast -………..
Task 5. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.
-- Yes,there’s one quite near.
--You’re welcome.
-- How do I get there?
1-- Excuse me, is there a hospital near here.
-- Go down Bridge Road and turn left into Green Streen.
-- Thank you.
Контрольная работа 4
Task 1. Use the prompts to complete the sentences: on, off, up, about, out
Stop worrying………your exams!
What time shall we meet?
I wanted to find ………..the trueth!
Put ………your jacket! It’s cold!
What time do you usually set ……..for the Scout Club?
Task 2.Write the opposites.
Interesting -……………..
Delicious- ………………
Nice -……………..
Love- ……………..
Wonderful -……………
Task 3. Circle the odd one out.
Pizza – hamburgers – tennis - fish
Boring – dull –great -awful
Sitcom – reading –news -drama
Football – quidditch – skiing –homework
Weekend –always –never - sometimes
Task 4 . Put the words in the correct order and write full sentences.
Sundays/ he /goes/ on/often/to the park.
She/ late/ is//never.
How/you/go/do/ often/to/cinema/the?
We /go/sometimes/camping.
Task 5. Use the sentences to complete the dialogue.
A. Are you free tonight? A. What about a pop concert, then?
A, There’s a new thriller on at AMC, 2)……… B. Would you like to join me?
B .No ,thanks. I hate thrillers. C. I think so , why?
B. That’s a great idea! 4)…………………………… D. Count me in!
Контрольная работа 5
Task 1. Fill in make or do.
…………a special dish
………..the shopping
………...your homework
……….the decorations
……….the washing-up
………the dusting
Task 2. Match the words to form phrases.
Light a)gift
Exchange b)the house
Decorate c)lamps
Make d)a costume
Wear e)preparations
Visit f) the fireworks
watch g) people
Task 3.Fill in the sentences with the words below: up, out, over, fun, round, in.
Children usually have…………dressing……….. .
Come ………..here and join……….the game.
Can I pop………….to borrow some sugar? It’s run…………..
Task 4. Fill in the gaps with the Present Continuous.
A:What…………(Lizzie/do ) right now?
B: She…………………..(make) tea.
A: Hey! You…………………(not/watch)the fireworks!
B:Yes, I am! I………………(take) some pictures as well.
3A:………………..(the twins/cut)the bread?
B:No, they are washing the dishes.
Контрольная работа 6
Task 1 Form compound nouns.
House a) day
Wind b) paper
Basket c) surfing
News d) work
birth e) ball
Task 2.Complete the gaps with the words: interested, keen, mad, fond, good.
Tony is …………about football. He never misses a match on TV.
Are you ………….in history as well?
Jane’s little daughter is very ……………at dancing!
I’m quite ………..of comedies. What about you?
Anthony was not ……….on classical music.
Task 3.Circle the odd words out.
1 . dull - tiring - awful - fun.
dominoes- painting- backgammon- billiards.
good- fond- keen- bad.
rarely- quick- never- always
Task 4. Write sentences using the Present Simple and Present Continuous.
Walk to work/ take bus
Образец: I walk to work every day but today I’m taking the bus.
eat vegetables/ eat meat
play volleyball/ play basketball
go windsurfing/go skiing
5. play darts/ play chess
6. read a book/ meet friends
Task 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
I can’t go out tonight because I…………(study) for my Maths exam.
I……………..(not /want to leave jet. I………….(have) such a good time.
Christine………………(not /watch) much TV because she (presser) to read.
Контрольная работа 7
Task 1 Write the opposites
Ugly - …………… 3.crowded-…………….
Busy-……………. 4. Polluted-……………
Task 2.Match the words to form phrases.
weekly a) building
ghost b) newspaper
ruined c) an idea
run d) town
get e) a home
Task 3.Fill in the gaps with the right word.1 . I felt p _ _ _ _ _ _ when the man spoke to me in Chinese.
2 .He never smiles . He such a m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ man.
3 .She’s leaving for Paris tomorrow. She’s so e_ _ _ _ _ _ .4 .Karen hasn’t come back from work jet. I’m getting w_ _ _ _ _ _.
5 .After working all day in the garden, Tim felt very t _ _ _ _ .
Task 4. Rewrite the sentences in the Present Simple .Use the words in brackets.
1.We go to the cinema on Sundays, (last Sunday)
2 . She has a cold. (a week ago )
3.It’s a beautiful day today. (yesterday ) 4. I see Carol on the bus every day. (last Tuesday )
5.They often travel to London. (a month ago )
Task 5. . Match the questions with the answers
1. When was Einstein born? a) Germany
2. When did Einstein die ? b) In 1955.
3. What was Einstein famous for? c) In 1879.
4. Where was Einstein from? d) He was a famous scientist.
Контрольная работа 8
Task 1 Fill in the right word.
Students usually stay in University halls of r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
2 .I loved staying in a t _ _ _ when I went camping.
3 . John lives in a block of f_ _ _ _ in the city center.
4,The king was in a c _ _ _ _ _ _ by the lake.
Task 2.Match the words to form phrases
swimming a) guests
electrical b) pool
department c) tickets
rubbish d) bin
overnight e) store
entrance f) appliance
Task 3. Write the opposites . 1 . clean - ………..
new – ………..
neat -…………
quiet -………..
safe -…………
Task 4. Write the correct comparative.
A: This top is too big for me . I need a………….(small) one.
B: I’m sorry, this is the………………..(small)size we have.
2 . Tom is always smiling. He is the …………(friendly) person I know.
3. This book is ……………(difficult) than the one we did last year.
4. When the traffic is heavy , it is ……….(easy) to walk to work than drive my car.
Task 5. Complete the exchangers.
A:How…………..going to the cinema on Tuesday evening?
B: I’m ………..I can’t. I have a French club.
A:……………..don’t we visit Ann tomorrow?
B:Sure! Brilliant…………!
3. A: I’m going out .Would you like to come?
B. I’d ……………………. not.
Контрольная работа 9
Task 1 .Circle the odd word out.
1.breakfast – lunch –dinner – dessert
2.lemon – jam – honey – sugar
3.boil – fry – order –bake
4.starters – drink – main courses – desserts
5.bread – fibre – iron -vitamin
Task 2.Write the correct word. 1. a b _ _ _ _ _ of olive oil
2. a b _ _ of cereal
3. a p _ _ _ _ _ of biscuits
4 .a b _ _ of rice
5 a j _ _ of jam
6 .a l _ _ _ of bread
7 .a b _ _ of chocolate
Task 3. Underline the correct word.
There is some / any milk in the fridge.
2. Are there any / some bananas left?
3. There are a lot of / much biscuits in the box.
4. There wasn’t many /any coffee left.
5. Is there much / many rice left?
6. There are much /many dishes to choose from.
7. I want a few / a little sugar in my coffee.
8. We’ve got a little / a few oranges here.
Task 4. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.
1……………..( you / bike ) a cake for your birthday last week?
2.He ………………(eat) pasta twice a week.
3.We ……………..(have ) lunch together yesterday.
4.Mum………….(bake) a cake now.
5.Where …………..(you /go)? To the supermarket. 6.Sheila ………….(not /like) spicy food .
Task 5. Match the questions to their answers.
1.Can I have the menu ? a. No, I’m on a diet.
2.Would you like anything to drink ? b. Here you are, sir.
3.Are you ready to order, sir? c. A glass of mineral water, please.
4.How about some creamy mushrooms? d. Yes. I’d like the chief’s salad, please.
Контрольная работа 10
Task 1 Write the adjective.
Sun - …………..
Rain -…………..
Fog -…………..
Chill -…………
Task 2.Match the words .
taste a) a performance
buy b) souvenirs
visit c) a party
attend d) local food
have e) art galleries
Task 3. Circle the odd word out.
1.boots - trainers – shorts – shoes
2.cloudy – shabby – hot – windy
3.go skiing – diving – camping - swimming
Task 4. Circle the correct answer.
1.She’s tired. She will /is going to sleep early tonight.
2.The doorbell is ringing. I will /am going to answer it.
3.Dr. Brown is travelling /will travel to Paris tomorrow morning.
4.I am seeing / will see my dentist on Wednesday.
Task 5. Complete the exchanges.
Can I borrow your hat? Yes,………………May I use your camera? No, I’m…………….
Can I borrow your pen? Yes, that’s……………..
Could I borrow your umbrella? No,…………….Контроль чтения 1
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London is the capital of England. It is a very big city. There are lots of things to see in London. Trafalgar square is popular with tourists. There is a statue of Lord Nelson there, and two beautiful fountains.
Oxford Street is a very busy place. It is famous for its shops and restaurants. The river Thames is in the middle of London. It is 200 miles long. Tower Bridge is over the river Thames. It’s next to Tower of London.
Buckingham Palace is where the Queen of England lives. It is very big and beautiful. London is a wonderful city. It is a great place for a trip.
The …….. of England is London.
The statue of Lord Nelson is in ………. .
Tower Bridge is over …………. .
The Queen of England’s home is ………….. .
London is a great ………… .Контроль чтения 2
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New Year’s Day
I love New Year’s Day! To me, this is a day when my family get together and enjoy themselves. On January 1st , my home is always full of aunts, uncles and cousins who I haven’t seen for ages and we all have to chance to catch up with each other’s news.
My mum always makes a delicious roast beef lunch and we all sit around the table and eat, talk and laugh for hours. After this huge meal, it’s time to watch the Rose Bowl. The Rose Bowl is one of the most important football championships in American League football. Everybody has their favourite team and sometimes the yelling and cheering can get very loud! The food and the football are all great, but I think the best part of the day is when we make our New Year resolutions. Although most people don’t keep their New Year promises, it is interesting to hear what everybody wants to change about themselves!
Sherry doesn’t really enjoy New Year’s Day.
a)yes b) no c)doesn’t say
2. New Year’s Day is celebrated all over the world.
a)yes b) no c)doesn’t say
3. New Year’s Day is on the first day of January.
a)yes b) no c)doesn’t say
4. Sherry’s mum makes a big dinner on New Year’s Day.
a)yes b) no c)doesn’t say
5. Sherry’s family help wash the dishes after the meal.
a)yes b) no c)doesn’t say
6. The people in Sherry’s family always support the same football team.
a)yes b) no c)doesn’t say
7. Sherry’s favourite part of the holiday is the food.
a)yes b) no c)doesn’t say
Контроль чтения 3
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Paris is the most beautiful capital in Europe. It is also the capital of fashion. Paris is a historic capital; it is interesting for art lovers. If you visit paris for the first time you must see the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Champs de Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe. You can see the Eiffel Tower on postcards, painting, and stamps.
Paris is also known for its gastronomical excellence. Dining in one of the city’s fine restaurants is unforgettable. The Parisians are proud of their city. Paris has its own charm.
There are a lot of museums. Paris is also a popular shopping center. You can find the designer shops. The main department stores are situated on boulevard Haussmann.
Paris is the capital of ……….
a)Notre Dame b)France c) Champs de Elysees
2. Paris is interesting for lovers because of …………
a)restaurants b)old buildings c) museums
3. Paris is famous for ………….
a)its food b)modernism c)parks
4. They say that the symbol of Paris is …………
a)the Arc de Triomphe b)the Eiffel Tower c) Haussmann.
5. Paris has its own charm because ………
a)the Arc de Triomphe b)the Eiffel Tower c) Haussmann.
6. ……….. so it is a popular shopping centre
a)There are a lot of boutiques in Paris b)Paris is the centre of fashion c)Paris is famous for its restaurants
Контроль аудирования 1
Прослушайте текст и напишите правдивы T (true) или неправдивы F (false) утверждения:
Gerda and Kay are a sister and a brother. The Snow Queen is beautiful but evil(злая). Her castle of ice is in the far North. When the Snow Queen takes Kay away, Gerda goes to find him. On the way she meets the Prince and Princess. They are very friendly to Gerda. They give her warm clothes and golden carriage. The Little Robber Girl is nice to her too. She gives Gerda her reindeer to take her to Lapland. The reindeer is from Lapland, so he takes Gerda there to look for Kay. It’s very cold in the Snow Queen’s castle. Gerda is brave, she saves Kay. They are happy again.
Gerda and Kay are friends.
The Snow Queen is very kind.
One day the Snow Queen comes and takes Kay away.
Gerda feels unhappy and cries a lot about Kay.
Gerda spends three days with the Prince and Princess.
The Little Robber Girl is very kind to Gerda.
Gerda meets the reindeer in the forest.
Gerda finds her brother in the Snow Queen’s ice castle.
Контроль аудирования 2
Прослушайте текст и напишите правдивы T (true) или неправдивы F (false) утверждения:
My name is Ivan, my nick in the Internet is “bike” because my favourite hobby is riding a bike. I love riding my bike. I can see parks and ponds or rivers and fields when I am in the country! My elder brother Alex is fond of photography. He takes pictures of everything he sees. He also plays the guitar and singing songs. I like being with him. My little sister Olga likes dolls. She has got a big collection. Some of them are from foreign countries. Our dad is real sportsman. He plays football and likes swimming. He swims all the year round, in the river, in the sea or in the swimming pool. Mum prefers classical music and interesting books. She can play piano. Our cat Vasily also has a hobby, he likes sleeping and eating! In the evening we like getting together, talking and listening to some music.
Ivan is fond of nature.
Ivan knows his neighbourhood very well as he often rides his bike.
Vasily plays the guitar and sings pop songs.
The mother plays classical music.
Olga is Ivan’s elder sister, she has no hobbies.
The father does sport.
Alex is good at photography and takes part in exhibitions.
All the members of the family are busy and they don’t often spend evenings together.
Контроль аудирования 3
Прослушайте текст и напишите правдивы T (true) или неправдивы F (false) утверждения:
Mrs. Grey was a primary school teacher. Once she asked her students to write about their dreams. One of them wrote: “I would like to be a Television. I want to take its place and live like the TV in my house. I want my family around me. I want to have the company of my dad when he comes home from work, even when he is tired. And I want my mom to want to spend some time with me. I can make them all happy.”
Mrs. Grey taught small children.
Her students wrote funny stories.
The boy’s father spends little time with him.
The teacher gave the boy a good mark.
The boy spends all his time with his mom.
The boy wants to be more with his family.
Контроль письма 1
Task 1. Fill in do, does, don’t, doesn’t.
“ ……………… you want to watch a film tonight?” “No, I ………….”.“ ……………… she like spaghetti?” “Yes, she …………..”.“ ……………… you study every day?” “No, I ………..”.“ ………………your mum like cooking?” “No, she………..”.“ ………………your friends play football?” “No, they ………..”.Task 2. Fill in the correct word: wake, build, go, set, tell, tie.
Bob and Laura …….. up late on Sundays.
They ………. off early in the morning when they go on holidays.
Little Paul knows how to ……… knots.
When we go camping we ………… a fire.
They ………. climbing at the weekends.
My grandfather likes to ………. Stories about his childhood.
Task 3. Put in the correct order.
are/ park/ playing/ children/ in cricket/ the/ the
working/ Rome/ month/ is/ in/ Paul/ this
can’t/I/ swim/ suit/ because/I/ am/ wearing/ swim/my/not
studying/ her/ Linda/in/ is/ room?
Контроль письма 2
Task 1. Complete the sentences using the words: early, character, total, awards.
Mickey Mouse is the most famous cartoon ……….. of all time.
Paul liked drawing from an ……….. age.
Walt Disney received 32 Academy………… .He made 81 films in ……….. .
Task 2. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs below.
stop - …………… 6. try - …………….
come - ……………….. 7. give - ………………
meet - ……………. 8. be - …………….
make - …………… 9. spend - ………….
find - …………………… 10. eat - …………….
Task 3. Complete the rules. Use must/mustn’t
You …………….. keep the room clean.
You ……………. Play music after 10:00 am.
You ………….. put posters on the walls
You ………….keep pets in the room.
You ………… make the bed.
Task 4. Fill in: carton, jar, bottle, bowl, tin, piece, glass, packet.
a…………… of sugar 5. a…………..of tuna
a………… of jam 6. a………… of biscuits
a………… of cheese 7. a……….. of water
a……….. of olive oil 8. a………..of apple juice
Контроль письма 3
Task 1. Fill in the gaps with some or any.
Are there ……….. eggs in the fridge?
I have ……….. biscuits in my bag.
We need ……….. milk for the cake.
There isn’t ……… cheese in the sanswich.
Be careful! There is …….. honey on your T-shirt!
Are there ………… people in the living room?
Task 2. Choose the correct word.
On our holiday in Spain we are going to …….. the local food.
taste B. read C. buy
Don’t forget to …………. pictures at the wedding. Marisa is going to look beautiful.
make B. give C. take
My friends want to ………. a rock concert next weekend. Do you want to come?
A. go B. visit C. attend
4. It’s nice to……. souvenirs from interesting places.
buy B. rent C. give
We are going to …….. the sights tomorrow. We’re starting with the Eiffel Tower.
watch B. see C. look
Task 3. Match the words to their definitions.
spectators a) people in costumes, special cars and music bands who all move together while other people watch.
flower floats b)special cars in a parade, covered with many flowers
local people c)people who watch something happening
parade d) people in a town or village who are not tourists
Контроль говорения 1
Talk about: My favourite holiday
Контроль говорения 2
Talk about: My hero
Контроль говорения 3
Talk about: Summer Holidays