Презентация по английскому языку на тему Личное письмо (9 класс)
Good morning,everybody
???… a message that is written down or printed on paper and usually put in an envelope and sent to smb;…a written or printed sign representing a sound used in speech;…a sign in the shape of a letter that is sewn onto clothes to show that a person plays in a school or college sports team.
How to write a letter to your friend?English lesson in the 10th formPreparation for EGESection “Writing”December 2015E.I. Iachmeneva
The aim of the lessonTo learn to write a letter in a proper way according to standards of writing in English
Tasks of the lessonto know the modern Federal State Educational Standards (in Russian “FGOSs”) for good preparation to final exams in English;to revise the structure of personal letter written in English;to revise the rules of arrangement of the personal letter;to learn about the criteria of marking the letter.
Question for class discussionSo, how should you write and arrange a letter in English correctly, and score as many points taking examsas possible?
1. You should know the rules of arrangement and structure of personal letters. 2. You should know the criteria and schemes of marking of a personal letter, which are written in preparatory exams documents. 3. You should own basic vocabulary. You don’t need to know English perfectly, more than that, a letter will be written if you even have limited vocabulary of English.
The rules of arrangement and structure of personal letters
Sender's addressDate of writingSalutation Opening sentenceBody of the letterClosing sentenceComplimentary closeSignature
Flat 1454 Lenin StreetPerm 614001Russia17 December 2015
Perm Russia 17 December 2015
SalutationDear John and dear Mary,Dear Mr. Johns and Mrs. Johns,Darling Mary, My dearest,Dear Lucy,
Opening sentence You should write about the aim of the letter, quote the latest letter, thank for smth (reply, post-card, attention…). There can be from one up to two-three sentences.
Opening sentenceI'm writing to (thank/ tell/ ask/ congratulate/ apologize/ etc…I'm writing to thank you very much for the nice post card…I'm writing to tell you that we are going to be in my native city during holiday time.I'm writing to ask you if you would come to dinner one day soon: would Monday, 28.12. 2015 suit you?
Opening sentenceHow are you? Thank you for your last present. It was wonderful! I really happy that New Year’s Day is coming.
Body of the letterAs a rule, this part of the letter consists of two paragraphs. The first one contains answers on friend’s questions. In the second paragraph it’s your turn to ask question to receiver of the letter, if it is said in the task. Look very attentively how many questions should be asked.
Closing sentencePlease write me soonI would appreciate an early replyLet me know what you decideI hope you will have a very nice holiday I am waiting to your letter
Complimentary closeYours truly, With all good wishes to you both, Best wishes, Yours ever, Yours affectionately, With kind regards,Our best wishes to you all, Yours sincerely, Love,Hugs and kisses, Yours,
Complimentary closeLove and hope,
Signature You should write your name on the separate line after the complementary close.Alina
Стратегии написания личного письма Важно! Нужно обязательно соблюсти требования к объему письма - 100-140 слов. Не пишите лишних подробностей. Помните, что обязательные повторяемые элементы письма - адрес, обращение (Dear…), благодарность за полученное письмо (Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you), заключительные фразы (типа Write soon. Best wishes) и ваше имя в конце письма уже составляют около 20 слов. Заучите эти фразы и зрительно запомните схему расположения частей письма.
Стратегии написания личного письмаПрочитайте отрывок из письма от вашего предполагаемого друга по переписке и задание к нему. Задание вам поможет сориентироваться, что от вас требуется написать. Подчеркните содержащиеся в отрывке вопросы, на которые вы должны ответить в первой половине вашего письма. Определите для себя тему вопросов, которые вы должны задать во второй части вашего письма.
Стратегии написания личного письмаЗакончив ваше письмо, обязательно проверьте его на наличие орфографических или грамматических ошибок. Если вы не уверены, правильно ли написано какое-либо слово, замените его на другое, в написании которого вы уверены.
Criteria and scheme of marking of personal letters
Критерии оценивания выполнения задания С1 (максимум 6 баллов)Решение коммуникативной задачиОрганизация текстаЯзыковое оформление текстаПримечание: при получении экзаменуемым 0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи» все задание оценивается в 0 баллов
Using all these rules and advice you’ll write an excellent letter!
Personal Letter - 2015 …Dear girls and boys,It is time for giving and receiving presents… Are you one who is WORTHY to get what you want?Don’t forget to wish kind words to people around you…and your gift can really be yours!Santa CLAUS
Reflection Did you like this lesson?Was it interesting / useful / necessary for you?Do you know how to write a personal letter in a proper way?Mark your work on the lesson yourselfLet the person on your right mark your work on the lesson
Merry Christmas and a happy New year!