Презентация по английскому языку Внешность человека
Work in pairs and complete the dialogue, then act it out.
- Hello! Is that you, Nick?- Yes, Ann.- Please, meet my sister Jane at the station tomorrow.- I don't know her. What does she look like?- She is _____and __________.- What colour is her hair?- It's dark and _________.- And what colour are her eyes?- They are _____ and ______
good looking
This is Gulliver.
Gulliver is very ____.
His hair is ____.
He has a ______ face.
His eyes are _______.
His mouth is ______ .
His teeth are __________ .
He has a _____ and _____ nose.
Look at the picture
and tell about Gulliver. Let's have a rest “Hands on your hips”.Hands on your hips,Hands on your knees,Put them behind youIf you please.Touch your shoulders,Touch your nose,Touch your ears,Touch your mouth.Raise your hands high in the air,At your sides, on your hair.Raise your hands as beforeWhile you clap: one, two, three, four. Modal verb MUST 1. долг, обязательство:We must study hard.должен, обязанI must buy some bread.2. приказ, настоятельный совет:You must go there.долженYou must see the doctor.3. запрещение: нельзя, запрещеноYou mustn't smoke here. - «следует» If you want to give somebody advice, you can use “should”. You should go in for sports to be healthy. You should sleep enough to be healthy. You should be friendly to be healthy. - «не следует» If your advice is negative, you can use “shouldn’t”. You shouldn’t smoke to be healthy. You shouldn’t eat unhealthy food. You shouldn’t work on the computer too long to be healthy. 1) You should get up early and go to bed early. _______ 2) You shouldn’t _______ eat too much or too little. 3) You shouldn’t _______ watch TV too much. 4) You 5) You 6) You 7) You _______ _______ _______ _______ should should should eat vitamins. shouldn’t shouldn’t eat between meals. take regular exercises. _______ take a cold shower. 8) You go to bed late. Well done!!! Homework: