Тест по временам TAG questions

A) right
В) wrong (in this case correct the sentence, please)
1. Tom is in his room. He plays the piano.
2. Jill is speaking five languages.
3.1 am looking for my glasses. Where are they?
4. My brother is smoking 20 cigarettes a day.
5.1 am not understanding what he is speaking about.
6. John is tired, so he has a short sleep.
7. The man in the dark grey coat is looking like Tom Garrett
1. He can play golf well,... ?A ..., doesn't he? В ..., can he? С ...,can't he?
2. You are the new secretary,... ?
A ..., aren't you? В ..., are you? С ..., don't you?
3. Mr. Evans is speaking over the phone,... ? A ..., is he? В ..., isn't he? С ..., doesn't you?
4. You like black coffee,... ?A ..., aren't you? В ..., don't you? С ... г do you?
5. I'm busy,...?A ..., aren't I? В ...,don't I? С ..., am not I?
6. You aren’t well enough. You should stay with either me or your son, …..?
A ..., should you? В ..., shouldn't you? С ..., are you?
7. I'm not ill,...?
A ..., are I? В ...,am l?
8. It's a nice day,...?
A ..., does it? В ...,is it? С ..., isn't it?
9. There isn't a cloud in the sky,... ?
A ..., is it? В ..., does it? С ..., is there?
10. We haven't got much time,... ?
A ..., do we? В ..., don't we? С ..., haven't we?
A) right
В) wrong (in this case correct the sentence, please)
1. He doesn't like ballroom dancing.
2. I'm looking out of the window, but I'm not seeing him.
3 I am remembering mutuality we had in France a few years ago.
4. How much is it со/sting to send a letter to Paris?
5. My parents are never drinking strong coffee.
6.1 hate big cities
7. The play is beginning at half past seven.
1. Sam doesn't work hard,...?
A ..., is he? В ..., does he? С ..., isn't he?
2. Oh, there are a lot of photos in the album,... ?A ..., aren't they? В ..., aren't there? С ..., are there?
3. There was nobody there,... ?A ..., was there? В ..., wasn't there? С ..., were there?
4 . Your son didn't help you much,... ? A ..., did he? В ..., had he?
5. They sent a letter the day before yesterday,... ?A ..., did they? В ..., hadn't they? С ..., didn't they?
6. My Dad hasn't read the newspaper yet,... ?A ..., hasn't he? В ..., has he? С ..., did he?
7. There will be a nice film on TV tonight,... ?
A ..., won't there? В ..., will it? С ..., will there?
8. Neither your parents nor mine can lend us some money,... ?
A ..., can they? В ..., can't they? С ..., do they?
9. He never uses his car except when it's necessary,... ?
A ..., doesn't he? В ..., does he? С .... isn't it?
10. There's little point in doing anything about it,...? A "..., is it? В ..., isn't there? С ..., u there?