Социально-значимый проект по английскому языку Illiteracy

social issue: IlliteracyПрезентацию подготовили:Изотова СофьяДедкова АлинаСкорубская Яна Illiteracy is one of the most vital problem of the modern society and It has a significant effect on it. We should try to solve such problem and do everything that we can to prevent illiteracy in our society!!! Causes of illiteracy:Parents with little schooling; Dropping out of school(not completed high school);Difficult living conditions(poverty);Learning disabilities(dislexia). Illiteracy leads to social regress and subsequently to degradation of the whole world!!!Possible solutions:Government's financial support in order to built schools with special equipment;Local authorities should invite teachers every month;The government should provide electricity to settlements in order to give children a chance to get education online.