План урока по английскому языку на тему Ellis Island класс 11

Lesson Plan
Theme: American Dream. Ellis Island Grade 11
Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
use vocabulary related to the immigrant experience at Ellis Island.
Discuss the significances of Ellis Island to immigrants.
Search unknown words from dictionary
Develop reading skills
Teaching materials: Cards, textbooks Headway Advance and words, flash cards, OHP projector
Warm up activities
11 A- Giving advice: students will take advice cards and talk with each other, give advices to each other.
11b- Vocabulary game 10 min
2. Checking homework
Role play ( students will show their roles and other sts will give feedback) 10 min
3. The American dream
4.Reading an extract
Break for Grade 11A
Whole class discussion
Assessment and Homework 11A,B
Do you have a dream to visit America?
The reason?
What is the symbol of America?
What do you know about Statue of Liberty ?5. Ellis island ( Discussion and new vocabulary)
admission = the right to enter
deportation = forced removal from a country
detention = the act of retaining or holding back someone or something
dormitory = a building with many rooms for sleeping
immigrant = a person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another
inspect = to examine in detail, especially for flaws
interpreter = one who translates orally from one language into another
quota = a set number of people permitted admission to a nation, group, or institution
descendant- immigrants children
estimate – a judgment that you make with having exact details
significance – importance
Showing pictures through OHP projector and Checking what do students know about Ellis island
Answering to the questions after reading Ex.2 ( indiv work)
Read and extract and discussion
11b- Homework: Divide groups into three and read and prepare for the presentation
1. Explain some new words like
An illegal immigrant, an asylum seeker, an immigrant, a refugee,
Glossary for “ Russian girl”
filter of immigrants, inadequate, choke, procession files, bearing bundles, frunk, cordon, circumstances, bridegroom, wounded, bridegroom
“German boy”
Bench, pharmacist, siddur, underneath
“Polish baby”
Exhausted, exclude, stump, by intention ,commissioner
2.Divide class into three groups and request them to read the text in 10 min and prepare their own speech to others. (ABC) groups Sit with their own group and prepare answers to their questions.
3. A – group sit together and retell their own topic to each other
B- group sit together and retell their own topic to each other
C - group sit together and retell their own topic to each other
Students will be requested to answer to teachers’ questions
1 Short essay on commissioners’ treatment immigrants.
2. Ex. 6 p.11. 5 min
15 min
5 min
10 min
10 min
Unit 1: Ellis Island
Heritage- the traditions, qualities and culture of a country that has history and has great importance for the country.Decade a period of ten years
Estimated - to calculate the size of sth approximately, before you have all the facts and figures.To immigrate - to arrive and live in a new country
To emigrate - to leave your country
descendant -a person who belongs to the same family as sb who lived a long time ago
it chanced to be -it happened by chance
Proved inadequate -turned ut to be / was found to be not good enough
It was chocked with- it was full of
The long procession files - the long queue of people moves slowly
What do the following words mean in the text which you have learnt previously:
2. ‘chocked with’-
3. The long procession file-
4. Stretch over three miles-
5. A cordon of close –marching people round London-
6. Populate a new Boston
7. It chanced to be
8. Proved inadequate –
Write the words of the following meaning:
the traditions, qualities and culture of a country that has history and has great importance for the country.
a period of ten years
to arrive and live in a new country
to calculate the size of sth approximately, before you have all the facts and figures.
to leave your country
a person who belongs to the same family as sb who lived a long time ago
it happened by chance
turned it to be / was found to be not good enough
it was full of
flies- the long
The long procession queue
Question for eliciting ideas and for discussion

Why do people emigrate from their countries of birth?
OHP-presentatition attachment
An illegal immigrant
An immigrant
An Asylum seeker
a person forced to leave their country often because of political or religious persecution
a person who has come to live in a foreign country without permission
a person who has come to live permanently in a foreign country
a person who asks a protection from government that they have left their own country, usually because they were in danger for political reason
Information for the students:
Why do people emigrate?
Economic migration may involve moving to find work or follow a particular career path.Social migration may involve moving somewhere for a better quality of life or to be closer to family or friends.If someone is a political migrant they may be moving to escape political persecution or war.Environmental causes of migration include natural disasters such as flooding.Some people choose to migrate, eg someone who moves to another country to enhance their career opportunities. Some people are forced to migrate, eg someone who moves away from their home region due to war or famine.Often those who are forced to migrate become refugees. A refugee is someone who has left their home and does not have a new home to go to. Often refugees do not carry many possessions with them and do not have a clear idea of where they may finally settle.Push and pull factors are often used to explain why people migrate:Push factors are the reasons why people leave an area, ie what pushes them away from their home. Push factors include: lack of services, lack of safety, high crime, crop failure, drought, flooding, poverty and war.Pull factors are the reasons why people move to a particular area, ie what pulls them to a new place. Pull factors include: higher employment, more wealth, better services, good climate, safer, less crime, political stability, more fertile land, lower risk from natural hazards.Migration usually happens as a result of a combination of these factors.
A very good example of push and pull factors and their effect on migration can be found in the job market. Let's say that you live in a very poor country. There are very few jobs available to you that can give you the money you need to support your family. The lack of jobs pushes you to leave your home country. Let's imagine that the country next to yours has a lot of jobs to offer. The chance to get one of those much needed jobs pulls you to move to that country.
Living conditions became worse
Increase of population, causing overcrowding
Inflation with higher costs, but not as much pay
Tax burdens
Discrimination (mainly because of religious beliefs)
The transport had to be very cheap and without any large risks.
Cost of living
Health care
Crime rate
Public transport and leisure facilities
Culture barrier, environmental cleanliness
Food, the weather, language barrier etc