Урок в 9 классе Opinion Essay по учебнику Spotlight

Урок английского языка по учебнику Spotlight, Модуль 4е, 9 класс
Автор: учитель английского языка 1 категории МОАУ СОШ№13 ФАТХУЛЛИНА АЛЬМИРА РАФИТОВНА
Lesson 42
Тема: Opinion essays.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Цель: организовать деятельность учащихся по изучению правил написания эссе-мнение, совершенствование навыков письма.
Образовательные: ознакомить с правилами написания эссе-мнение, закрепить посредством упражнений, научить применять полученные знания на практике.
Воспитательные: научить работать самостоятельно над новым материалом, воспитывать усидчивость и трудолюбие, прививать культуру письменной речи.Развивающие: развивать воображение, мышление и память.
Ход урока
1.ОргмоментТ: Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. How are you today?
Children, please look at the blackboard and try to guess the topic of our today’s lesson (На доске – изображение пера и бумаги, пишущего человека, размышляющего над чем-то)
P1: I think the topic of the lesson is writing a letter or an essay.
T: You are right. To be more exact it is an essay, an opinion-essay. And now I am sure that you will be able to determine the aim of our lesson.
P2: I think we will learn to write an opinion essay.
T: Yes, as you see we have a lot to do at the lesson so let’s get down to work at once.
2. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.
Повторение слов за учителем по Презентации, слова распределены по звукам:
Introduction, word formation, preposition, in addition
Introduce, view, viewpoint
Phrase, phrasal, paragraph
State, restate, main body
Present, appropriate, topic, supporting
All in all, alternatively
For instance, for example
Conclusion, consequently
Угадывание значений некоторых слов по подсказкам учителя. Приведение примеров с использованием новых слов.
3. Работа в группах. Изучение теории написания эссе-мнение. Помощь слабоуспевающим более сильными учениками.
4. Контроль понимания изученного материала:
How many paragraphs are there in the opinion essay?
What parts does the opinion essay consist of?
What are they called?
What do we write in the introduction about?
What is usually written in the main body?
And in the conclusion?What style do we use writing an opinion-essay? What means is this style characterized by?
5. Автоматизация приобретенных знаний.
Let’s fill in the table which you see on the blackboard. This scheme will help you to understand the structure of the essay better and to remember it.
На доске нарисована таблица и развешаны предложения и связующие слова в неправильном порядке. Обучающиеся должны восстановить правильный порядок и создать таблицу-тренажер для эссе-мнение.
Paragraphs Parts of the essay We write about Linking words
Para 1 An introduction We introduce the topic and clearly state our opinion. In my opinion/in my view;
I think
Para 2
A main body We present our viewpoints supported by reasons and examples.
To start with, first of all;
for example/instance; such as
Secondly, in addition, What is more
Para 3
Para 4 We present the opposing viewpoint. On the other hand/alternatively
As a result/consequently
Para 5 A conclusion We restate our opinion in different words. In conclusion, all in all
It seems to me that
Who will go to the blackboard to put the parts of the essay in the correct order? Comment please: Para 1 is an Introduction, etc
What do we write in each part about? Please, put the sentences in the correct order.
What linking words do we use in the introduction? In paragraph 2,3,4 of the main body? In the conclusion?Thank you, children. I see you learnt the structure of the essay very well and I hope you will cope with this task at the exam.
I will recommend you using the trainers when preparing for your exam. I have made them up myself for you.
Учитель раздает тренажеры 1 и 2 каждому обучающемуся в качестве раздаточного материала. Тренажеры в 10 и 11 классах будут дополняться новыми словами и выражениями.
An opinion essay trainer A
Paragraphs Parts of the essay We write about Linking words
Para 1 An introduction We introduce the topic and clearly state our opinion. In my opinion/in my view;
I think
Para 2
A main body We present our viewpoints supported by reasons and examples.
To start with, first of all;
for example/instance; such as
Secondly, in addition, What is more
Para 3
Para 4 We present the opposing viewpoint. On the other hand/alternatively
As a result/consequently
Para 5 A conclusion We restate our opinion in different words. In conclusion, all in all
It seems to me that
An opinion essay trainer B
The topic
Para 1: the Introduction
We introduce the topic
and clearly state our opinion.
In my opinion/in my view;
I think
the Main body
Para 2, Para3
We present our viewpoints supported by reasons and examples.
1 topic sentence + 2 supporting sentences with reasons and examples
Para 4
We present the opposing viewpoint. To start with/ first of all
for example
In addition,
for instance; such as
On the other hand/alternatively,
What is more
As a result/consequently
Para 5: the Conclusion
We restate our opinion in different words. In conclusion/all in all
It seems to me that
6. Физкультминутка.
I have written a funny song about the opinion essay and hope very much that you will enjoy singing it together with me (учитель раздает каждому обучающемуся слова «песни» с тем, чтобы закрепить правила в веселой песенной форме):
Para 1? An introduction.Paras 2 and 3 and 4?They are all a main body!
Para 5… is a conclusion!
Where do we state our own opinion?
Sure, in the introduction!
We restate it once again…?
In conclusion! In conclusion!
But by means of different words!
Our viewpoints we present
And support them by reasons
And impersonal examples…?Para 3 and Para 2
Here they are just for you!
The opposing point of view?Para 4 is here for you!
Выделенные части «песни поются» детьми, невыделенные части – учителем. «Песня» больше напоминает речевку.
7. Закрепление пройденного материала. Выполнение упражнений 2, 3, 4, 5 в группах. Проверка и контроль учителем выполняемой работы поэтапно. Запись новых слов в словаре.
8. Объяснение домашнего задания. Упр.6, 8, стр.67.
Dear children, your task will be to write an opinion-essay at home according to the rubric of ex.6. make sure you have done everything correctly checking yourselves with the help of ex.8.
9. Рефлексия. Did you like today’s lesson? What new things have you learnt today? What 10 new words from the lesson do you remember? What is the structure of the opinion essay?
10. Самооценка учащихся. Оценка работы учащихся учителем.
11. Заключение.
T: The opinion essay is one of the tasks in the Russian National examination, so you have to be able to write it correctly. Our next lesson will help you to enrich your vocabulary which you can use in your written tasks as well.