Презентация по английскому языку Астраханский заповедник. (6 класс)
NATIONAL RESERVE The Astrakhan national park is lokated in delta of Volga It occupies three islands which have grown with a reed and willow. In the west – Damchik, in the centre – Trehizbinka, in the east – Obzhorovo. It is necessary to go to the Astrakhan reserve, because there we can see many flowers and trees, birds and animals in nature. The main flower in delta of Volga is lotus. It is a beautiful flower with nice aroma.
Fauna There are 256 (two hundred fifty six) kinds of birds such as: pelicans, cormorantes, herons. In delta you can fish sturgeons (осетр), herrings (селедка), roaches (вобла), breams (лещ), pikes (щука) and so on. As for animals, you can see wolves, mild pigs, foxes in the territory. There are also many kinds of snakes there and a lot of mousquitos. A fantastic flower grows in Astrakhan national park. It is lotus. It is know in delta of Volga more that two hundred years. People name it Caspian rose. We can see big plantations of flowers and leaves from the middle of July till September.