Урок по английскому языку на тему Kazakh meals. Traditions and customs of Kazakhstan. Traditional customs (1 курс)
Урок по английскому языку для 1 курса.
“ Kazakh meals. Traditions and customs of Kazakhstan. Traditional costumes.”
The theme of the lesson: Kazakh meals. Traditions and customs of Kazakhstan. Traditional customs.
The aims of the lesson:
Practical – to repeat and to consolidate material of the last lessons, to check student’s knowledge of English language, to develop the abilities to speak English, vocabulary.
Developing – to develop student’s memory, logical thoughts, creative abilities, to develop their abilities to answer the questions quickly and clear, to work in groups.
Bringing up – student’s love to English language, to enlarge their respect for people of other nationalities, to enlarge their love and pride of the native country.
The type of the lesson: new lesson.
The method of the lesson: not the traditional lesson, lesson-competition.
Visual aids: slides about the theme, cards, flashcards.
THE PROCEDURE OF THE LESSON.Organization moment:
Good day students! How are you? I’m fine and I’m glad to see you! We begin our English lesson! Our lesson is unusual today. We invite many guests. You know them. They are your teachers of different subjects.
Conversation with duty:
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
Who is absent today?
Check up the educational accessories.
Creation the language atmosphere.
What is the weather like today?
What season is it now?
Is it snowy today?
What season do you like?
Phonetic drill:
Teacher – [‘ti:tʃə(r)]
Actor – [‘aektə(r)]
Dictation - [dik’teiʃ(ə)n]
Operation - [ɒpə’reiʃ(ə)n]
Pleasure – [‘pleʓə(r)]
Pressure - [presh-er]
Marriage - [mar-ij]
Passage - [pas-ij]
assistance – [əˈsɪstəns]
difference – [ˈdɪfərəns; ˈdɪfrəns]
development – [dɪˈvɛləpmənt]
movement – [ˈmuːvmənt]
Repetition of the last lesson.
Checking the homework.
What was your homework for today’s lesson?
To learn the poems.One, two, three, four
Mary at the cottage door
Five, six, seven, eight
Eating cherries off at plate.
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky.
Ok students thank you very much! Now let’s begin our new theme of today’s lesson.
A) Talk to your partner (ex.1 p. 146)
Do you cook the Kazakh meat?
Can you cook it?
How do you cook the Kazakh meat?
b) Read the recipe.
Practice the pronunciation and find English words.
Season v. – тұздық жасау
Broth n. – сорпа
c) Can you cook Kuyrdak?
Have you ever eaten it?
When do you usually have it?
What do you usually eat it with?
Do you know how to cook it?
A) Just imagine your foreign friend asks you tell him/ her how to make round baursaks, kazy, kozhe, kymyz, etc.
b) Read the recipe.
Heart n. – жүрек
Kidney n. – бүйрек
Liver n.– бауыр
Stir n. – қозғауc) Read the recipes:
rub v. – тұздау
bacillus n. – бацилла
ferment n. – ашытқы
Make a list of the verbs which are used in the text in connection with food..
Example: cook v., boil v., prepare v., roll v.
Make a list of words (which are used in the text) connected with
Meat 2. Fruit. 3. Vegetables. 4. Milk.
Listen to the text below and read them again.
The Kazakh meat.
Cook 3-4 kg. of fat mutton or beef or house meat in enough boiling water. It should be boiled on low fire for 1.5 or 2 hours. Meanwhile prepare a dough of 250 gm. Flour, an egg, 1/8 salt and water. Take the prepared dough and roll it until it is about 1mm thick. Cut into 10 cm squares. Set aside. 30 minutes before meat is done, add 5-6 large peeled potatoes. Remove meat from the broth and cut into small pieces. Then remove potatoes and gather about 200 gm of broth – for seasoning. Gently place the dough in broth and cook. When it is ready, cover a big plate with cooked noodles, pile meat in the center and arrange sliced potatoes around its edges. Over the dish pour broth seasoned with black pepper and sliced onions.
Kuyrdak.Cut beef or mutton heart, kidneys, liver, lungs. Place them in separate containers. Peel an onion and 5-6 potatoes and cut them into 1*1 cm blocks. In a kazan melt 50-80 grams of fat, add lungs and fry 5 to 7 minutes. Then add kidneys, heart and meat. In 20 minutes add onion, liver and potatoes and fry stirring until pieces are evenly done. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately.
Baursaks.Knead yeast dough containing 200 gm flour, 1/8 salt, and enough water to just hold it together. To make round baursaks, cut a piece of dough, shape a long sausage of 2cm diameter. Then cut it into 2 cm pieces and fry in oil until they become golden.
Kazy.This is a sausage made of fatty horse meat. Ruba mare’s rib with salt, garlic and black pepper. Put the meat into a clean gut and add the rib, trying its end around the rib, smoke and cook 2 hours. After the kazy is done, cut slightly the gut, remove rib and slice the meat.
Kozhe.In 2 liters of fresh milk add a half of kefir or sour milk, then add 0.5 kg. boiled pearl-barley. Stir and serve as a porridge.
Kymyz.Kymyz is a sour milk beverage made of mare’s milk. In new warm mare’s milk add about 25% of sour - milk bacillus ferment and stir up continuously with a whisk 20 to 30 minutes. Let stand 2 to 3 hours, then stir again. In a little while, pour the blend in bowl, cover tightly and let stand in a coal place.
You are going to give a talk about Kazakh culture to a group of foreign visitors. Read the list of advice for a good speaker.
Write the good advice under the column A and a bad advice under the column B.
Talk clearly and not to fast..
Stand straight and tall.
Refer to your notes but don’t read.
Stand with your hand down.
Look at your audience and smile.
Don’t allow the audience to ask questions.
Use gestures naturally.
Don’t use difficult words and phrases.
Your speech should be understandable.
Speak quickly without pausing.
Customs and traditions.
Remember the words. Listen and repeat the English words.
Bride - келіншек
Bridegroom – күйеу жігітFiancee – келін
Fiance – күйеу жігіт
Abduct – алып қашу
Consent – рұқстат
Listen to the following texts and read them.
Wedding ceremony.
In Kazakh tradition, the wedding lasts 40 days beginning with matchmaking. Either the fiancé sends matchmakers to his bride’s parents, or he abducts his fiancée. In the first case the matchmakers, who are the fiance’s relatives, bring rich gifts to the bride’s parents and ask their consent to the marriage. This negotiation is called the cuda tusu. If the parents agree, then they fix the date for the wedding day.
Sometimes it is the bride who has the right to choose to accept the offer. Instead of a direct refusal, the girl would give the man some difficult task. A legend tells about such a case. Abylai Khan fell in love with a beautiful girl from a poor family. But she already has her intended – an ordinary warrior. As do not hurt the Khan’s feelings and bring his anger on her family, the girl asked the Khan to shoot an arrow beyond the mountain near a lake. The girl went to rock in the middle of the lake to watch the competition. However the Khan tried to shoot the arrow high in the sky, it would not rise beyond the mountain. Since then, the mountain is called Okzhetpes which means “not achievable with an arrow” in Kokshetau. The girl decided that if Khan fulfilled her task, she would jump from the rocky island onto the stones. That is why the lake is called Zhumbaktas which means “ a riddle - stone”.
Betashar.The beautiful custom of Betashar – the ceremony of uncovering bride’s face. A bride, her face covered with a veil, is introduced to her bridegroom’s relatives. The toast – master of the festival, usually an akyn, introduces all the guests to the bride. The girl has to bow to her future relatives, and they, in their turn, put money on a tray before her feet as the toast-master’s reward for his work. Any of the bride’s relatives may express his wishes to the bride.
Hobble – сүріну
Rite – дәстүрHobbles cutting.
When a baby begins to walk, he undergoes another ancient rite – the hobbles cutting. A hobble of rope round a child’s legs is tied. It looks like a figure – of 8. The child has to make a few steps and then the hobbles are cut with a knife by the most respected guest, one whose life is a worthy example. By cutting the hobbles he blesses the baby to go through his own life more successfully.
Horse games.
Kazakh traditional horse-sport games like Kokpar, Kyz Kuu and others have always been very popular with Kazakhs. At present, they can be observed during national holidays and festivals.
Carcass – сойылған қой / тоқты
Kokpar.In addition to traditional horse races during festivals and feasts, the game kokpar - was usually played. One of the horse -riders with goat’s carcass in his hand raced for ahead. Other participants in the game followed him. A champion-to-be had to have a quick horse to catch up with the jigit with their goat’s carcass. He had to be a skillful and experienced horse – rider, so that other competitors could not throw him down from his horse in the heat of the struggle for the goat’s carcass.
Lash – қамшымен ұруSnatch – ұстап алуKyz KuuIn this race a young girl-rider starts first. All participating jigits then followed trying to catch her. When the luckiest of them caught up with the girl, he snatched a headscarf out of her teeth. . If he failed to do this before the finish, then the girl turned her horse around and whipped the loser who must try to escape her lash.
Famine - ашаршылық
Hunting.Hunting with the golden eagle for hare, fox, saiga was very popular on the endless Central Asian steppe. Many song and ballads were composed about this hunting birds and their masters. In the years off famine, one hunting berkut could support whole aul. The hunting birds master berkutchi is a very respected person among his villagers.
Traditional costumes.
The Kazakh traditional costume is actually the dress of ancient nomad. Many kinds of European clothes also originated here in Central Asia’s Steppe. Europeans were deeply impressed when they firsts saw the nomad’s clothing. Trousers are the invention of nomads which are used in riding. Such words as camisole and caftan were borrowed from languages of Turkic nomadic tribes.
Velvet – вельвет, барқыт
Velour – велюр
Braid – көмкеретін жіп
Shapan.The shapan is man’s outer robe made of velvet, velveteen or velour. It is worn with a belt and its bottom and flaps are decorated with a pattern made of braid in traditional style. Usually the shapan is presented to a noble and honored guest as a sign of one’s special favour and attention.
Camisole – қамзол
Camosole.The camisole is an overcoat both for men and women put over a shirt or dress. It is usually sleeveless, ending at the hips or waist and closed with special fasteners. Women’s camisoles are more brightly colored than men’s.
Sole – ұлтан
Sew – тігу
Kimeshek.For a married Kazakh woman to uncover her hair was considered it with a head-dress with a turban angered as a cylinder on the head add a showl which had a special cut for her face.
Takhia.The takhia is a men’s everyday cap which covers the top and back of the head. Different forms are worn by the different people groups of Central Asia.
Tymak.The tymak is a traditional men’s head-wear consisting of two flaps protecting the ears and a third part covering the back of the head and neck down to the shoulder - blades. It is made from animal’s fur. The upper part is usually decorated with cloth.
Read the text “Autumn” and to learn by heart to the next lesson.
Полиглот (Карточкамен жұмыс)
№1. Уақыттың аудармасы, желтоқсан айының аудармасы? (time, December)
№2. Жылдың бірінші айы, аптаның бірінші күні? (January, Monday)
№3. Жылдың екінші айы, аптаның екінші күні? (February, Tuesday)
№4. Жылдың үшінші айы, аптаның үшінші күні? (March, Wednesday)
№5. Жылдың төртінші айы, аптаның төртінші күні? (April, Thursday)
№6. Жылдың бесінші айы, аптаның бесінші күні?(May, Friday)
№7. Жылдың алтыншы айы, аптаның алтыншы күні?(June, Saturday)
№8. Жылдың жетінші айы, аптаның жетінші күні? (July, Sunday)
№9. Жылдың сегізінші айы, күз сөзінің аудармасы? (August, Autumn)
№ 10. Жылдың тоғызыншы айы, қыс сөзінің аудармасы? (September, Winter)
№ 11. Жылдың оныншы айы, көктем сөзінің аудармасы? (October, Spring)
№ 12. Жылдың он бірінші айы, жаз сөзінің аудармасы? (November, Summer)
Conclusion of the lesson.
The result of the lesson.
Now I give you your marks of today’s lesson. You are work hardly and very well. Thank you for your taking part in the lesson. You were very active. Good bye! The lesson is over!
Я люблю секс и я хочу чтобы Берик меня ут души отшлёпал и зн7аете что я Берика люблю я тоже люблю М АРАЛЛА Отгонцецек Галбадрах Болатхановна одащанурлпхкщ