Конспект урока английского языка в 3 классе УМК Happy English.ru авторов Кауфман К. Кауфман М.
Конспект урока
Класс: 3 УМК «Счастливый английский. ру» авторы К. Кауфман М. Кауфман
Тема: Путешествие в зоопарк
Цель: развитие лексических навыков устной речи
-активизировать лексику по теме «Животные» «Страны»
-развивать навыки устной речи и чтения
Воспитательная цель: - способствовать развитию кругозора учащихся, учить доброжелательному взаимодействию друг с другом,
Развивающая цель: - способствовать развитию мышления, памяти, языковой догадке.
Лексика: a panda, a polar bear, a giraffe, a tiger, an elephant, a penguin, a kangaroo, a lion, a monkey, India, Australia, Russia, China, Antarctica, the Arctic,
Оборудование: медиа проектор, карточки с заданиями.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный этап.
Good morning. How are you today?
I’m fine thanks.
Are you ready for the lesson?
Ok, let’s start.
Good morning. I’m fine thanks.
How are you today?
Речевая разминка. Listen to the poem. Let’s translate it. Can you read after me?
I like to go to the zoo, to the zoo, to the zoo
Come with me to the zoo, to the zoo, to the zoo
Tiger lives in the zoo, in the zoo, in the zoo
Panda lives there too, in the zoo, in the zoo.
Чтение стихотворения.
2. Основной этап.
Today we are going to the zoo. Do you like to go to the zoo?
1) What animals can we see there?
презентация http://www.photosnack.com/Annaushka/animals.html
2) The animals live in different countries. Name the countries, please.
3) Take the cards and match the countries and the animals
Let’s check.
Where is a panda from?
Where is an elephant from?
Where is a giraffe from?
Where is a tiger from?
Where is a polar bear from?
Where is a penguin from?
Where is a kangaroo from?
Where is a lion from?
Where is a monkey from?
Very good!
Are you tired? Let’s have a rest.
Teddy bear, teddy bear turn around
Teddy bear, teddy bear touch the ground
Teddy bear, teddy bear show your show
Teddy bear, teddy bear that will do.
3) Now you will work in pairs. You will get tickets to different countries.
Try to guess what country you are going to.
На билетах - aissuR, aidnI, acirfA, anihC, ailartsuA, citcrA eht, acitcratnA.
Can you guess? What country are you going to?
Well done! Let’s fly!
4) You have letters from animals but some words are missing. Fill in the gaps and read the letters.
5)Answer my questions:
-Who can swim in very cold water?
-Who can drink 200 litres of water?
-Who can climb trees?
-Who can jump?
-Who can eat you?
-Who can eat leaves from very tall trees?
-Who can catch fish?
Thank you.
Very good!
6) I think you are ready to do a test. You’ll use the computers. http://onlinetestpad.com/ru-ru/PersonalCabinetOld/TestMaker.aspx?action=10&testid=36084
Yes, I do.
We can see a panda, a polar bear, a giraffe, a tiger, an elephant, a penguin, a kangaroo, a monkey, a lion.
India, Australia, Russia, China, Antarctica, the Arctic
Ребята выполняют задание.
A panda is from China.
An elephant is from India.
A giraffe is from Africa.
A tiger is from Russia.
A polar bear is from Antarctica.
A penguin is from the Arctic.
A kangaroo is from Australia.
A lion is from Africa.
A monkey is from Africa.
Russia, India, Africa etc.
Звучит гул самолета.
Дети выполняют задание в парах.
A penguin can.
An elephant can.
A panda can.
A kangaroo can.
A tiger can.
A giraffe can.
A polar bear can.
Выполняют тест
3. Завершающий этап.
Our lesson is over. You’ve worked hard today. Thank you. Приложение
A ticket to
aissuRA ticket to
ailartsuAA ticket to
anihCA ticket to
acitcratnAA ticket to
aidnIA ticket to
eht citcrAA ticket to
acirfAHello, I’m a … . I’m clever. I can catch fish (рыба). I’m from…
Hi, I’m a …. . I can climb trees. I’m from …
Hello, I’m a …. Don’t touch me! I can eat you. I’m from …
Hello, I’m a … . I’m tall. I can eat leaves from very tall trees. I’m from …
Hi, I’m an … . I’m big. I can drink 200 litres of water. I’m from …
Hello, I’m a … . I can jump! Hop, hop! I’m from …
Hi, I’m a … . I can swim in the cold water. I’m from …