Презентация на тему Герой Советского Союза
The hero of the
Great Patriotic War By: Stepanenko Artur 5th form, school №31Teacher: Kogtina N.P. NesterenkoFedor Grigoryevich(April 1923-March 1945) The aim of my research: To honor the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War The tasks of my research : To raise the patriotic spirit of the younger generation.
To praise the heroic deeds of our people.
To pay the attention to the person who got the title of
a Hero of the Soviet Union for the exploits during
the Great Patriotic War.
To promote the interest in the study of the history of
the Great Patriotic war. The actuality: He was born 17 April, 1923 in the village Yuriivka, Zaporozhye Region. Fedor finished 5 classes at school and went to work on the farm.
In the Soviet Army he had served since June, 1941. Since May 1943 he had taken an active part in the battles against the Nazi. The commander of the 76-mm guns of the 25th Guards Rifle Regiment (6th Guards Rifle Division, 13th Army, 1st Ukrainian Front) Guard Sergeant Nesterenko in January, 1945 distinguished himself in the battle during the Vistula-Oder strategic offensive operation. For these feats January 29, 1945 the regiment commander presented a fighter for the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. For courage and heroism in the fight against the Nazi invaders, on April 10, 1945 Guard sergeant Nesterenko Fedor Grigoryevich awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. But the brave artillerist had already been dead. Fedor Nesterenko was buried in the military cemetery in Zhagan’, Poland. Bust of Hero is set in his native village Yuryevka, Zaporozhye Region of Ukraine. There is a memorial plaque on the house where he lived, and one of the streets of the village is named after him. On the 9th of May we recall those who died on the battlefields and are happy for those who came back home safe and sound. Every family in Russia was affected by the war. I’m looking forward to the 9th of May. Every year we lay flowers on the memorial of the unknown soldier, celebrate and congratulate veterans. Your feat will be in our memory forever