Тема урока: «Computers in our life». “Компьютеры в нашей жизни”.

Урок английского языка в 7 «Б» классе.
Учитель: Ковалева Е.Л.
Дата проведения: 15.10.2016 г.
Тема урока: «Computers in our life». “Компьютеры в нашей жизни”.
Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала по теме “Computers in our life”
Цель урока: навыки устной речи, совершенствование ранее приобретенных знаний и навыков в устной речи.
Задачи урока:
Активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций по теме.
Развитие навыка аудирования.
Развитие речевых умений на основе творческого использования усвоенного материала в новых ситуациях общения.
Развитие творческих навыков у учащихся.
Формирование коммуникативной культуры.
Воспитание деликатности в общении.
Структура урока:
Организационный момент.
Постановка целей и задач.
Речевая зарядка.
Развитие навыков монологической речи.
Развитие навыка аудирования.
Развитие грамматических навыков употребления Past Simple в повествовательном, вопросительном и отрицательном предложениях.
Домашнее задание.
Итог урока.
Ход урока.
Структурные элементы урока Дидактические цели элементов урока Содержание урока, формы взаимодействия с учащимися
I.Организационный момент.
(2 мин.)
Учитель и учащиеся приветствуют друг друга, создавая тем самым психологический настрой на учебную деятельность. Речевая зарядка организует учащихся и настраивает их на урок английского языка. T.: Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you. Please, sit down. I hope you are fine and are ready to work hard at our lesson today. Are you ready?
Now, tell me, please, what is the date today and who is absent?
St.: Today is the 2nd of February. Nobody is absent.
II.Постановка целей и задач.
(2 мин.) Учитель предлагает учащимся побеседовать о компьютере, его роли в жизни людей и в мире. Повторить грамматический материал (время Past Simple). T.: Today our topic is:
“Computers in our life”.
We will see what computers can do and what we can do with their help. As for grammar material we will revise the Past Simple.
III.Речевая зарядка.
(4 мин.) Учитель предлагает учащимся принять участие в диспуте и выяснить в результате работы, что могут делать компьютеры. Ряд заданий в процессе этой дискуссии учащиеся выполняют с помощью компьютера. Во время работы учащиеся обобщают материал, отвечая на предложенные вопросы. T.: Let’s start our lesson with warming up. Answer my questions, please.
Do you have a PC at home?
St.: Yes, I do.
T.: As far as I know you all have PCs at home. Am I right?
St.: Yes, you are right.
T.: Can you use it?
St.: Yes, I can.
T.: What can you do?
St.: I can print documents, make music and surf the Net.
T.: Now, let’s see what computers can do and what can’t they do.
T.: Can computers count?
St.: Yes, they can count.
T.: Will you, please, count the following?
For example:
467* (255-134);
T.: Can computers translate from English into Russian?
St.: Yes, they can translate. But some translations look really funny.
Комментарий ученика: Компьютерный перевод несовершенен. Например, словосочетание “окружающая среда” (environment) компьютерная программа перевела как “surrounding Wednesday”.
T.: Can computers speak English?
St.: Yes, computers can speak English, but limited.
T.: Can computers play chess?
St.: Yes, they can play chess.
T.: Can computers see?
St.: No, they can’t see. It’s impossible.
T.: Can computers hear or smell?
St.: Unfortunately computers can’t hear as well as smell.
T.: Can computers print some documents?
St.: Yes. Of course, they can print some documents.
T.: Can computers forecast the weather?
St.: Yes, computers can forecast the weather.
T.: Can computers make music?
St.: Yes, they can make music. (But not like Mozart!).
T.: Can computers have conversation?
St.: No, computers can’t have conversations.
T.: Can computers write books?
St.: No, they can’t write books. Only the man can write them with their help.
T.: To sum up all tell me, please, can computers replace people?
St.: As we see, computers can do a lot of things, but not all of them. That’s why they can’t replace people.
T.: You are right. Computers can do a lot of things but we are better in many ways. But we all use computers to make our life easier.
IV.Развитие навыков монологической речи.
(8 мин.) Учащиеся делятся своими знаниями об истории развития компьютера. Высказывают свое мнение о роли и месте компьютера в мире. T.: What do you know about computers?
St.: We are at а new computer era. And time will show us either computers become our best friend or our evil enemies as it is shown in some movies.
St.: Nowаdays computers are in every school, most students have computers at home but I want to know the history of computer development.
T.: Do you know anything about the history of computer development?
St.: Talking about a central processing unit or the heart of computer, I’d like to add that there were several generations of microprocessors. The first generation was represented by processing unit Intel 8086. The second generation central processing unit was represented by processing unit Intel 80286, used in IBM PC AT 286. In the end of 80-s such computers cost about 25-30 000 rubles in the former USSR. Few years ago appeared central processing units of seventh and eighth generations.
T.: What can you add about the main types of computers?
St.: There are two main types of computers, analog and digital, although the term computer is used to mean only the digital type, because this type of computer is widely used today.
T.: Do you surf the Net?
St.: As for me, I’m fond of the Internet. The Internet is very helpful, because it’s a huge database of knowledge. Everyone should have the Internet because of its near instantaneous communication and huge wealth of knowledge. We can also send and receive e-mail or electronic mail. This Internet service is cheaper than ordinary mail and much quicker. It is becoming popular day by day.
T.: In the world of computers we use some special words and expressions. So, let’s do the matching exercise.
(Упражнение смотри в приложении 2).
V.Развитие навыка аудирования.
(7 мин.) Учащимся предлагается прослушать запись текста на диске и ответить на вопросы учителя. T.: Listen to the dialogue. Answer the question: “What problem with the computer did Helen have?”
St.: Her computer crashed and she lost all her work.
VI.Развитие грамматических навыков употребления Past Simple в повествовательном, вопросительном и отрицательном предложениях.
(10 мин.) Учащимся предлагается выполнить упражнения на время Past Simple. T.: At our previous lessons we were talking about the Past Simple. Let’s do some grammar exercises.
VII.Домашнее задание.
(2 мин.) Учащимся предлагается написать небольшую статью по теме “Is computer our best friend or evil enemies?” T.: Your homework is to write an article about the computer. The theme of the article is: “Is computer our best friend of our evil enemies”. Don’t forget to put the paragraphs in the correct order.
VIII.Итог урока.
(2 мин.) Подведение итогов урока, обобщение всех структурных элементов урока. T.: Now it’s time to see what our results are. What have you done at the lesson today?
St.: We’ve learnt about the history of computer development.
St.: We’ve learnt about the advantages and disadvantages of computer.
T.: We are living in the age of information. Computers can give us a lot of opportunities. We have to use a computer but we should remember that computer have advantages as well as disadvantages.
(3 мин.) Решается вопрос о создании психологического климата в классе, который определяет работоспособность и творческую атмосферу. T.: I’m satisfied with your job. Thank you. And I’d Like to finish our lesson with a lovely song about computers and new technology.
T.: The lesson is over. Good bye.
Приложение 1










Приложение 2
Matching exercise.Match the word from box A with a word from box B to form eight words or expressions connected with computer.
A: CD spread floppy key mouse word data hard
B: processor pad -ROM base ware disk board heats

Приложение 3
-Hi, mark.
-Hi, Helen. How are you?
-Fine, thanks. I need your help, Mark.
-What’s the problem?
-I have the problems with my computer and I know you are very good at solving them. Yesterday I was writing my essay for tomorrow’s lesson and suddenly my computer crashed and I lost all my work! Do you think it is possible to get it back?
-Did you make a back-up copy of your work?
-I’m afraid I forgot.
-I’m sorry, Helen, but I can’t see any way of getting your essay back. Remember you always have to make a back-up copy of your work.
-I know, but I always forget about it.
-Do you use a computer a lot at school?
-I write all my essay and exercises on the computer but I think mine is not user-friendly. Moreover, it has become obsolete and I have to replace it.
-That’s true, technology advances so fast that the computer, which I bought last year, is already old-fashioned.
-Do you have access to the Internet at home?
-Yes, I do. I send e-mails to my friends around the world. Do you often use the Internet?
-I have access to the Internet at school and I often surf the net to find some information that I need for my work. I must admit it is very absorbing and I can sometimes spend hours on the Internet.
-That’s true. You can forget about the whole world while using a computer and the Internet.
-All right, I have to go and write a new essay. This time I won’t forget to make an extra copy on a floppy disk. See you later!
Приложение 4
Past Simple
1). Put one of these verbs in each sentence:
hurt, cost, fell, sold, spent, taught, bought, caught, threw.
1. My father___________me how to drive when I was 17.
2. James__________down the stairs and___________his leg.
3. We needed some money so we_________our summer house.
4. They_________a lot of money yesterday. They________a dishwasher
which_________10000 roubles.
5. The boy_________the ball to the dog and the dog_________it.
2). Use the cues to write sentences in the Past Simple.
1. My parents are often angry with my brother.
(Yesterday/angry with him)
2. Lucy usually goes to bed late.
(Last night/at two in the morning)
3. We sometimes play tennis.
(Last summer/every day)
4. Serena usually leaves at eight. (Yesterday/at nine) __________________________________________________________