Урок по английскому языку в 8 классе на тему Books in our life

Открытый урок «Books in our life»
8Б класс МАОУ СОШ №35
Учитель: Денисова С.А.
Тема: Books in our life
Освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме
Формирование коммуникативной культуры учащихся
Способность к умственному восприятию полученной информации
Научиться анализировать текст
Быстро ориентироваться в тексте
Применять в речи новые знания
Уметь выразить свое мнение, активно использовать слова-связки (во-первых, во-вторых, более того, кроме того, некоторые считают, что…, я хочу добавить, что…, в заключении я могу добавить, мы узнали, поняли, научились, для меня было ново, что…, по моему мнению и т.д. и т.п.
Обучить навыкам планирования, подведение итогов, самооценки
Развитие познавательного интереса через вовлечение учащихся в творческую деятельность
Развитие способностей к сравнению и сопоставлению, к логичному изложению, к формированию выводов из полученной информации
Развивать навыки оперирования языковыми единицами в коммуникативных целях
Развитие способностей анализировать текст
Формировать чувства ответственности, сотворчества, самореализации
Развитие умений устной и письменной речи
Знакомство с изучающим чтением
Формирование интеллектуальных умений
Развитие навыков использования тематической лексики в речи
Развитие навыков распознавания информации в речи, в тексте
Тип урока: Развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо.
Перцептивный (наглядный, словесный)
Форма работы: групповая, индивидуальная.
Оборудование: доска, учебник, раздаточный материал, листы А-4, лист с «книжным деревом» и «листики» к нему, светлые головы.
Записи на доске:
Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon)
All books are divisible into two classes: the book of hour, and the book of all time. (John Ruskin)
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Richard Steele)
1) Организационный момент:
Good morning, children. Good morning our dear guests. I’m glad to see you today.
So, let’s start our lesson.
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
Who is absent today?
What day of the week is it today?
What is the weather like today?
2) Речевая разминка:
Books play an important role in our life because they are our teachers and advisers. They teach us how to take the next step when we are in a difficult situation. They help to shape our life.
A man of great wisdom said, “Life without books is a tree without leaves”. How can we understand this quotation? (Учащиеся обсуждают значение услышанного выражения)
Ok, you are quite right. And now I want you to remember some genres of books.
I have 2 trees, but they are without any leaves. And I have many leaves. And also I have 10 questions for you to answer. Your task is to answer the questions and write down the answers on the leaves. 1 answer = 1 leave. Then you are to put your leaves on the tree.
You have only 3 min to do this task. At the end we will check the correct spelling of the words and amount of correct answers.
The team which gives the most correct answers will receive 1 point.
1. A book about a romantic relationship. The characters go through a lot of difficulties to be together. (Love story/novel)2. One of the leading genres now, where a clever detective tries to solve a crime. (Detective story)3. A book where you can find facts about somebody’s life. (Biography)4. A book full of magical and scary details, popular with teenagers. (Horror story)5. A genre popular with little children, where there is usually a happy ending. (Fairy tale)6. A fictional story based on scientific theories, often about future. (Science-fiction/ fiction)7. You can find a translation of any foreign word in this book. (Dictionary)8. Pirates, cowboys, faraway islands, lost treasure and a lot of danger in these stories. (Adventure story)9. A literary work that describe some historical facts. (Historical novel)
10. This story has a description of unusual creatures, fairies, imaginary worlds with kings and queens. (Fantasy)(Учащиеся заполняют листья, клеят их на дерево и повторяют названия литературных жанров хором).
Vocabulary list: biography, adventure story, detective story, fairy tale, fantasy, historical story ( novel), horror story, love story, fiction, science fiction, dictionary, an encyclopedia, etc.
3) Тренировка навыков монологической речи (высказывание своей точки зрения, обсуждение вопросов учителя):
So, children. Why do we read books? Is it a waste of time or is it worth reading books? How do you choose books? What is your favourite literary genre and why?
(Учащиеся ведут монолог, высказывают свои точки зрения, используя данные фразы:
Books are really our friends.
Books help us to learn a lot of interesting things about the world around us.
Book is a source of information.
Books teach us to understand the people better.
When we read a book we never feel lonely.
Books are the memory of nation.
Books can wake people up.
Books contain new ideas.
You can learn a lot from books.
Books are written in different languages)
4) Тренировка навыков чтения с пониманием основной информации:
And now boys and girls I want you to read the text about the book “The Life of Pi”. There is a film on this book. Did you watch it? How was it? Was it interesting for you?
So let’s read the text.
(Перед чтением текста учащиеся вместе с учителем изучают лексику, а затем читают текст и объясняют содержание текста, не переводя его.)
a storm – шторм
a lifeboat [‘laιfbəυt]– спасательная шлюпка
a sailor – моряк, матрос
a hyena [haι’i:nə] – гиена
an orang-utan [ɔ:‚ræŋu:’tæn] - орангутанa whistle [‘wιsl] – свисток
to sink – затонуть
to feed – кормить
5) Работа с текстом, выполнение заданий разной направленности:
1. Упражнение, направленное на быстрое ориентирование в тексте (время на подготовку -1 минута)
One team chooses 3 sentences from the text and read only the middle of in, or only the end. or the beginning. The other team is to find the sentence and read it. You have 1 min to choose the sentences. For example: At the start of the book… (we learn about Pi’s childhood in India)
…227 days in the lifeboat. (Pi and the tiger spend)
If you find the correct sentence your team will receive 1 point.
2. Упражнение, направленное на перевод предложений из текста с русского языка на английский.
Now I will read sentences in Russian and you have to find them in English.
Его отец был владельцем зоопарка, и семья жила в доме на территории этого зоопарка.
Когда Пи увидел животных, он испугался и выпрыгнул из лодки в океан.
Однажды случился ужасный шторм, и корабль затонул.
Они часто болели и были голодны.
Чтобы контролировать тигра, он использовал свисток и свои знания о животных из отцовского зоопарка.
3. Упражнение, контролирующее осмысление логической последовательности развития действия в целом (в тексте).
Look at the sheets. Ex.1 – ordering. Write a number (1-8) to put these sentences in correct order. You have 2 min.
4. Упражнение, контролирующее понимание фактического материала содержащегося в тексте.
The task is also in your sheets. Turn the page and in ex.2 circle True or False sentences.
6) Рефлективное обсуждение прочитанного текста, тренировка навыков монологической речи, основанной на прочитанном тексте:
And now look at the discussion table: let’s answer the first question. Do you want to read The Life of Pi? Why? Why not?
7) Заключительный этап, подведение итогов:
Our lesson comes to an end. The last 3 questions for discussion will be your home task. You should do it in writing. The example of a short summary is in our text about the book The Life of Pi.
And now let’s count your points. The winner is… My congratulations to you.The lesson is over. Thanks a lot everybody.I believe you certainly agree that books are one of the best inventions of a man.
My challenge for you is this: to read a book for 15 minutes every single day for a month.
Let me explain a bit, by telling you where the challenge came from. I have many things in common with my dad, like music taste and sense of humour, but sadly reading isn't one of them. I can happily spend a whole day curled up with a book, but my dad can't read a book for longer than about 5 minutes. He reads emails, websites and documents for work, but not books. He is a busy person, with a short attention span, so I think that sitting down to read for just 15 minutes a day is a good way to relax and to introduce him to reading. Giving yourself a goal or challenge is a good way to change a habit or achieve something, so why not try to create a new habit of reading?
One thing I personally love about reading, is being transported to another world - I often forget the time or things that are going on around me! Reading is a great way to switch off before you go to bed, because you think more about the world of the book, rather than the real world and the problems you have during the day, so you can truly relax. I know you can be transported to a different world in a film or a TV show, but I think books do it better. While watching a film, I often talk to my flatmates, send texts, or paint my nails. A book, on the other hand, commands your full attention. 
I also love people. I am nosy, enjoy hearing what people are doing, and finding out what people think. Reading gives me the chance to get to know hundreds of new people! It also teaches you to see things from other people's point of view, and understand other people's decisions or opinions. With a book, you can hear everything a character is thinking or feeling - you really can be inside someone else's head!
So give it a go! Take 15 minutes when you're waking up, going to bed, eating lunch, or having a coffee. If you read a lot, why not try 15 minutes of an English book, or pass the challenge on to someone else? Good luck, and happy reading!