Презентация по английскому языку на тему Мифы и легенды Байкала

Myths and Legends of Lake BaikalProject by 5BTeacher: Elena Astafieva Shaman Rock The most impressive landmark of Lake Baikal, fascinating people, assumed to lie at the source of the Angara River Rock reserved Shaman Rock. One of them tells the story of how, in the old-old days when the whole world lived Knights wise and strong warriors, lived here a rich and majestic Lake Baikal, which are all very respected. His daughter was a beauty Angara. She was the joy of Lake Baikal, which in turn loved her very much and spoiled. Angara grew proud and willful. The time has come to choose her husband. Then it was summer, and soon the upcoming holiday Surkharban. Baikal began to convene, from all the heroes that were to be compared with his mighty strength and courage in order to win the heart of Angara. Irkut was one of those heroes, which is especially like Baikal. Among them was the son of the mighty Sayan - Valiant Yenisei. He defeated all challengers and won the heart of the beautiful Angara. Majestic Baikal gave his parental consent to this union, and the young have left. tried to persuade his daughter to marry the Irkut, but she constantly refused. Then Baikal sent her to prison, where Angara very missed by his beloved Yenisei. Father at this time Irkut gave consent to the marriage, and the Angara, having learned about it, decided to escape from prison. She asked his younger brothers - streams, so that they helped her. They could not deny their sister and blurred the walls of the prison. Baikal was angry. From his cry rose above the earth a terrible storm that shook the earth and the sky. Panic and fear seized all the animals and birds. Young Irkut was rushed after the hangar when suddenly a lightning split into two parts uphill. Raised Baikal fragment of the mountain and threw it so that her daughter the way to block. But it was too late - the Angara was in the strong arms of the Yenisei. Since then, they were inseparable. Tears of joy and sorrow, cry Baikal, Angara, Yenisei and Irkut turned into the water and stayed in the same place. A shard of rock thrown Baikal, now called Shaman Rock. LAKE BAIKAL1.There are 300 species them on Lake Baikal.2.This river flows out of Lake Baikal.3.The Angara River flows in it .4.This is a beautiful fish of Lake Baikal.It consists of 35% of fat.5.There are 1550 species of them on Lake Baikal.6.This is a famous and tasty fish of Lake Baikal. Resources:https://translate.google/ru.http://zhallo.ru/amazing-world/legendy-ozera-bajkal/ Thanks for your attention!