План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке В поисках сокровищ

Вильдановой Д.В.
7 «А» класс 3.12.15

тема: Looking for Treasures
практические задачи урока:
основные задачи: закрепление ранее изученного лексического материала, контроль понимания грамматического материала
сопутствующие задачи: развитие навыков аудирования и письма, совершенствование навыков выразительного чтения
оснащение урока: презентация, картинки, карточки
I Мобилизующее начало урока: (5 мин.)
1. приветствие (1 мин.)
2. сообщение задач урока (1мин.)
3. речевая зарядка (3 мин.)
II Центральная часть урока: (35мин.)
1. совершенствование навыков выразительного чтения (3 мин.)
2. тренировка лексического материала (8 мин.)
3. совершенствование навыков письма (5 мин.)
4. отработка ранее изученного грамматического материала (7 мин.)
5. аудирование (5 мин.)
6. проверка понимания прослушанного (7 мин.)
III Завершающая часть урока (5 мин.)
подведение итогов(3 мин.)
выставление оценок(2 мин.)

- Good morning dear children!
- ...
- I am very glad to see you! Sit down please!
- ...
- Who is on duty today?
·Вика, Эвелина, Лера, Гера, Артем, the second team are Женя, Катя, Настя, Лида, Ваня.

Are you ready to start our traveling?

O’k! But before it, I should say that we have a jury, who will control your work and your behavior. That is why you should be cal
·you see a tables with letters. Toy should be very attentive and see the words from our unit that are hidden. And the team that has more words will be the winner!

O’k! The knows the words better!

You receive a number! We continue our traveling! The next point is “The Fruit Island’! As you understand, this island is rather unusual! Different fruit are growing here. Some of them are poisoned because radiation is everywhere, and some of them are good and tasty. So, look attentively and you see sentences there. With if/when clauses. There are mistakes in some sentences and they are poisoned, some sentences are correct and fruit are tasty. Is the task clear?

The start doing it! You have three minutes!

Time is over! Show me sentences which are correct!
O’k! The knows the grammar better.

So, this team receives the number! And we continue our traveling! The next point is “the Island of the Women’s club”. Now you are to listen to the text about women, they are interested in our ecology and try to safe our planet.

The task for you is to fill the gaps with necessary words. Listen attentively.

Time is over! Read your sentences!

Good! And now you’ll listen to the text once again and then be answer my questions!

Read the 1 question!
Very good of you! You receive a number! And we arrived at the island where our treasures are hidden! It is “The Island of Treasures”. The last task for you is to make up you own way to safe our planet.

Very good of you! Now we have all 5 numbers! But this team has more symbols and you can open the bx with treasures!

Ok! I’ll put you excellent marks for the lesson!

We finish up our traveling! I hope you like it!

The lesson is over you may be free!