Проект ученицы 6 класса по английскому языку Дауровой Беллы Fashion

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение- Гимназия №1«Fashion and music»Проектная работа по английскому языкуРаботу выполнила ученица 6В класса: Даурова БэллаРуководитель : Бутина Н.Н.с. Красногвардейское 2016 BASIC PLAN 1 Introduction.2 The main part. The Grungers. The Goths. The Townies.3 Conclusion. Introduction Clothes depends on the style of music.A lot of teenagers dress in order to be a part of a group; they choose a hairstyle to fit an image. All the pupils are labelled and put into groups: grungers, goths, preppies or townies.A lot of the names for the groups came from the music people listen to: grunge, rock, punk or pop music. The Grungers.If young man listens to grunge music, he has to follow the grunge style. Grungers have skateboards and they wear baggy jeans, with baggy hooded tops, loose T-shirts and silver or black metal jewelry or chains. The Goths.And if young man listens to gothic punk he is labelled a goth or someone who likes the darker side of things.Goths wear black clothes and boys use black and white make-up and dye their hair black. The Townies.Townies are the children of street as they like to be called. Their uniform include fake “gold” jewellery, fake Adidas or Nike trousers with white socks and baseball caps. Conclusion. In conclusion I want to say that clothes depends on the style of music.How we could see fashion is often used to stand out. I understood that the young men utilize fashion as a mean of self definition.Fashion is huge part of modern society. Fashion can include or exclude teenagers in modern society. Thank you for your attention!!!