Конспект урока по теме «Family relations»
Конспект урока по теме "Family relations"
(6-й класс, Биболетова М. З.)
Забаренко Ольга Андреевна,
учитель английского языка МБОУ «Углегорская СОШ»
Цель: Способствовать формированию лексических навыков по теме «Семья».
1.Aктивизация употребления ЛЕ по теме «Семья» и модального глагола must.
2.Закрепление умения построения монологического высказывания по образцу.
3.Помочь учащимся осознать, что главная обязанность детей в семье – учиться и помогать родителям.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация в PowerPoint; раздаточный материал.
На доске:1. Cлова – father, mother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, niece.2. Речевые образцы для использования на уроке:
-I agree with it, because parents…
-I don’t agree with it.
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
Good day, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you today. Let me introduce myself – my name is Olga Andreevna and I’ll be your English teacher for this lesson.
Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What can you say about the weather today? The topic of our lesson is “Family Responsibilities”. We’ll learn to use the modal verb “must” in our speech.
Today we’ll speak about our families and family relations.
2. Фонетическая зарядка (слайд 2-3).
Let’s train our tongue. Look at the screen. Let’s read these words. Repeat after me,please! (на экране подборка слов.)
Read only red words and it’ll be a short poem (nurcery rhime):
Father, mother,
Sister, brother
Hand in hand with one another. (Хоровое чтение + 3-4 человека)
Look at the greenboard, please. You can see the task for you. You should to find and write down words and write down the missing word. (решить английское уравнение – на доске транскрипционными знаками записаны пары слов:father - mother
uncle - aunt
brother - sister
niece - X
Необходимо угадать слово по транскрипции и подписать недостающее слово транскрипционными знаками.
3. Речевая разминка:
Now let’s speak about your families. Answer my questions, please.
Do you have a family?
Have you got a mother/father/sister/brother?
What is your mother’s /father’s name? (ответы учащихся 5-6 человек)
4. Модальный глагол “MUST” для введения темы «Обязанности в семье» .Parents and their children, their relations are very important and now we’ll discuss family relations (презентация, на которой слайд 4 о правиле употребления модального глагола “MUST.)
Let’s do an exercises 1-2 on your leaflets, but with the help of the presentation. You will read what these children say about their and their parents’ responsibilities. You should agree or disagree with them with the help of phrases from the greenboard as a model.
Do you like your responsibilities? I agree with all this children, because you must help your parents you must go to school.
5. Физкультминутка.
Let’s have a rest. Let your eyes to have a rest. Stand up please!
Hands on the head
Hands on the hips
Hands on the table
Hands like this
Hands on the shoulders
Hands up and down
Hands behind the head
And sit down.
6. Развитие навыков письменной речи.
Let’s do an exercise in writing form. You should to write down children’s responsibilities(раздаются листочки с заданиями: составить предложения по образцу об обязанностях детей в семье и прочитать их – 6-7 человек).
7. Итоги урока.
Our lesson comes to the end and now it is a time to sum up. What we did today at a lesson? What the new have learned? And now I’ll get you some good marks. I was glad to see you today. You were so active. Thanks for the lesson to you and your teacher. I will tell at the school all with what good children I have got acquainted today.
(основная идея в том, что главная обязанность детей – учиться и помогать родителям – она должна прозвучать в итоговых ответах детей).
8. Домашнее задание.
Don’t forget to write down your home task. Ex.3 p.139.( задание дано в презентации на экране).