Вопросно - ответная беседа для определения темы урока учащимися
Now, students, you may open your copy-books and write today’s date and the theme of the lesson “ Family Relations”.
Students, how do you understand the meaning of the word “marriage”, what doe
·2. Словарная работа
Now, let’s introduce with new words.
The bride is the woman who is getting married.
The groom is the man who is getting married
The best man is the groom’s friend or brother.
The bridesmaid and pages
·3. Чтение текста
Reading Ex. 6p 140 Read the description of the steps to marriage in church of in England. Role reading
Gulim will be the author
Bekaris will be the groom
Gulzira will be the bride
4.Беседа по тексту
Teacher: Students, we have read the text and please answer the questions , please 1. What do the couple promise each other in the marriage vows?
2. Do you think the vows are suitable for the modern world?
5. Показ видеофильма о свадебной церемонии королевской пары принца Уильяма и Кейт Мидделтон
Students, let’s watch the video the Royal wedding ceremony of Prince William and Catherine Middleton.
6.Презентация учащегося о свадебных обычаях Казахстана
Teacher: Students, today your classmate Aimira has prepared presentation and wants t
·should learn and respect them.
IV. Practice of the new materials.
1.Составление диаграмма Венна, нахождение общих и отличительных черт.
Teacher : Students, we have read the text, watch the video and presentation and answer the my question how is a weddi
·s bring
a rich gift to the bride’s
. molda blesses the young
. groom gives a rich gift
to the bride
. drink “neke sui”
. take the marriage vows
. negotiation “betashar”
. the bride bows to groom’s relatives
2. Диспут на тему « В чем причина разводов молодых семей?»
Teacher : Students, nowadays, the younger couple, the more likely they divorce. How do you think, what are the main reasons of divorce? Whose fault is this?
Let’s discuss about this theme. For this we’ll divide the cla
·Подведение итогов урока.
Групповая работа: творческая работа учащихся на тему «Чтобы семья была счастливой»
Dear, friend!
Let’s think about the future together!
If you are loving,
·.Постановка домашнего задания: написать сообщение на тему «Самая интересная свадьба, на который я был (-а)»
Инструктаж по выполнению.
VII.Выставление оценок и комментирование.