Контрольная работа по фонетике английского языка для учащихся II курсов лингвистических колледжей
1. Where does the "term-phonetics" come from?
a) from Latin
b) from English
c) from Greek
d) from Spanish
2. How is the phonetics connected with stylistics?
a)through repetition of words
b)through the origin of words
c)through speech melody
d)voicetamber3. Phonetics is connected with grammar
a)through presence of stress
b)categories of numbers
c)vocabulary of a language
d)development of words
4. What physical properties does speech sound have ?a) tength or tension
b)frequency and intensity
c)variation of loudness
5. What four mechanisms does speech sound have?
a)power, vibrator, resonator, spectrograph
b)obstructer, vibrator, resonator, experimental
c)power, vibrator, resonator, obstructer
d)power, vibrator, resonator, separator
6. Articulatory differences between vowels consonants and sonorants depend on:
a)three articulatory criteria
b)four articulatory criteria
c)any articulatory criteria
d)one articulatory criteria
7. English voiceless consonants are
a) p, b, k, t, z, h, j, w
b) p, k, t, s, f, h
c) d, b, z, dz, v, m,
d) p, d, k, g, t, b,
8. English voiced consonants are
a) d, g, b, z, d , v, m, n, b, w, j
b) p, k, t, s, d, v, m, n
c) b, g, d, z, d
d) p, k, t, s, t, h, f
9. According to the stability of articulation vowels are divided into:
a) monophtongsb) diphthongsc) diphtongoidsd) compound vowels
10. Which of them are diphthongs?
a) ai, oi, eib) a:, u:, з:, ai, v, eic) jua, u:
d) a:, u:, o:
Answer the following questions.
What are complete and incomplete obstructions?
How are plosive consonants in the following words in English, Russian and Kazakh pronounced before stressed vowels: teacher, tact, tart.
How many types of English pronunciation do phoneticians distinguish?
The classification of English consonants.
Draw the picture of active and passive organs of speech.