Treatment by honey (Лечение мёдом)
Treatment by honeyПодготовила: преподаватель английского языкаГБПОУ МО «Московский областной медицинский колледж №1»Красногорский филиалПроценко Анжелика Алексеевна
pharmacological propertiesNumerous studies confirm the uniquecomposition of the honey, because where haveyou seen that one product has so many usefulqualities!In theory and in practice has been repeatedlyconfirmed that the honey has the followingpharmacological properties:antibacterial;bracing;soothing;normalizes metabolism;
tonics;stimulating the processes of recovery and growth;a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora;regulating the intensity of intestinal secretion;It improves memory and eyesight;adaptogenic;antimicrobials;antineoplastic;wound healing;antiallergic, etc.
In addition, honey is able to increase the body's resistance to various harmful compounds and toxins, as well as strengthen the mental and physical abilities. Many argue that this is a uniqueproduct on the human body has a rejuvenating effect and thushelps to significantly prolong life.
IndicationsHoney shown to use virtually any diseases thatmay develop in humans, because in addition to relieve inflammation and activation ofregeneration processes, its use largely helps a person cope with a deficit of valuablebiologically active substances and quicklyrecover their own defenses. This bee product is successfully used for:
1. gastrointestinal pathologies2. anemia3. diseases of the liver and biliary tract4. cardiovascular illnesses
5. problems with the nervous system6. kidney disease7. skin diseases8. acute and chronic illnesses of the upper respiratory tract
9. eye diseases10. gynecological and urological diseases11. sexologic skin disorders12. endocrine pathologies13. toxicosis by pregnant14. cosmetologic skih defects, etc.
Important: honey acts as a high calorific power, therefore, it is indispensable in the treatment of diseases associated with loss of appetite and significant weight loss, particularly in children.
Also, honey can easily be used as a prophylactic agent to maintain health in general. In addition, he is an excellent antiseptic, so it will be indispensable in the presence of long non-healing or festering wounds. Thanks to the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, it quickly cope with boils, eczema, carbuncles, ulcers, burns, etc.
Nevertheless, for the treatment of various pathologies recommendedhoney of different varieties. For example, by diseases caused bystreptococci or staphylococci it’s best to use sage, linden, acacia andheather honey.
Traditional medicine has long taken into account the characteristics of each kind of bee goodies andfound it most expedient use. Therefore, it is sufficient to carefully read the recipeand exactly perform given their recommendations, and even better to visit a professional a doctor whocan individually pick up a variety of bee products, the dosage, the multiplicity of its receipt and theform of use (applications, internal use, baths, etc. .d.). Also a specialist knows better than anyone, with anyproducts in each individual case it is necessary to take honey.
Respiratory diseasesIt is difficult to find a more effective naturalremedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases,than honey. First of all it helps to quickly release the mucus fromthe lungs. Honey should be consumed with milk, aloe, fats. This therapy gives good results by:bronchitis;tuberculosis; pleurisy; general weakening or exhaustion.
By coughing helps mixture of onions withhoney and from sinusitis - honey baths, which is applied to the mucousmembranes of the nasal passages. Bee products are also effective in the fight against sinusitis. It is recommended to use the honeycomb, which need at least 5 times a day to chew about 15 minutes.
gastrointestinal diseases
Bee products have long been used to combat inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, as they have anti-inflammatory properties and normalize the acidity of gastric juice and have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.
To improve the condition of patients with peptic ulcer or gastritis, traditional medicineoffers to take on an empty stomach in the morning and at night a couple of spoons of honey diluted in broth of herbs or ordinary water. This promotes release of mucin which protectsmucosa against the damaging effects of aggressivehydrochloric acid, thereby provoking the healing of erosions already formed and prevents the formation of new ones.
Honey is an effective remedy for heartburn. To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenonis taking curds, milk or cereal, in which a small amount of pre-bee products havebeen added.
Cardiovascular diseases
The daily intake of honey 2-3 times during 1-2.5 months has beneficial effects on theheart and blood vessels, as follows: reduces blood viscosity;dilate coronary blood vessels and improves blood circulation in them;activates metabolic processes in the heart muscle;decreases high blood pressure; raises low blood pressure.
Attention! In the treatment of bee products from the diet should eliminate completelyall the other sweets.
Thus, the popular bee product is indispensable for:heart failure,arrhythmias tachycardia, decompensate heart coronary artery disease, hypo- and hypertension, cardiosclerosis etc.
Enhance the therapeutic effect can be achieved by the use of honey inconjunction with decoctions or infusionsof various herbs. For example, in heart failure will besuperfluous broth Hypericum and wild rose and at the other pathologies – hawthorn decoction, extracts of valerian, dill and motherwort.
Attention! The use of bee products in any case can not substitute for the use of drugs and in some cases it can lead to tragic consequences. Also, do not try to remove the acute attacks of diseases using traditional methods, in suchsituations, be able to provide real help to a traditional medicine.
Diseases of the liver and biliary tract
Pathological changes in the cells of the liver and biliary tract are eliminated due to the content in bee delicacy of special substances, reducing them. Treatment with honey and relapse prevention is carried out by receiving its solution (2 hours. L. A glass of warm water, better apple juice) to 3 p. in a day.
You can also complement the use of other treatment honey bee products, such aspollen and royal jelly. Thus, three times a day is necessary to take 30 g of honey, 0.6 g of pollen or pollen and only 2 times 50 g of jelly.
Tip: To achieve the maximum effect from the use of bee products can be achieved bycombining their use with plants, has choleretic, anti-spasmodic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory andbacteriostatic properties.
Thus, the honey in combination with various herbs can help cure:cholecystitis; chronic neurogenic inflammation of the bile ducts and bladder; fermentation in the intestine and so forth.
Diseases of the sexual sphere
Honey with pollen has long been used totreat prostatitis. The amount of honey is used is calculatedfrom the weight of the patient at a ratio of1 kg. of weight - 1 g. of honey. Complement the treatment taking 7-10 g.of pollen or 2 hours. L. pollen. All bee products daily dose is divided intothree equal parts which are take during the day. Typically, the duration of treatment course is 30-45 days, it can be repeated after 2 weeks.
In gynecology and frequently practicedtreatment with honey, in particular lime, melissovym, forest. This product helps to cure:metritis;cervical erosion;coleitis; vulvitis etc.
For the treatment of gynecological diseases don’t use only honey inside, but also make him applications andelectrophoresis. Complementary therapy receivinginfusions, decoctions or infusions ofEleutherococcus, shepherd's purse, Aralia, nettle, lemongrass, yarrow, etc.
Contraindications and side effects:It is obvious that the use of bee products helps toquickly get rid of many diseases, but sometimes theiruse is limited and in rare cases and is not safe. Therefore, before the use of any funds should alwaysconsult your doctor.Basically, honey should not be used when:allergies to bee products;presence of benign or malignant tumors; pulmonary emphysema, congestive heart failure, atherosclerosis and other lung diseases aerosol treatment not allowed honey.Contraindications and side effects
Informational sources: последний вход 21.10.2016 последний вход 21.10.2016 последний вход 21.10.2016 последний вход 21.10.2016