Enjoy English (Английский с удовольствием)

Theme: Shopping for everything.
Цель урока: повторить и закрепить знания по теме.
Задачи урока: 1. Образовательная: расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме «Shopping».
2. Развивающие: развивать навыки диалогической речи, правильность произношения английских звуков и слов.
3. Воспитательные: воспитывать активность, выразительность, артистичность, воспитывать уважительное отношение к работникам торговой сферы.4. Практические: фонетическая зарядка, повторение лексики, чтение текста, выполнение упражнений, игра.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран.
Ход урока:
Организационный момент:
Good morning, boys and girls!
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day of the week is it today?
What is the weather like today?
Let`s start with phonetic exercises. Repeat after me:
[ai] [ju:] [i:] [ei]
why pupil clean away
buy beautiful feed play
night music sea raincoat
bright suit please trainers
Look at this screen. It is the theme of our lesson.

Today we`ll revise all the worlds and expressions on this topic, we`ll do a lot of exercises, we`ll read the text, we`ll act out the dialogue.
Активизация изученного материала.
Do you remember the worlds of clothes? Repeat after me.Gloves Dress Raincoat Trainers
Blouse Jacket Scarf Trousers
Boots Mittens Shoes T-shirt
Coat Jeans Shirt
-Let`s revise winter clothes.
-Let`s revise spring and autumn clothes.
-Let`s revise summer clothes.
-What clothes do we wear for sport, for rest, for office-work.-Look at the next slide and find the words of clothes.
Children, say to each other something nice about the clothes of your friend, for example.
Indira, I like your skirt
Denis, I like your shirt . и т.дBoys and girls where can we buy clothes?
-In the shop.
-Yes, you are right, in the shop.
-Let`s revise how we can do it. Read the phrases to make the conversation.
-Excuse me, can you show me the trousers?
-Yes, of course.
-How much are they?
-They are 20 pounds,
-Here you are.
-Thank you.
And read this dialogue, please, Dima and Oleg.
And now we will do the next task.
-Restore the dialogue.
-Act out the dialogue.
-Let`s have a rest.(физкультминутка)
–And now the boys act out this text, please.
Kanabek is the author.
Аlexey is Father Elephant.
Dima is Mr. Tiger.
Alimbek is Baby Elephant.
-Thank you. Well done.
-Open your textbooks on page … ex…,please
Look at this picture and find four differences of clothes, please.
-And now let`s go to the food shop. What food can you name?
Look at the screen and name the food.
-Match the words.
A glass of milk.A loaf of bread.A kilo of sweets.A bar of chocolate.A cup of tea.A jar of honey.
A slice of meat.A piece of cake.-Translate into English ( ex… p…)
Чашка чая
Стакан молока
Коробка конфет
Бутылка сока
Кусочек торта
-It`s time to finish the lesson.
First you express your opinions about this lesson, please. Do you like our lesson? What we have done on the lesson?
-уч-ся высказывают свое мнение.
Подведение итогов урока.
-Final marks for the lesson. I thank everybody . It was really very good. You were very active. The lesson is over. Goodbye.
Учебно-методический комплекс-«Enjoy English», учебник для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, М.З.Биболетова, изд. «Титул».