ЭССЕ на тему Violent games
Most of children are addicted to computer games. They cannot live without them and spend all the time playng video games or watching creepy films. Moreover, these games and vidoes include powerful stuff such as killing zombies and monsters. This could lead to the degradation and mental retardation. However, it is not the most horrified thing; the most awful is that children perceive the situation as a reality and become to believe in it which, sometime, might be fatal outcome for them. Nevertheless, parents limit children hours of spending time before a computer, but, in most cases, it is useless and unseccessful. There are some measures that parents should undertake timely to prevent children from becoming a computer games freak.
Firstly, children play video games because they have too much free time, so parents had better to fill time of their children. For example, take the spring for a walk, have a picnic, and play more active games which would improve their immunity, health status, and body structure. Alternatively, it is good when a child does sport, therefore, parents should interest their kid, and explain how sports is important. Also, children also have some courses classes after school; perhaps, he or she is fond of dancing, singing, or playing chess.
Secondly, parents need to be stricter because children know if he or she asks for something, parents will do it. Moreover, kids are getting shameless and insolent today. The more parents allow their children to do or have something, the more the become cunning and arrogant. So, parents should not spoil kids and allow them to play computer games.
Finally, I totally agree that computer games are the source of children aggression, deepthinking, and violence. I would like to add that parents must be parents, not slaves; therefore, it is for children to obey their folks, not vice-versa. As most cases show, the excessive kindness of parents lead to the fact that children do what they want do; thus, they start playing computer games which destroy their psyche.