Конспект урока по английскому языку для 6 класса My friends hobbies

Тема “Увлечения моeго друга”
Цели урока:
научить cоставлять диалоги об увлечениях своих друзей,
совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения, чтения, письма и аудирования,
углубить и расширить знания по данной теме,
развивать память, внимание, мышление,
развивать устойчивый интерес и мотивации к дальнейшему изучению иностранного языка,
воспитывать уважение к традициям и обычаям как части культуры разных стран мира.
воспитывать культуру поведения.
Оборудование: учебник, таблицы
1.Greeting2.Phonetic drill
Let's have a picnic
Let's eat out
That's what the weekend
Is all about
Let's go skiing
What a great idea
I'm so glad
That the weekend is here
The weekend is here
So come on everyone
Spend the weekend with me
It's going to be fun
I love Saturday
And Sunday too
The weekend is great
There's so much to do
Let's have a party
And invite all our friends
I'm so happy
I love weekends
3. Checking up homework (the dialogues “My hobbies”)
4 The main part
Vocabulary: skating rinks, spare time, ice hockey teams, to take part in, to be very good reindeer-sled racers, archery, do gymnastics.
Russian people spend their spare time in many different ways. One thing they all love is reading. Russians also love going to the cinema and the theatre. Skiing and ice-skating are very popular with people of all ages. In the winter, many people skate on frozen ponds and skating rinks. Ice-skating is one of Russia's most important sports. Russians are also famous for their ice hockey teams. Many of the top players in Canada and the United States are from Russia. Other free time activities include: hiking, mountain, climbing, backpacking and canoeing. Many Russians take part in organised sport. Football is the favourite, but many people also do gymnastics, or play volleyball and basketball. In the summer, chess games take place in parks, there are thousands of stamp clubs. People from different nationalities in Russia have their own traditional types of exercise. For example, the Yakuts of central Siberia are very good reindeer-sled racers and the Buryats in eastern Siberia love archery.
Answer the questions
-How do Russian people spend their free time in summer?
- How do they spend their time in winter?
- Do they love reading, going to the cinema and the theatre?
Vocabulary: the keenest traveller, to go by bike, exotic countries, to be keen on, to be fond of
My friend’s hobbies
My friend Steve is the keenest traveller I’ve ever met. He is fond of the
process, I don’t think he is keen on some special kind of travelling. I’ve seen him travel by bus around the countryside just because he always wants to know more about the place he lives in. Sometimes he goes by bike, it is when he doesn’t want to go too far or he hasn’t got enough time. In summer he usually travels abroad. Germany, Spain and France do not interest him any more — he has travelled them all over by train, by car, by ship, even on horseback. Now he’s dreaming about going to some exotic countries like Japan, China or India. He hasn’t decided yet how exactly he will go there, the only thing he knows for sure is that he will go by plane first. I am sure he will be the first person to travel to the Moon by spaceship or something.
Filling in the table to arrange the information better

Maling up dialogues “My friend’s hobbies”
What hobbies has your friend got?
He\she is fond of …
What is his\her favourite hobby?
His\her favourite hobby is …
What board games does he\she like?
He\She likes …
To my mind,…In my opinion,…Tastes differ!
5. Summarizing
6. Homework – repeat the dialogues “My friend’s hobbies”