Конструирование урока английского языка с использованием СОТ
Конструирование урока английского языка на основе ИКТ. Урок английского языка в 7-м классе по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой.
Тема: "Why do we speak English"
Цель урока: Развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.
Задачи урока:
Практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности.
Активизировать употребление лексики по теме, расширять словарный запас.
Способствовать ознакомлению с иноязычной культурой и расширению кругозора учащихся средствами иностранного языка, Интернета.
Прививать интерес к изучению английского языка.
МультимедиапроекторПодключение к Интернету
Интерактивная доска
карточки с ресурсами Интернета (распечатка слайда из презентации)
карточки с текстом для развития навыков чтения (приложение 3)
Для воспроизведения файлов из Цифровой коллекции образовательных ресурсов, необходимо установить программное обеспечение, соответствующее требованиям ЦОРов.
Ход урока
1. Оргмомент.
Приветствие: Hello, Boys and girls! Hello dear guests! I am very glad to see you. I see that all are present today. I am fine and you? Let’s start our lesson.
Сообщение темы урока: Today we are going to speak about English language, about the role of English language in our life.
So the topic of our lesson is “Why do we study English language”. At our lesson we shall try to answer this question. (слайд презентации 1)
2. Речевая зарядка.
Teacher: Now let’s speak what is English language for us.
Pupils: English language is the language of science, business, technology, Internet and …
(Ученики отвечают на вопросы. На интерактивной доске используется функция “шторки”. Экран закрыт и после того, как учащиеся назвали все возможные варианты, учитель открывает постепенно правильные ответы на вопрос). (слайд презентации2)
3. Практика учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности.
1. Развитие навыков устной речи.
Teacher: Now let’s discuss some questions.
How can we study English language?
Where can we study English?
(слайды презентации 3,4,5)
2. Развитие навыков чтения, аудирования, языковой догадки, навыков письма, речи. Активизация лексики и грамматики в ходе выполнения лексико-грамматических упражнений.
Teacher: One of you has told me that we can study English with the help of Internet.
Yes, you were right. There are many different sites in Internet to help you to study English. And today I am going to show you some of them.
These are the addresses of the sites that can help you in your studies.
So, let’s try to study some of them. (слайд презентации10)
http://www.linguamania.ru/ - This site helps you to learn many new words.
http://www.language.ru/Test/Test.html - This site helps you to revise your grammar. Let’s try.
http://www.englishlearner.com/tests/test.html - This site helps you to do a lot! You can play, study grammar, read books here. Let’s revise the irregular verbs. Three forms of the verbs. You can open your books.
http://www.englishlearner.com/hangman/hangbeg3.html - You can play different games with the help of English. This site helps you. We played this game in our childhood. The game is called Hangman – виселица. You can save the man, guessing the word.
Let’s play. I’ll help you.
The first word is an animal. – elephantThe second word means the member of the family. – husband.
http://www.clicknkids.com/Phonics.asp - this site helps you to learn the letters of English alphabet and study the sounds.
So, answer my question – Can you study English with the help of Internet?
Yes, we can.
I`ll give you the names of the sites, so that you can study English at home. (Учитель раздает детям, заранее подготовленные листочки с адресами web - сайтов).
(Необходимо выйти на сайты и показать учащимся, как они работают. Дети принимают активное участие в разгадывании кроссвордов, выполнении тестов).Teacher: We have decided that we can study English by different ways.
And what is the best way to study English?
Pupil 1: I think, the best way to study languages is learning English at special English courses.
Pupil 2: I think the best way to study languages is learning English with the help of Internet.
Pupil 3: I think the best way to study languages is speaking with native speaker.
Pupil 4: I think the best way to study languages is traveling abroad.
(слайд презентации 6)
Teacher: I think you are right. Traveling is the best way to study foreign languages. We have learned some poems about traveling. Who remembers them and wants to recite the poems?
1. I like to travel By plane or on foot,To see new placesThat’s really good.
2. Row, row, row your boatGently down the streamMerrily (4 times)Life is but a dream.
3. Over the mountains,Over the plains,Over the riversHere come trainsCarrying passengers,Carrying mail,Over the countryHere come trains.
4. We go by carAnd we go by trainWe go by boatWe go by plane.
We go by landAnd sea and airWe go, go, goFrom here to there.
3. Развитие навыков аудирования. Прослушивание учащимися аудиозаписи текстов и контроль понимания прослушанного.
Teacher: Now we shall travel. So, imagine that we are in London and we are going to visit some places of interest. We are on excursion. Listen to the guide and match the buildings with there places. Be attentive! Let’s start! (Приложение 1, файл из коллекции цифровых образовательных ресурсов)
(слайд презентации 7)
Teacher: Does English language help you in this situation?
Pupils: Yes, it does.
People all over the world want to know about different countries. They read newspapers watch TV and listen to the radio. Now you’ll listen to the radio program and match the picture and the number. (Приложение 2, файл из коллекции цифровых образовательных ресурсов)
Teacher: Does English language help you in this situation?
Pupils: Yes, it does.
Развитие навыков чтения. Чтение учащимися текста с извлечением информации.
Teacher: English language helps us to read newspapers and magazines in English. We can have a pen friend from English-speaking country. Let’s read the letter from my friend. Jane is writing about her visit to Moscow. Read the text and choose the places she visited. (Приложение 3, файл из коллекции цифровых образовательных ресурсов, Приложение 4 – файл с текстом, документ WORD).
Teacher: Does English language help you in this situation?
Pupils: Yes, it does.
5. Развитие языковой догадки
Teacher: And now let’s play a little.
I have received a mystery note and I cannot understand what it is about. Can you help me?
Read the note, please.
(слайд презентации 8,9)
Let’s check up. Read the text, please. Is everything all right?
Then, answer my question:
Where is Jane from?
Have you understood the text? What helps you to understand the text?
6. Беседа с учащимися об англо-говорящих странах
Teacher: English is spoken in different countries.
How many people speak English all over the world?
Where is English the official language? In what countries?
What English-speaking countries do you know?
(слайд презентации 11)
Teacher: We shall speak about English-speaking countries at the next lesson.
VI. Итоги урока.
Teacher: Ok, today you spoke English very nice. Thank you for your good answers. And now let’s answer the questions:
Why do we study English language?
Is it necessary to us to study English?
После того, как ученики ответили на вопросы, высвечивается слайд, и ответы учащихся обобщаются учителем. Здесь также можно использовать функцию “шторки” интерактивной доски.
(слайд презентации 12)
Teacher: Today at the lesson we have discussed the role of English in our life. We tried to study English with the help of Internet. I hope that you will continue studying English and at the next lesson we shall speak about English-speaking countries.
V. Домашнее задание.