Интеллектуальное соревнование Казино Макмиллан
Сценарий мероприятия «Интеллектуальное казино «Macmillan»
Ведущий 1:
Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen! You are welcome to our intellectual
Macmillan casino!
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You will see a competition among four teams! Let's introduce our participants.
Every team consists of six students from different schools of our city.
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So, the first team is A which means attentive.
The second team is B. They are brave.
The third team is C. They are creative.
And the last team is D which means dynamic.
Thank you very much, take your seats.
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Today, we have respectable guests, representatives of Education Department.
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Our competition will be judged by the most honourable and the most noble judges:
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The gran prize of our com
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No matter what you try to do,
At home or at you school,
Always do your very best –
There is no better rule.
So we start our game!
One of the judges will spin the top (волчок) to choose the first task (диллеры).
Reading. “ What is it? Can yo
·u guess?” Pb 3 p 62.
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While our teams are working, a musical pause.
Our French guests from school № 3 are going to represent the song «Gong».
The time is up!
Now team A , team B, team C, team D
Dear jury, comment please the first game! Thank you.
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Now the second task. Dear jury, spin the top.
If a task is once begun
Never leave it till it's done
Be the labour great or small
Do it well, or not at all.
Listening. “ I am a music man” Pb 3 p 30
Ведущий 2:
Now the third task. Jury spins the top.
While our teams are working, a musical pause.
The children from school № 2
Writing. Composition “ Wear the right clothes for tennis” Workbook 3 p 103
Dear jury, comment the third task please.
Ведущий 1:
And now the last task of our competition. Dear jury, spin the top. A musical pause.
Speaking. Fairytale “ The Prince Frog” Workbook 3 p 94
Jury's conclusion.
Литература: Way Ahead 3 Macmillan