Конспект урока по теме Moscow — my home city
Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
города Москвы "Школа № 281"
Предмет: английский язык
Раздел: иностранные языки
Тема урока: Moscow - my home city.
Тип урока: урок – викторина / внеклассное мероприятие
Учитель английского языка
Савченко Марина Васильевна
Москва, 2016 год
Цели урока /мероприятия:
Учебный аспект - Совершенствование речевых умений , развитие умения воспринимать на слух информацию.
Развивающий аспект: развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, развитие коммуникабельности, развитие оперативной память и способность к догадке.
Воспитательный аспект: формирование понимания значимости памятников родной культуры, воспитание уважения к истории и к памятникам культуры, воспитание чувства гордости за свой город. Воспитание способности к коллективной работе в группе.
Речевой материал: продуктивный, лексический и грамматический материал по теме: «Мой город»
Интерактивная доска
Фильм Video about Moscow.
Раздаточный материал карточки «Do you know that…?»
План урока / мероприятия
The Beginning, Начало. Приветствие. Объявление темы. Quiz «Do you know Moscow. Look at the pictures on guess what we are going to speak?»Девиз (motto):
«Anyone who has been to Moscow knows Russia»
«The history at Moscow is the history of Russia»
« Moscow is the focus of all of Russia, the centre of the Russian people’s life» Nikolay KaramzinWarming us answer these questions. (Учиться отвечать на вопросы) answer these guestionsHow old is Moscow?
What is Moscow s emblem?
What are the names of the most popular streets in Moscow?
What places of in interest attract tourists to Moscow.
Does the monument to Minin and out Pozharsky stand in front or behind of Saint Basil’s Cathedral? (in front)
Who was designed the Victory monument on the Poklonn aye Hill? (the sculptor Z. Iseretely)
Do you know the legendary folk spent a great part of his life there and wrote songs calling Arbat? (Bulat Okudzhava).
Is the Ostankino Tower 540 metres or 740 tall? (540 metres)
What century did the story of the Moscow metro start? (at the beginning of the 20 th centure).
2. Учащиеся получают карточки с информацией (Did you know озвучивает that)……., затем они обмениваются полученной информацией.
The cards are given out among pupils.
They read and exchange in interesting information .Просмотр «Video about Moscow».
После просмотра видеофильма о Москве, учащиеся делятся на две команды и получают задания по викторине (Moscow Quiz)…
Moscow Quiz
Moscow was founded by
Peter the Great
Dmitry DonskoyYury Dolgoruky (answer)
Iwan Kalita (Калита)
Moscow s patron saint is ……
Saint George (answer)
Saint Paul
Saint Nikolas
Saint Peter
Moscow s city government is headed by a…..
Mayor (answer)
Moscow is divided into…
Okrugs (answer)
Moscow twin town is
New York (answer)
Moscow is a port of
Two seas
Three seas
Four seas
Five seas (answer)
The first Moscow Metro line ran from Sokolniky to
Tverskaya street
Arbat street
Izmailovsky Park
Gorky Park – (answer)
Kuznetsky Most is
A bridge (answer)?
A museum
A street
A shop
The Sheremetyev Palace is in
Ostankino (answer)
IzmailovoKuzminkiKolomenskoyeThe Kremlin Clock (Kremlevskii Kurunty) is on…..Tower
BorovitskayaSenatskyaSpasskay (answer)
TroitskyaWhich of following Moscow ……. Is not an international airpost?
VnukovoBykovo (answer)
Kitay – Gorod is
A town
A district (answer)
A street
A side street
The oldest square in Moscow is
Red Square (answer)
Sobornaye Square (answer)
Staraya Square
The biggest square in Moscow is
Red Square (answer)
Mayakovskaya Square
Puskin Square
Which of trese is the tallest?
The Eiffel Tower in Paris
The Empire State Building in New York
The Ostankino TV Tower in Moscow
The Kremlin has …. Towers
20 answer
Red Square was given its current name in the …… century
a)16 th answer
b) 17 thc) 18 thThe monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected to commemorate the victory over the
French invaders
German invaders
Polish invaders (answer)
The Tsar Bell weights…tone..s
200 answer
The State Armoury is now a
Museum answer
Прокомментируй следующие пословицы (каждая команда получает задание)
Comment on the following provebsThe team 1…… Moscow was not built in a day (for the first team)
The team 2…….. Moscow is not swayed by tears.
Задания для 2 команд:
Comment on the following quotation (100 words)
«Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country»
John. F. Kennedy.
Summing up.
Подведение итогов, выводы
The Results