Методические указания к практическим занятиям по английскому языку Слова мудрости/The words of wisdom.

Кафедра иностранных языков
Слова мудрости
(Words of wisdom)
методические указания К
Колосова Е.С., Зайнуллина Г.С.
Тюмень, 2015
УДК: 811.111

Колосова, Е.С., Зайнуллина Г.С. Слова мудрости (Words of wisdom): методические указания к практическим занятиям./Колосова Е.С., Зайнуллина Г.С. – Тюмень: ФГКОУ «ТПКУ», 2014. – 32 c.
Развитие коммуникативной компетенции является основной задачей обучения иностранному языку в условиях реализации ФГОС.
В данных методических указаниях предложен опыт использования притч разных народов в рамках урочной и внеурочной деятельности как эффективного средства развития коммуникативной компетенции учащихся 7-11 классов с целью обогащения их лексического запаса, формирования предметных умений и УДД; раскрыты методические решения, которые готовят учащихся к самостоятельной эффективной учебной деятельности. Содержание текстов является не только интересным, но также образовательным в широком смысле слова и социально значимым. Учебные материалы призваны сформировать у учащихся собственный стиль иноязычного речевого и социального поведения, интерес и уважение к культурам других народов, а также морально-этические нормы.
Предназначено учителям английского языка общеобразовательных учреждений; рекомендовано студентам и учащимся.
Рецензенты: А.В.; преподаватель высшей квалификационной категории кафедры ин.яз. Важенина О.В.
Тираж: 33 экз.
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© ФГКОУ «Тюменское президентское кадетское училище»
© Колосова Е.С., Зайнуллина Г.С.
Редакционно-издательский отдел ФГКОУ «Тюменское президентское кадетское училище»
ВведениеДанные методические указания предназначены для учащихся, изучающих английский язык.
Задачей пособия является развитие навыков устной речи учащихся на основе коммуникативного метода обучения иностранному языку, развитие способности к социальному взаимодействию на основе принятых моральных правовых норм, социальных стандартов, уважения к людям, толерантности к их культуре. Дискуссионное содержание текстов является мощным стимулом для поддержания у учащихся интереса к изучению языка на протяжении всего занятия.
Материал предназначен для работы с учащимися 7-11 классов общеобразовательных школ и школ с углубленным изучением языка.
Пособие включает в себя 6 притч и задания к ним.
К каждой притче прилагается лексический минимум, облегчающий понимание и запоминание речевых клише по теме. Для закрепления полученной информации даются упражнения и иллюстрации, помогающие достигнуть поставленной методическими указаниями задачи.
При отборе материала соблюдались принципы, отвечающие современным требованиям методики обучения иностранным языкам: мотивация, коммуникативность, интегрированный подход, умение использовать полученную информацию.
Предложенные материалы прошли успешную апробацию в рамках учебного процесса и внеурочной деятельности.
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Введение PAGEREF _Toc400113815 \h 2Money Doesn’t Bring Happiness PAGEREF _Toc400113816 \h 3Two Wolves PAGEREF _Toc400113817 \h 5What One Is Rich With PAGEREF _Toc400113818 \h 7Echo PAGEREF _Toc400113819 \h 8An Oriental Parable PAGEREF _Toc400113820 \h 12The Talk About Wise Old Man PAGEREF _Toc400113821 \h 14
Money Doesn’t Bring Happiness
a master (n) учитель, мастер, наставник
completely (adv) полностью, совершенно
to proof (v) доказать
a servant (n) слуга
entertainment (n) развлечение
joy (n) радость
education (n) образование
mind (n) ум, разум, мышление
moreover кроме того

A Student asked his Master:
How true are the words that money doesn’t bring happiness?
He answered that they are completely true. Moreover, it is easy to proof that. For one can buy a bed, but not sleep; food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; servants, but not friends; women, but not love; a house, but not home; entertainment, but not joy; education, but not mind. You should know that this list is not complete.
Answer the questions:
No man can buy sleep, health, love, joy or mind, is he?
What is important for you to be happy? Can you buy this?
Do you know any happy people?
Can you say that you are a happy person?
What else you need to be happy, but cannot buy?
Put the words in the right order to make sentences:
people, rich, become, they, when, happy, some, become
is, money, happy, be, it, important, have, to, to
happy be can person a friends without
Do you agree with the statements above? Answer using the following phrases.
I agree with Я согласен с …
I absolutely/ completely agree with Я совершенно согласен с …
I disagree with Я не согласен с …
I don’t agree with Я не согласен с …
That’s exactly how I feel. Именно так я и думаю.
No doubt about that. Вне сомнения/Без сомнения.
Make up a recipe of happiness, starting with words “We should …”. Use the following phrases.
I think… Я думаю…
I guess… Я полагаю…
I believe… Я считаю…
In my opinion… По моему мнению…
From my point of view… С моей точки зрения…
Some people become happy when they become rich.
It is important to have love to be happy.
A person can be happy without friends.
Two WolvesGlossary
to reveal (v) раскрыть, открыть
to represent (v) представлять
evil (n) зло
envy (n) зависть
jealousy (n) ревность
regret (n) сожаление
kindness добратаfaithfulness (n) верность, преданность
a bit немного
Once upon a time an old man revealed one life truth to his grandson.
There is a fight in every man that is very much like a fight of two wolves. One wolf represents the evil: envy, jealousy, regret, egoism, ambitions, lie. Another one represents the good: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and faithfulness.
The grandson, moved by his words, thought a bit and asked:
And what wolf finally wins?
The old man smiled and answered:
The one you feed.
Answer the questions:
Every man has the good and the evil in his, doesn’t he?
What is the worst evil for you?
Why do you think regret is the evil?
What is the most important good for you?
How can people feed their “wolves”?
Put the words in the right order to make sentences:
evil can a person good be completely completely or
evil bad actions wolf every feed the
feel the I wolves don’t me two in
Do you agree with the statements above? Answer using the following phrases.
That's for sure. Это точно/Это наверняка.
It is absolutely right. Это абсолютно верно.
You have a point there. В этом ты прав.
I disagree with … Я не согласен с …
That’s exactly how I think. Именно так я и думаю.
It’s no doubt. Вне сомнения. /Без сомнения.
Give advice how to feed only the good wolf, starting with words “We should …”. Use the following phrases.
I suppose… Я думаю…
I guess… Я полагаю…
I believe… Я считаю…
I might be wrong but… Я могу ошибаться, но …
From my viewpoint… С моей точки зрения…
A person can be completely good or completely evil.
Bad actions feed the evil wolf.
I don’t feel the two wolves in me.
What One Is Rich WithGlossary
envious (adj) завистливый
to spoil one’s mood испортить кому-то настроение
garbage (n) мусор, помои
in good mood в хорошем настроении
to clear smth shine начистить что-либо до блеска
to gather (v) собирать
ripe (adj) спелый
spitefully (adv) злорадно
to be fed up with smth/smbбыть сытым по горло чем-либо/кем-либо
a scandal (n) скандал
to share (v) делиться чем-либо
Once bought a man a new, big and beautiful house with an apple garden. There lived an envious neighbor nearby, who was constantly trying to spoil his mood: he threw the garbage, hit the cat, said bad words.
Once the man woke up in good mood, went outside and saw… a bucket full of garbage. The man took the bucket, cleared it shine, gathered the biggest, the ripest apples and went to the neighbor.
The neighbor, having heard the knock at the door thought spitefully: “He is finally fed up with me!” He opened the door hoping for a scandal, but the man gave him the bucket saying: “One shares what he is rich with!”
Answer the questions:
When a man is envious, he tries to spoil other people’s lives, doesn’t he?
Why did the man bring the apples to his neighbor?
Who of the two men has a stronger personality?
Do you think you are envious?
Can envy be good sometimes?
Put the words in the right order to make sentences:
are unhappy envious people
envious always poor are people
he is one with what rich shares
Do you agree with the statements above? Answer using the following phrases.
I agree with… Я согласен с …
I absolutely/ completely agree with Я совершенно согласен с …
That seems obvious that… Это кажется очевидным, но …
I am of different opinion. Я другого мнения.
That’s exactly how I think. Именно так я и думаю.
It’s no doubt. Вне сомнения. /Без сомнения.
Give the recipe of generosity, starting with words “We should …”. Use the following phrases.
If you want my honest opinion… Если вы хотите правду…
If I’m not mistaken… Если я не ошибаюсь....
Judging by… Судя по …
I might be wrong but… Я могу ошибаться, но …
From my viewpoint… С моей точки зрения…
Envious people are unhappy.
Poor people are always envious.
One shares what he is rich with.
an echo (n) эхо
to bump (v) удариться, врезаться
to cry (v) кричать, плакать
wonder (n) удивление
a coward (n) трус
attentively (adv) внимательно
to respect (v) уважать
to be surprised (v) быть удивленным
to explain (v) объяснять
a phenomenon (n) феномен, явление
telling the truth говоря по правде
right000Once a father and a son went to the mountain. The son bumped against a stone and cried: - А-А-А-АААА! And he heard with wonder: - А-А-А-АААА! He asked: - Who are you? There was an answer to him: - Who are you? The boy became angry and cried: - Coward! And the answer was: - Coward! The boy asked his father: “What’s going on?”The father smiled and said: “Listen to me very attentively, son”. The father cried to the mountain: - I respect you! The answer was: - I respect you!- “You are the best!” The answer was: - You are the best!The boy was surprised. Then his father explained to him: “This phenomenon is called “echo” but telling the truth this is called life”. It gives you back all you say and do.
Answer the questions:
People always get what they give, don’t they?
Was the father a wise man? And the son?
Why was the son angry?
What should one do to get the best from the life?
Does this phenomenon work in your life? Do you have any examples?
Put the words in the right order to make sentences:
back life you say gives do all and
get you give don’t can if you much
give people get more to than to like
Do you agree with the statements above? Answer using the following phrases.
I absolutely/ completely agree with Я совершенно согласен с …
I disagree with Я не согласен с …
I cannot agree with this idea. Я не могу согласится с этой идеей.
I am of other opinion. Я другого мнения.
You have a point there. В этом ты прав.
There is no doubt about that. Вне сомнения. /Без сомнения.
Explain how to get only the best, starting with words “We should …”. Use the following phrases.
If you want my opinion… Если вы хотите мое мнение…
If I’m not mistaken… Если я не ошибаюсь....
Judging by… Судя по …
Personally I think… Лично я думаю…
From my point of view… С моей точки зрения…
Life gives you back all you do and say.
You can get much if you don’t give.
People like to get more than to give.
*Life is like an echo – what you send out comes back.

An Oriental ParableGlossary
hot-tempered (adj) вспыльчивый
indiscreet (adj) несдержанный
a nail (n) гвоздь
a hammer (n) молоток
to contain one’s anger сдерживать злость
a fence (n) забор
a pole (n) столб
a dozen of (n) дюжина
to reduce (v) уменьшать, сокращать
to lose control (v) терять контроль
to keep calm (v) сохранять спокойствие
to cope well with smthсправиться с чем-либо
a scar (n) шрам
a hole (n) дыра, отверстие
to apologize (v) извиняться
Once upon a time there lived a very hot-tempered and indiscreet man. One day his father gave him a bag of nails and ordered him to hammer a nail into a fence pole each time he cannot contain his anger.
First day there were some dozens of nails in the fence. Next week he learned to contain his anger and day by day the number of nails was reducing. The young man understood that it’s easy to contain anger than to hammer nails.
Finally, the day had become when he did not lose control a single time. He told his father about it. And he said that every time when his son could keep calm he could take one nail out of the pole.
Time passed. And the day came when he could say to his father that there were no nails in the pole any more. Then the father took his son by the hand and brought to the fence:
- You have coped well with the task. But can you see how many holes there are in the pole? It will never be the same. When you say to a person something angry, you leave the same scars in his soul like these holes. And it does not matter how many times you apologize after that – a scar is left.
Answer the questions:
Anger doesn’t do any good, does it?
Do you think the father gave good advice?
Why did the advice help the man?
What do you usually do to keep calm?
What do you think of hot-tempered people? Are you one of them?
Put the words in the right order to make sentences:
apologize not it important is to
feelings usually other people people’s don’t think of
people’s never other forget words you
Do you agree with the statements above? Answer using the following phrases.
Absolutely! Точно!
I can’t agree with … Я не могу согласится с …
I don’t agree with this idea. Я не согласен с этой идеей.
I am of different opinion. Я другого мнения.
You have a point there. В этом ты прав.
There is no doubt about that. Вне сомнения./Без сомнения.
Give the reasons to control your anger, starting with words “We should …”. Use the following phrases.
If you ask my point of view… Если вы спросите мое мнение…
Judging by… Судя по …
If I’m not mistaken… Если я не ошибаюсь....
As for me I think… Лично я думаю…
My opinion is that … Мое мнение, что…
It is not important to apologize.
People don’t usually think of other people’s feelings.
You never forget other people’s words.
The Talk About Wise Old ManGlossary
an entrance (n) вход
the same такой же
Middle East Средний Восток
selfish (adj) эгоистичный
with pleasure с удовольствием
a little bit later немного позже
sonny (n) сынок
hospitable (adj) гостеприимный
noble (adj) благородный
a merchant (n) купец
to water (v) поить
a camel (n) верблюд
to address to smb (v) обратиться к кому-либо
with blame с упреком
to carry (v) нести, тащить
one’s own собственный
left-5821300Once upon a time an old man sat near oasis, near the entrance to one of the Middle Eastern city.
A young man came to him and asked:
I have never been here. Tell me, an old man, what kind of people live in this city.
The old man asked him:
What kind of people are there where you are from?
There are selfish and angry people. That’s why I left the city with pleasure.
Here you will meet the same kind of people, - the old man answered.
A little bit later, other person came and asked the same question:
I have just come. Tell me, father, what people live in this city.
The old man answered the same: - Tell me, sonny, what kind of people are there where you are from?
Oh, there are kind, hospitable and noble people. I have left many friends there. And it was hard to leave them.
Here you will meet the same kind of people, - the old man answered.
A merchant who watered his camels not far off heard both dialogues. And as soon as the second man went away he addressed to the old man with blame:
How can you give two different answers to the same question?
My sonny, - the old man said, - everyone carries his own world in his heart. There are good people and bad people everywhere. Everyone finds what he or she can find.
Answer the questions:
Some people cannot see the good in others, can they?
What kind of people do you see around you?
Is it important to be hospitable? Why?
What does the word ‘noble’ mean for you?
Do you want to have only good people around you?
Put the words in the right order to make sentences:
people and be good around good you will you see
finds find everyone or she what he can
are people everywhere and bad good there people
Do you agree with the statements above? Answer using the following phrases.
Exactly so! Точно!
I disagree with … Я не согласен с …
I don’t agree with this idea. Я не согласен с этой идеей.
I am of opposite opinion. Я другого мнения.
There is no doubt about that. Вне сомнения/Без сомнения.
You have a point there. В этом ты прав.
Explain how to have only good people around you, starting with words “We should …”. Use the following phrases.
If you ask my viewpoint… Если вы спросите мое мнение…
According to… Судя по …
If I’m not mistaken… Если я не ошибаюсь....
I personally believe… Лично я думаю…
My opinion is that … Мое мнение, что…
Be good and you will see good people around you.
Everyone finds what he or she can find.
There are good people and bad people everywhere.