Презентация на английском языке Famous people of Great Britain

@@FAMOUS PEOPLE OF GREAT BRITAIN There are many outstanding people in Great Britain. Britain produced statesmen, thinkers, explorers, musicians, writers, scientists and other people who are well known around the world Isaac Newton Isaac Newton one of the greatest men in the history of science was born in the middle of the 17th century. He studied math at Cambridge University. He is the founder of the modern mathematics and physics. Charles Darwin Charles Darwin was born in the beginning of the 19th century. He was a great biologist. He created a new theory of evolution. Michael Faraday Michael Faraday was born at the end of the 17th century. He was interested in electricity very much. So he opened many laws of electricity and magnetism. Rutherford Lord Rutherford the great pioneer of nuclear physics received the Nobel Prize in 1908 for his investigations into decay of elements chemistry of radiated substances. Alexander Graham Bell first invented the telephone at the age of 29, in 1877. The following year, the Bell Telephone Company was established. Alexander Graham Bell William Shakespeare William Shakespeare, the greatest and most famous of English writers, and probably the greatest playwright who has ever lived, was born on the 23d of April, 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon.. William Shakespeare . Shakespeare wrote 37 plays: 10 tragedies (such as Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth), 17 comedies (such as As You Like It, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing), 10 historical plays (such as Henry 4, Richard 3). He also left 7 books of poems and sonnets. William Shakespeare William Shakespeare died at the age of 52 and was buried in Stratford-upon-Avon. Lord Byron Margaret Thatcher Margaret Thatcher was the longest Prime Minister of the 20th century. In 1979 she was elected as Britain's first woman Prime Minister. Her nickname was “ Iron Lady”. The Beatles The English ROCK MUSIC group. The guitarists John Winston Lennon, James Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and the drummer Ringo Starr, Richard Starkey were all born and raised in Liverpool. They formed their own group, The Silver Beatles, in 1959 The Beatles As The Beatles, they developed in local Liverpool clubs, and their first recordings, "Love Me Do" (1962) and "Please Please Me" (1963), quickly made them Britain's top rock group. Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin, (1889 –1977) was an English comic actor and filmmaker who rose to fame in the silent film era.  His career spanned more than 75 years, from childhood in the Victorian era until a year before his death at age 88. Benjamin Britten Benjamin Britten was a famous English composer whose name is known in many countries of the world. He was born in the 1913. . By the time he was nineteen, he was already both a musician for a film company and a composer. He wrote music for the plays of several English writers. Agatha Christie Agatha Christie is known all over the world as the Queen of Crime. She wrote 78 crime novels, 19 plays and 6 romantic novels under the name of Mary Westmacott. Her books have been translated into 103 foreign languages. Joseph Rudyard Kipling 牤⽳桳灡硥汭砮汭埬滛㛣紐퀯ⁿ嫸絤掉趯謨䃄˚싆뎰䒑꩙利⤥컇憎㵥攤েꊊ緘茗ผ枇쳎섙龷뗶㭤污喥߂﨟জ劼蒛祿뱺죺疙犤媒蒉萟鿥绮馶蛙닡뎲玥곍돗⥙뉪琟ᐣ૎橭�䶚ㆯૂ죥ꇡﶆ룾南䈝�妺뼚㻊雯喆쉹폇㗱圞闙И⍢ᬅ廳៧ႯⱰ뙴ᶵ礼怷䍲죏෰꘎쿴꤆度흩�勧湐ᦽ稈딑栂ꪏ餩㐻鯀ﳪ^撆釁㻐ꏡ瓡ᴴ虏鯓䈮蚼꽐�πꦅ㞿뮣驛ꋩ﹠牺�鏇꣱栘斎懞ᴰ懴ᥤ䘼ɰ齯葧ሒ�馚㿛㴠�覧앲翑뮠뎅䍧舨뷽⌥錸⪿㸰谝聆싦瑦ᤳ换俎픓珖䌭䣹补炚姇친瘝䬾㝝ᛤ��ᣒ黫忶㓉⿌ॱ糜᪒ᰑ띨⺰ᯪ記툠떺ꀻ뽍銓魐뺣馾郘鍓⑙᫼谫⫝ₐ恷蘉晐꿂Ẏ㜤ؘ뎒ᑜ鑏톮ꇆ鸄᝶࣯ꡚ댇Ⰽ娗﮹╰ڋꮑᣮ뱗₀斶늫ꨠ鏀�氯ⶓ윳葶䂰�䴒켧Ḝᗞ諤꼐箅ᯯᴺ鷗䉜ク秹뀥‰奊涩鼧嶴㲿䏭퉁ᇶکញ䆔忦鞑锟뎖犦陵畈℥↠갺挤ህ䘞↡Ⱎ鳁㿰裿䝆騩틕꟥됉ᤥ馂�ꪺ濵걕ࠛ롍꽩彖賢泱陰拆銆঴顗绗魶୪䪤쎯뎊キ⸨㏼됯쯎Л똇庬⿄ো灊鰽购䗖熕༂௃￿￿Ď8ПVྟྨ഍ྡ&ကZྪϤ䰅਀ѓPǯЂ였ࠦїƿǿ̿쎀 οПрямоугольник 6Ҋ஛ᘃ༑ͤྟྠǨJoseph Rudyard Kipling (/ˈrʌdjərd ˈkɪplɪŋ/  (1865 –1936) was an English short-story writer, poet, and novelist. He wrote tales and poems of British soldiers in India and stories for children. ‘’The Jungle book’’ is the most well-known. ྡHх °-︀ྪlЉЉЉЉiЉЉQЉ࿲࿳f贈8࿟!࿲࿳h贈8࿟"*࿲࿳j贈8࿟“ЈྦрǔːϰԐцҲ䰆਀іОЂǻї䄄 Ȫ牤⽳桳灡硥汭砮汭䭐ȁ-!켓ᡏЫэ؟牤⽳潤湷敲⹶浸偬ՋЀЀ✀ကࣰ 爄숋ȕ༏ᄀᳰ쌀ࠋ＀￿໿㠁ἀЄЀༀഀ困鼀Џ܀ꠀȏഀꄀ☏̀ਐ娀܀ĀሀȀሀ᐀ȀကȀက᐀ꨀਏ̀ĀༀЀሀ਀ࣰԀL茀଀僰缀老⛆뼈؀؀뼀ᄀ＀᠀㼀ࠀ耀⃃뼀Ȁἀ䀄伄㰄㸄䌄㌄㸄㬄䰄㴄㠄㨄 㘀ကࣰ言鬄̋ᄖ༏ഀ擰鼀ЏЀꀀ䨀漀猀攀瀀栀 刀甀搀礀愀爀搀 䬀椀瀀氀椀渀最ꀀ⠀⼀저爂谀搂樀夀爂搀ꀀ저欂樀瀂氀樀䬂⼁ꀀ    ഀ ⠀㄀㠀㘀㔀  Joseph Rudyard Kipling (/ˈrʌdjərd ˈkɪplɪŋ/  (1865 –1936) was an English short-story writer, poet, and novelist. He wrote tales and poems of British soldiers in India and stories for children. ‘’The Jungle book’’ is the most well-known. Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll was the pen-name of Charles L. Dodgson. the man who wrote a famous book for children Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Charles L. Dodgson was born in England in 1832. He got his early education at a public school. Then he became a student at Oxford. Charles studied mathematics and later taught this subject in the same college. Arthur Conan Doyle