Урок в 5 классе на тему Новости всегда важны.

Тема: The news is always necessary.
Цель: познакомить детей с новым грамматическим материалом по теме «Аrticles», совершенствовать ЗУН по теме «Television».
Сопутствующие задачи:
Образовательная: обучение практическому применению нового грамматического материала.
Развивающая: развитие памяти, логики, мышления, умения восприятия иноязычной речи на слух, умения анализировать и обобщать информацию.
Воспитательная: воспитание организованности и ответственности, чувства соперничества, воспитание постоянного стремления к самосовершенствованию, привитие положительного отношения к английскому языку.
Оборудование: учебник, доска, раздаточный и наглядный материал, диск с аудиозаписями к учебнику.
Ход урока:
1.Начало урока.
Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you.
б)фонетическая зарядка:
You have cards with words. Read them by turn and tell me, please, what sound do you hear while reading? [s], [z] or [ɪz]? Tell me the rule, how to pronounce endings –s/-es as [s], [z] or [ɪz]?
в)речевая зарядка:
What types of films do you like watching? How often do you watch comedies? What about your mum? How often does your mum watch comedies? How often do you watch adventure films?
I have some sentences for translation. Tell me any number you like, I’ll read you a sentence for translation.
1.Я люблю смотреть комедии. Они смешные.(I like watching comedies. They are funny.)
2.Я люблю смотреть викторины. Они интересные.(I like watching quiz shows. They are interesting.)
3.Моя мама любит смотреть детективы. В этих фильмах детективы раскрывают преступления. (My mum likes watching detectives. In these films detectives solve crimes.)
4.Мой папа любит смотреть новости и спортивные передачи, он терпеть не может детективы, романтические фильмы и боевики.(My dad likes watching the news and sports programmes, he can’t stand detectives, romantic films and action films.)
5.Я люблю смотреть фильмы ужасов. Моя бабушка ненавидит их. (I like horror films. My granny hates them.)
6.Мой дедушка любит смотреть боевики. Здесь всегда много действий и сражений.(My grandad likes watching action films. There are a lot of actions and fights.)
7.Я люблю смотреть вестерны. Они очень интересные и рассказывают нам об американском диком западе и ковбоях. Мой папа тоже любит их смотреть.(I like watching westerns.They are about American wild west and cowboys. My dad likes them too.)
8.Я люблю смотреть музыкальные передачи.(I like watching musical programmes.)
9.Я смотрю комедии каждый день.(I watch comedies every day.)
10. Я не люблю смотреть фильмы ужасов. Они ужасные.(I don’t like horror films. They are horrible.)
11.Мой дедушка любит смотреть приключенческие фильмы. Они волнующие. Ты никогда не знаешь, что будет дальше.(My grandad likes watching adventure films. They are exciting. You’ll never know what will happen next.)
2.Основная часть.
а)актуализация ЗУН:
Let’s check up your homework.(Read, please, what time is it?).
I’ll give you some cards(cards with numbers and cards with words). For example, Masha has a card with numbers “15.30”, Dima has a card with words “a half past fifteen”. Who has the similar cards will stand up. Did you understand? Ok, let’s begin.
17.17- seventeen past seventeen
3.05-five past three
7.00-seven o’clock
4.45-a quarter to five
5.55-a five to six
8.15-a quarter past eight
10.30-a half past ten
10.10-ten past ten
в)введение новой темы:
Open your books on p.90, ex.1. Read the beginning of the news report about the Three Monsters. What happened? Did the police catch the Tree monsters? Did the police find the reporter’s camera? Look at the pictures on p. 91- 92 and try to answer my questions.
Read the text again and pay attention to the words in italics. Write down them on the blackboard. Tell me, please, what parts of speech are they? Yes, you are right, they are articles. We don’t have articles in Belarussian and Russian languages, but we have them in English. Let’s look at the phrases on the blackboard once more. With what parts of speech do we use articles in English? Who can tell me? Who knows? Masha, may be you know? Masha: We use them with adverbs. T: No, it isn’t right. Denis, can you answer this question? Denis: We use them with nouns. T: Yes, you are right.
Look into the text and tell me, what do we use first “a/an” or “the”? PP: “a/an”. T: Yes, you are right. Let’s try to make up a rule about articles.(pupils try to make up the rule). Are you ready? PP: Yes. We use “a/an” when we speak about subject for the first time and “the” when we have mentioned about this subject before. T: Yes. It is right. And what is the difference between “a/an”? When do we use “a” and when “an”? PP: May be we use “a”, as it seen from the text, when the next word starts with a consonant sound and we use “an” when the next word starts with a vowel sound. T: Yes, you are right. Let’s do some exercises. Ex 1, p.4(Round-up 1). Remember the usage of article a/an.
On the blackboard you see a text. Fill in the missing arlicles.
When I walked into the room I saw (a) reporter.(The) reporter was asking(-) monsters some questions about the case in the park.But(-) monsters didn’t tell anything to (the) reporter, because they took(a) camera. (-)policemen were looking for (the) camera the whole day and found it under (a) tree in the park.
Now, let’s do Ex.3, p.91. Complete the sentences, using “a/an” or “the”.
Moldy and Rotty saw (a) reporter. (The) reporter asked them some questions. (The) reporter had (a) camera. Rotty took (the) camera and ran away.
Ex.4a, p.91. Work in pairs. Finish the story about the Three Monsters. Use a/an or the.
A policeman took a dog and ran after the Monsters. Rotty climbed a tree, and Moldy hid in a box. The dog found the tree and started barking. Rotty had an idea. He said: “Miaow-miaow”. The policeman thought: “It’s a cat” and went away. Then the dog found the box and started barking again. Moldy said: “Squeak-squeak. I’m a mouse.” The policeman opened the box and saw Moldy. He took the camera, but Moldy ran away.
Ex. 4b, p.92. Let’s listen to the news report and compare with your stories.
3. Заключительная часть.
а)полная проверка усвоения:
About what did we speak? When do we use articles “a/an,the”? What is the difference between “a” and “an”? What happened with the reporter in the park? About what characters did we speak today? Could you retell me the story about Rotty and Moldy?
I’ll give you papers with some questions. Answer to them,please.
Did you like our today’s lesson?
Was it interesting on the lesson?
If it was interesting draw a happy face.
If it was uninteresting and boring on the lesson draw a sad face.
в)домашнее задание:
Ex.4a, p.91(Retell the text about Rotty and Moldy).
г) подведение итогов/выставление отметок:
You worked very well. I’ll give Masha…………I’ll give Denis……..I’ll give Timophei……. Thank you for the lesson, goodbye.