Конспект урока How Does the Geographical Position Influence the Peoples Lives

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку №1
September, 9
Topic: How Does the Geographical Position Influence the People’s Lives?
Grammar: Cause and effect relations
Цель: совершенствовать речевые умения учащихся.
Задачи: - формировать лексические навыки чтения и говорения;
- oзнакомить учащихся с лексическим материалом;
- отработать грамматический материал;
- ознакомить учащихся с особенностями Австралии;
Оборудование: раздаточный материал, карта Австралии.
Ход урока.
Организационный момент.
1)Приветствие. Good morning boys and girls. I’m glad to see you! Take your place, please.
We have to decide how the geographical position influences the people’s lives. We’ll start our journey from Australia. Let’s see what you know about the country.
(The teacher hand out following copies and give students time to do the test. Students work individually).
Choose the right word.
1. The capital of Australia is ...a) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Adelaide d) Canberra
2. The nearest continent to Australia is ...a) Africa b) Asia c) Europe d) America
3. New Zealand is to the ... of Australia.
a) north b) south c) east d) west
4. Australia is divided into ... states and two territories,
a) 5 b)6 c)4 d) 3
5. Australia's population is about... million people,
a) 18 b)58 c)118 d) 158
6. Tasmania is sometimes called the ... isle.
a) pear b) apple c) apricot d) peach
7. In Australia winter comes in...
a) December b) January c) June d) July
You have 5 minutes. The time is over. Are you ready? Let’s check the test.
Answers: Id, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7d.
Основной этап
Проверка дом. задания.
What was your homework? Let’s check your homework.
Today at the lesson we’re going to speak about Australia.
T: The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-governing federal state. It has got six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania and two internal territories.
It is situated in the south-west of the Pacific Ocean.
Tasmania is sometimes called the apple isle.
The nearest continent to Australia is Asia. Nearly twenty million people live in Australia.
The capital of the country is Canberra. The city became the capital in 1927.
The population of Canberra is about 300,000 people.
There are many sights in the city. They are the Building of the Australian Academy of Sciences, the Australian National University and others. There are two big industrial cities in Australia: Sydney and Melbourne.
Australia's climate is dry and warm. In Australia winter comes in July.
Australia is separated from many countries. The animals in Australia have a lot of original, and they are interesting. You can see an emu, a kangaroo, an anteater, a koala, a dingo, a cockatoo, a buffalo, a rabbit, a lyrebird.
Let’s repeat the animals all together. Write down these words.
What can you tell about Australia?
Is it largest or smallest continent?
Where do many people live?
Do you like weather on the continent?
What do you know about the population of Australia?
Do you like Australia? Why?
What animals are popular in Australia?
Grammar in Focus: Cause and effect relations.
Do ex.1, page 8 (working individually, students read the text about Australia and decide which words express cause and effect relations. Grammar in Focus on page 8 and Grammar Support at the end of textbook can help them).
Why is Australia so different from other countries?
What factors explain the peculiarities of Australia?
Заключительный этап.
Ok! Well done.
Write down your hometask ex.2, page 9(find the reasons or the effects of the following facts).
You’ve done good work today. That’s why I give everybody excellent marks.
Have you any questions?
Stand up! Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. You may be free. Good bye!