Презентация по английскому языку Стили архитектуры
Styles of ArchitectureRenaissanceGothicRomanesqueBaroqueClassicismRococo
The term 'Romanesque' is used to cover all immediate derivations of Roman architecture in the West, following the collapse of Rome until the flowering of the Gothic style in about 1200. The style employed thick walls, round arches, piers, columns groin vaults, narrow slit-windows, large towers and decorative arcading. eRomanesque
Романський стиль (від лат. Romanus - римський)
Torre Pe’ldente («Вежа, що падає») г. ПізаВисота колокольної вежі– 55 м;Рік заснування -1174;Архітектори:Боннано Пізано,Вільгельм фон Іннсбрук
The term 'Gothic' denotes a style of architecture and art that superceded Romanesque, from the mid-12th century to the mid-15th century.the Gothic art style is characterized by the use of pointed arches, thinner walls, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, huge stained glass windows and elaborate tracery. Gothic
Готичний стиль (від італ. Gotico, - готський, від назви германського племені готів),
Notre Dame de Paris (Собор Паризької Богоматері – Нотр-Дам)
Renaissance buildings were modelled on the classical architecture of the Greeks and Romans, but retained modern features of Byzantine and Gothic invention, such as complex domes and towers. They also incorporated modern mosaics and stained glass, along with outstanding fresco murals. Renaissance
Ренесанс або Відродження(фр. Renaissance) XIV –XVI століття
Baroque - a term derived from the Portugese word barocco, meaning 'an irregular pearl'.Long, narrow naves were displaced by wider, sometimes circular shapes; separate chapels and other areas were created; ceilings were covered in fresco paintings. Baroque
Стиль Бароко (іт. barocco - італійський синонім українського «хибний», «легковажний», порт. Perola barroca - перлина неправильної форми)
It was characterized by monumental structures, and topped with classical Renaissance domes. Architectural innovations like layered cupolas and inner cores added strength to domes, and their dimensions increased, lending increased grandeur to civic buildings, churches, educational facilities and large private homes Neoclassicism
Стиль класицизму (фр. classicisme, від лат. Classicus - зразковий)
Musee du Louvre (Музей у Луврі)
interior designers - confined themselves to creating elaborately decorated rooms, whose plasterwork, murals, tapestries, furniture, mirrors, porcelain, silks and other embellishments presented the visitor with a complete aesthetic experience - a total work of art (but hardly architecture!) Rococo
Стиль Рококо (фр. rococo, від фр. Rocaille - декоративна раковина, черепашка)
Hotel de Soubise (Отель Субіз)