Урок английского языка Какие твои любимые животные? Совершенствование речевых навыков: монологическая и диалогическая формы (4 класс )
Класс: 4 «Б»
Тема урока: Какие твои любимые животные? Совершенствование речевых навыков: монологическая и диалогическая формы
Базовый учебник: В.П. Кузовлев, Э.Ш.Перегудова, О.В.Дуванова, О.В.Стрельникова Английский язык. 4 класс («English 4»). Москва, «Просвещение», 2014 г.
образовательная: формирование грамматических навыков говорения;
развивающая: развитие способности к догадке, имитации, решению речемыслительных задач: соотнесение, объяснение;
воспитательная: воспитание любознательности, познавательных потребностей.
Речевой материал:
лексический: An alligator, an ostrich, an elephant, a giraffe, a humming bird, a crocodile, a whale, a shark, a bear
грамматический: степени сравнения прилагательных.
Тип урока: урок закрепления знаний
Формы работы обучающихся: коллективные, в группах, в парах, самостоятельная работа.
Планируемые образовательные результаты:
предметные: различать степени сравнения прилагательных. Образовывать степени сравнения прилагательных и употреблять их в речи;
метапредметные: научить структурировать учебный материал, выделять главное и второстепенное;
личностные: формировать положительное отношение к фактам культуры других стран, осознавать свою культуру через контекст культуры англоязычных стран, развивать умение представлять свою культуру, воспитывать готовность к коллективному творчеству.
Оборудование: учебник, рабочая тетрадь,
Ход урока
I. Организационный этап.
Введение в обстановку иноязычного общения
. Приветствие учащихся.
Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you.
Who hasn’t got any pets? Sit down.
Who has got a dog? Sit down
II. Фонетическая зарядка
Повторение правил чтения
Open your books at page 30 and repeat after me
Ex. 3), p. 30
III. Речевая зарядка
Игра «Snowball» ex.2, p.14///
Do you know the names of animals? Let’s play Snowballs. I’ll start.
Учащиеся называют животных, которых видят на картинках и помнят
I like a dog,..an alligator, an ostrich, an elephant, a giraffe, a humming bird, a crocodile, a whale, a shark, a bear
IV. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
Помогает учащимся сформулировать тему урока и цель.
Now look at the screen. Try to guess what we are going to do today. The pictures will help you.
Yes, you are right. Today we are going to describe special/extraordinary animals. Yes, you are right. We are going to speak about your favorite animals?
- . Составление плана урока.
What will be the plan of our work today? Put these points of plan in the right order.
- Meet different animals
- Describe the animals
-Speak about special animals
- Learn to speak about animals in English
Great, thank you.
6. Постановка цели
What is the aim of our lesson?
V. Актуализация знаний
1. Повторение правила Степени Сравнения Прилагательных
Let’s find the partners
Дети находят части прилагательных – объясняют правила образования степеней сравнения
2. Выполнение упражнения 3 стр. 15 (AB)
3. Парная работа
Составить диалог
- What do you think of fox? Is the fox smarter than the bear?
- Yes, it is. The fox is smarter than the bear.
4. Проверка ДЗ
Ex.1, p.31
Answer my questions.
What animals do Luke and Alice like?
Why does Luke like his pet dog?
What is special about Sammy?
Is Alice scared of exotic animals?
Заполнить пропуски в соответствии с текстом
Luke has got a ______pet dog
His name is_________Sammy
He is very _nice_______and___talented______
He thinks his dog is _smarter__and____friendlier___than other pets.
5. Проектная работа Ученики выбирают нужную для их рассказа информацию
My favourite ani
·Рефлексия (подведение итогов урока).
Today I like your work.Tell me please, what you can do?
I can - Describe different animals -Speak about special animals
Your home task for the next lesson is AB. ex. 2, p.16
ex. 2, p.32 Good – better – the best
Bad – worse – the worst
Large –lareger- the largest
Heavy- heavier- the heaviest
Silly - sillier-
the silliest
Helpful –
more helpful-
the most helpful
Meet different animals
- Describe the animals
- Learn to speak about animals in English
Speak about
special animals
- What do you think of fox? Is the fox smarter than the bear?
- Yes, it is. The fox is smarter than the bear.
- What do you think of fox? Is the fox more dangerous than the bear?
- No, it isn’t. The bear is more dangerous than the fox.
- What do you think of fox? Is the fox smarter than the bear?
- Yes, it is. The fox is smarter than the bear.
- What do you think of wolf? Is the wolf braver than the bear?
- Yes, it is. The wolf is braver than the bear.
- What do you think of fox? Is the fox smarter than the bear?
- Yes, it is. The fox is smarter than the bear.
- What do you think of fox? Is the fox smarter than the bear?
- Yes, it is. The fox is smarter than the bear.
- What do you think of fox? Is the fox smarter than the bear?
- Yes, it is. The fox is smarter than the bear.
- What do you think of fox? Is the fox smarter than the bear?
- Yes, it is. The fox is smarter than the bear.
Luke has got a ______
His name is_________
He is very ________and_________
Luke thinks his dog is __________and_______than other pets.
Luke has got a ______
His name is_________
He is very ________and_________
Luke thinks his dog is __________and_______than other pets.
Luke has got a ______
His name is_________
He is very ________and_________
Luke thinks his dog is __________and_______than other pets.
Luke has got a ______
His name is_________
He is very ________and_________
Luke thinks his dog is __________and_______than other pets.
Luke has got a ______
His name is_________
He is very ________and_________
Luke thinks his dog is __________and_______than other pets.
Luke has got a ______
His name is_________
He is very ________and_________
Luke thinks his dog is __________and_______than other pets.
Luke has got a ______
His name is_________
He is very ________and_________
Luke thinks his dog is __________and_______than other pets.
My favourite animals are
They are
I think .are very
special, because
they can play with toys
we can walk and run
they can dance
we can talk
.are smarter than
My pet can
work on the farm
work in the circus
play with a ball
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