Презентация по английскому языку на тему St. Valentine’s Day
Saint Valentine's Day( Valentine's Day)Aim: to be able to tell about the holiday, to ask questions, to see how well the pupils know the new words, to be able to write a wish on St. Valentine’s Day.
History of St Valentines DaySaint Valentine's Day( Valentine's Day) is celebrated on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it remains a working day in most of them.Valentine's Day - the popular festival of love and its romances traces origin to ancient Roman festival and has not been created by card companies as some people believe it to be. There are various legends associated with the festival along with the belief that birds began to mate from this day.
Let`s learn some Valentine wordsSt ValentineTrue loveFriendSweet heartDearDarlingHoneyPrettyRomancePartyKisses and hugsДорогойВечеринкаНастоящая любовь РоманДруг Возлюбленный «поцелуйчики — обнимашки»СладкийСв. ВалентинХорошенькаяЛюбимый
Fill in the blanks with words from the hearts Some _____associate Valentine`s Day with one or more _____ of the early Christian Church. Over the years the various Valentines _____ into one. Many legends have been handed down about St.Valentine. One _____ says that the _____ married young _____ even though the emperor _____ young men to marry. Another story says Valentine was a Christian who was put into _____ for refusing to _____ the Roman goods, the children tossed _____notes into his _____. Another legend says that Valentine ____ the jailer`s daughter of blindness, Supposedly, he sent her a letter which he _____, “From your Valentine” cell love people worship couples merged forbade cured signed legend secretly made prison saints
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. I love you more than _________, Than peaches and a plum,Than chocolate ________,And cherry _______,And berry ______.I love you more than lemonade,And seven-layer ________,Than _______,And candy drops And thick vanilla ______.I love you more than marzipan,Than marmalade on ______;For I love ______Of any ________,But I love you the most.marzipan - a sweet food that is made with almonds, sugar, and eggs and that is often made into various shapes or used to cover cakes {21E4AEA4-8DFA-4A89-87EB-49C32662AFE0}pies, bubble-gum, lollipops, tarts, toast, size, applesauce, cake, hearts, shake{21E4AEA4-8DFA-4A89-87EB-49C32662AFE0}pies, bubble-gum, lollipops, tarts, toast, size, applesauce, cake, hearts, shake
Divided into groups and choose the right answer1. St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the...a) March, 8b) January, 1c) February, 142. Valentine was...a) a kingb) a priestc) God ot Love 3. St. Valentine’s Day is a holiday of...a) loversb) teachersc) soldiers4. Valentine's cards have a shape of...a) starb) flowerc) heart
Divided into groups and choose the right answer5. The symbol of St. Valentine’s Day is…a) heartb) red rosec) girl 6. Valentine fell in love with the ...a) jailer’s daughterb) queenc) nurse7. Valentine wrote his lover a letter and signed it...a) “to my sweetheart”b) “from your Valentine”c) “Love”
Unscramble the words in the hearts. Which word is missing in the first heart111evloredaaetnvlnieeruyFbartraehraytp7. siks8. akce9. darc10. dre11. ?pucdiaveelntninaormceerpestn5. figt6. serve7. ncayd8. rhaet9. erd10. vloe11. alcelovepartyFebruarycakedearValentinekissredpinkloveheart
Divided into groups and choose the right answerAcross1. This day is named after St. ___4. Prudence is the better part of ___6. Significant color8. This day is celebrated in this monthDown2. They are more than friends. They are ___3. This holiday unites ___ hearts.5. The most common flower given on this day.7. Jane sent a love-card to her___ friend yesterday.9. I love ___.
How to say ‘I love you' in a Special WayDecide how you will deliver the message. Choose the time of meeting with care. (Select a time when your partner is relaxed and happy. )Select a romantic place for the meeting. Set a romantic tone for the meeting. Be calm. You may write a romantic poem for him or her or record your voice in cassette. It is seen that whispering those three golden words has a magical effect. You may try the trick.Back the ‘I Love You' message with solid and genuine reason why you love your partner. Be ready for a celebration with flowers or champagne when you hear a ‘YES' for an answer.
“I love you” in different languages