Презентация 7 способов передачи будущего времени в английском языке

7 Ways of Talking about the FutureFuture Simple Be going to Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Present Continuous Present Simple This time next week I will be taking my exam.(Future Continuous)By this time next week I will have taken my exam.(Future Perfect) By this time next week I will have been taking my exam for a hour.(Future Perfect Continuous) Future Simple (will V1)- спонтанное решениеIt’s hot here. – I’ll open the window. предсказание, основанное на предположении (после think, believe)I think she will come. обещания, угрозы, просьбы, предложенияWill you help me? Be going toпланы и намерения на будущееTim is going to sing a song at the party tomorrow.предсказания, имеющие объективное основаниеHe is going to slip over the banana skin. Present Continuous действия, запланированные на ближайшее будущее, обычно с указанием времениThey are going on holiday next week. (They bought their tickets.) Present Simpleрасписание, программыMy flight to London leaves at 6 o’clock.