Слайды по английскому языку на тему My Room(5 класс)

a sofa
A bed
A chair
An armchair
A desk
A computer
A lamp
A coffee table
A plant
A door
A window
A ball
A carpet on the floor
A picture on the wall
Cushions on the sofa
A wardrobe
Have you got a carpet in your room?Yes, I have!No, I haven’t.
Afos2) ksed3) piurtec1) asof4) ractep5) idwonw6) rdoo7) tpnal8) mcrhari9) roofl10) wbradoer

Указательные местоименияThis/These That/Those SingularЕд. чPluralМн.чблизкоThisThis is a book.These These are books.далекоThat That is a book.ThoseThose are books What’s this? This is a chair.
Correct the mistakes:This are a table.What is these?That are a bed. Those are lamp.This are chairs.That are plants. Say these sentences in PLURAL:This is a ball.That is an armchair.This is a door.That is a window. There is / There are есть, имеется{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}Singular (ед. ч) Plural (мн.ч)+There is a table in the room.There are 2 chairs. This is my room. There is a bed … the window. Near the bed and window there is a small … . There is a lamp … the table. There is a basketball … the bed. There are 2 balls … the bed.READ AND COMPLETE: