Презентация по английскому языку на тему Дикие и домашние животные автор учебника М.З.Биболетова

December,5th Wednesday ANIMALS a lion Lions a tiger tigers a fox foxes a monkey monkeys a kangaroo kangaroos a giraffe giraffes an elephant elephants a wolf wolves a bear bears a horse horses A hen hens A cockerel cockerels a cow cows a cat cats A hamster hamsters A dog dogs A parrot parrots A duck ducks a genie pig genie pigs a pig pigs A turtle turtles A rabbit rabbits Wild and domestic ANIMALS In the forest On a farm In the Zoo a fox, a hen, an elephant, a bear, a lion, a cockerel, a wolf, a giraffe, a parrot, a pig, a genie pig, a monkey, a horse, a sheep, a tiger, a rabbit, a kangaroo, a duck, a cow, a turtle, a cat, a dog, a hamster. Wild and domestic ANIMALS An eagle In the mountains a whale In the ocean A snake In the forest In the river A crocodile In the river a camel In the desert A dolphin In the sea In the ocean Eagle Dolphin Whale Snake Camel Ocean Desert Mountains Wild and domestic ANIMALS Homework:p.46 ex.41(читать, переводить, выполнить задание)Слова учить