Презентация на английском языке к 70 — летию Победы на тему Герои земли Рамонской
The heroes of Ramon’s landThe heroes of the First World War
GridyaevVasilii Emel’yanovichThe full cavalier of Georgian Cross.Was born in village Glushitsy (1889 - 1965) in peasant’s family.He was called to the army in 1910.During the First World War he was an ensigns of the 10. th Turkestan infantry regiment.
ShiryaevVasilii EfimovichThe full cavalier of Georgian Cross.(1876 - 1956) was born in village Sennoe in peasant’s family.The participant of Russian – Japanese War in 1904-1905 .Fought in Manchzhuria (North-eastern China)Military rank – major sergeant.
The Second World War and the Great Patriotic WarThe history of the Great Patriotic War was bloody and cruel.There were many great battles and great victoriesThey have brought the glory to our officers and soldiers.Among them fought bravely Ramon soldiers too.Some Ramon soldiers were awarded by the rank «The Hero of the Soviet Union». Some of the Heroes didn`t come from the war
ArtamonovIvan FillipovichHe was born in 1918 in village Starozhivotinnoe. He was called to the Soviet Army in 1940 Fought under Smolensk, El’nya, Tula, Orel.Participated in the battle on the Kursk Ark, defended Ukraine. Was awarded by The Red Banner Order and two medals.The Title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to I. F. Artamonov by the edict of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union from the 16. th of October in 1943 for the forcing of the river Desna. The Commander of the shooting battalion I. F. Artamonov outstripped the retreating enemy and defended the left and the right banks of the river Desna. He fought bravely.
ZolototrubovFedor Ignat’evich He was born on the 16. th of October in 1918 in village Russkaya Gvozdevka.He was called to the Soviet Army in December in 1939. Fought on Volga. Participated in the battle on the Kursk Ark , defended Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland.He ended the war in Germany.Marked with some governmental rewards.The Title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to F. I. Zolototrubov by the edict of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union from the 10. th of April in 1945 for the forcing of the river Oder.The artillery group under his command played a decisive role in the attack of the Soviet Army across Oder
SorokinSergey MaksimovichHe was born on the 15. th of September in 1919 in village Malaya Vereyka. He was called to the Soviet Army in December in 1939. Fought on the Southern, South-western, North Caucasus, Voronezh, the 1. st Ukrainian fronts. Was awarded by The Red Banner Order of the Great Patriotic War of the 2.nd degree, by the Order of the Red Star and by four medals. The Title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to S. M. Sorokin by the edict of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union from the3. rd of June 1944 for the heroism and bravery by the Defense of the Small Plot. At a decisive moment he took the command of the battalion in his hands and reflected the enemy’s attack.
TutukovPetr TikhonovichHe was born on the 24. th of July in 1917 in Ramon’. He was called to the Soviet Army in 1939. Fought on the river Dniester, under Tiraspol and Odessa, on Bryansk, Stalingrad, Don, Central, the first and the second Ukrainian, the first Belarusian fronts The Title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to P. T. Tutukov by the edict of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union from the27. th of February 1945 for the battle near town Zawada in Poland His armored carrier was surrounded by fascists, but he won and killed 170 German soldiers, he also took 32 prisoners. After demobilization in 1946 he came back to the native town.He died on the first of May 1983.
SalmanovMitrofan Lavrent’evichThe full cavalier of three Orders of Glory.He was born on the 1. st of January 1925 in village ParinovoThe member of the Communist Party since 1965.He Fought in the 4.th Ukrainian front since 1943 in the rank of sergeant major.He was a scout.Demobilized in stock in 1950.He served as an ensign in the troops of the interior Ministry of the Soviet Union from 1962 to 1977Lived on the Station Ramon’.Died on the 20.th of February 1984.
Vasil’evIvan MikhailovichThe full cavalier of three Orders of Glory. He was born in 1922 in village Medovka. On the front since December 1941. Sergeant, the commander of the infantry branch of the 176. th guards rifle regimentWounded in action on 12. th of April 1945.For the military exploits he was awarded by two Orders of Glory of the 3.rd degree and the Order of Glory of the 2.nd degree.In 1985, by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union he became the Order ofGlory of the 1.st degree instead of the 2. ndThe order was awarded on the 30.th of April 1985. After the war he lived and worked in the village Medovka
GoncharovVasilii IvanovichWas born in 1925 in village Ivanovka of Voronezh region.Before the war he worked as a turner at Lenin’s factory in Voronezh.Sergeant, major sergeant, commander of the gun of the 146. th artillery regiment of the 207.th artillery division. He ended the war in Berlin.Military awards: The Order of Glory of the 2. nd and 3.rd degrees.8 medals ( two of them are Polish). He was wounded.He lives in Ramon’ now
KhabarovAleksei Vasil’evich He was born in 1925 in Uvarovskii district of Tambov regionA gunner of the 153.rd infantry divisionThe cavalier of the Glory Order of the 3.rd degree.Lives in Ramon’ on Fuchika Street 16.
Savel’evIvan AntonovichHe was born in 1924 in village Khvoshchevatka.He was called to the Soviet Army in June 1943.He fought in the first Belarusian front.The title of “The Hero of the Soviet Union” was awarded to him after his death by the Edict of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union from the 31.st of May 1945 for forcing OderI. A. Savelyev volunteered to perform a complex task.He crossed the river, climbed up on the dam and destroyed a German machine gun,having received a mortal wound.I. A. Savelyev died in March 26, 1945 in the battle for the Oder. He was buried in the village Neder
Satina (Bulatova)Zinaida FedotovnaShe was born in 1923 in the village Beryozovo in a peasant’s family.She was the commander of the department of intelligence of the 1807. th anti-aircraft regiment,The cavalier of the Glory Order of the 3.rd degree for the Defense of KievA Patriotic war disabled of the 2. nd group.After graduating from Ramon’ school (1941)she volunteered in the Red Army.She died in 1985
BogachevVasilii GavrilovichHe was born in 1910 in the village Blagoveshchenka.He was called to the Soviet Army in June 1932.Participated in battles with the white Finns He met the Great Patriotic War on the borderThe title of “The Hero of the Soviet Union” was awarded to him after his death by the Edict of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union from the 27.th of December 1941 for heroism and courage in battle at PoltavaFrom 17.th to 27.th of September, the battalion of captain Bogachevled the battles against the superior forces of the enemy. Tank battalion destroyed 24 guns,11 tanks, 12 trucks, 6 mortars a large number of Nazis.
KolosovVasilii Vasil’evichHe was born in 1905 in the village Bol’shaya Vereika.He was called to the Soviet Army in 1941.He fought in the Bryansk, South-West,3rd Ukrainian fronts.He was awarded by the medal "For Courage".The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Kolosov became after his death by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 22, 1944 for the crossing of the Dnieper.Thanks to his tireless and fearlessness it was significantly expanded the bridgehead.Died in October 26, 1943.