План урока к курсу Страноведение Великобритании в 10 классе по теме Политическая система Великобритании
Lesson Plan
Teacher Irina Labukova Grade 10
Unit Title “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
Lesson Title “Political System”
Projected Time for Lesson(s) 90 minutes
Lesson Purpose: by the end of the lesson students will learn facts about political system of the UK, will be able to name the main branches and their functions.
Lesson Objectives for Students:
Students will develop their reading skill: reading of an unknown text.
Students will develop their listening comprehension skill watch the video “Political System of the UK”
Materials Needed During Lesson:
PP presentation of the lesson “Political System of the UK”, text “Political System of the UK”, papers, markers.
Look at the words and guess the topic of the lesson: Government, Parliament, President, the Senate, the Queen, and Prime Minister. (Political System)
Defining lesson objectives:
learn facts about the Political system of the UK, name the main branches and their functions.
Teacher: What do you know about the political system of the UK?
Problem of the lesson: to define the main peculiarities of the British political system.
Group work: Students get the information on the problem reading the text “Political System of Great Briatin” and making the scheme “Political System of the UK”. They have to reflect all the main peculiarities of the political system. The scheme should be detailed.
As soon as the students are ready making their schemes they study their classmates’ schemes moving around the classroom and assess them (Strategy “2 stars, 1 wish”)
Then the students return to their places and study the remarkes made by their class mates. They prepare their answers on the left comments.
After that the students participate in round discussion. They answer the questions left by the class mates and answer the problem question of the lesson.
Feed back: One-minute essay “Peculiarities of the political system of the UK are …”
Homework: “Political System of the UK” (learn, scheme), read the text, make additions and answer the questions, presentations “Prime Minister”, “The Queen”)
Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. The queen reigns, but does not rule.
The legislative power in the country is exercised by Parliament. Parliament makes the laws of Great Britain. It consists of the queen, the House of Commons, and the House of Lords.
The House of Commons is Britain’s real governing body. It has 650 members, elected by the people. Members of the House of Commons have no fixed terms. They are chosen in a general election, which must be held at least every five years. But an election may be called anytime, and many Parliaments do not last five years. Almost all British citizens 18 years old or older may vote.
The House of Lords is the upper house of Parliament. It was once the stronger house, but today has little power. It can delay – but never defeat – any bill. The House of Lords has about 1170 members. The people do not elect them. The House of Lords is composed of hereditary and life peers and peeresses. Their right to sit in the House passes, with their title, usually to their oldest sons.
The prime minister is usually the leader of the political party that has the most seats in the House of Commons. The monarch appoints the prime minister after each general election. The monarch asks the prime minister to form a Government. The prime minister selects about 100 ministers. From them, he picks a special group to make up the Cabinet.
The Cabinet usually consists of about 20 ministers. The ministers of the more important departments, such as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Home Office, are named to every Cabinet.
The government draws up most bills and introduces them in Parliament. The queen must approve all bills passed by Parliament before they can become laws. Although the queen may reject a bill, no monarch has since the 1700’s. Law courts of Great Britain operate under three separate legal system – one for England and Wales, one for Northern Ireland, and one for Scotland. In all three systems, the House of Lords is the highest court of appeal in civil cases. It is also the highest court of appeal in criminal cases, except in Scotland. The queen appoints all British judges on the advice of the government.
Political parties are necessary to British’s system of government. The chief political parties in Britain today are the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. The Conservative Party developed from the Tories, and has been supported by wealthy people as well as professional people and farmers. The Labour Party has been supported by skilled and unskilled workers, especially union members.
The Constitution of Great Britain is not one document. Much of it is not even in writing, and so the country is said to have an unwritten constitution. Some of the written parts of Britain’s Constitution come from laws passed by Parliament. Some – from such old documents as Magna Carta, which limited the king’s power. Other written parts come from common law, a body of laws based on people’s customs and beliefs, and supported in the courts.