Презентация по английскому языку на тему Года. Глагол to be в Прошедшем времени (4 класс)

1The Answers to the TestI variantII variantI. Вставить глагол To be (Past Simple)1. WERE (0.5)2. WAS (0.5)3. WERE (0.5)II. Present Simple переделать в Past Simple1. WERE (0.5)2. WENT (0.5)3. COULD (0.5)III. Какой звук дает окончание ED в конце глаголов?1 -[t]2 - [d]3 — [id]1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2. (1)I. Вставить глагол To be (Past Simple)1. WAS (0.5)2. WERE (0.5)3. WAS (0.5)II. Present Simple переделать в Past Simple1. WERE (0.5)2. HAD (0.5)3. CAME (0.5)III. Какой звук дает окончание ED в конце глаголов?1 -[t]2 - [d] 3 - [id]1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1 (1)


2Books and writers
style.rotation 3What is your favourite book?2. Who wrote the book?3. When did he write the book?

4WRITEwritERwrOteпрофессия2ая ф.гл.
5Who is he?Daniel Defoe
Who is he?Jonathan Swift
Who is he?Rudyard Kipling
Who is he?James Matthew Barrie
Who is he?Robert Louis Stevenson
Who is he?Alan Alexander Milne
6Robinson CrusoeWhat did he write?

style.rotation Gulliver’s Travels What did he write?

The Jungle BookWhat did he write?

Peter Pan What did he write?

Treasure Island What did he write?

Winnie - the - Pooh What did he write?
7When did he write the book?in 1894 Eighteen ninety-four

8in 1894 Eighteen ninety-four 19061883172619261719

style.rotationstyle.rotationppt_yppt_yppt_y 9What is your favourite book?2. Who wrote the book?3. When did he write the book? 10p. 123, ex. 5 (устно)WB p. 69 (письм.)Homework