Презентация по английскому языку на тему Английская история в английской и американской литературе

Москва,2013«English history in English and American Literature: facts and fiction.»Подготовила: Колгашкина Мария Преподаватель: Иванова Елена Анатольевна Opinion poll «What do you think about history?» Opinion poll «what do you think about reading?» Robert louis stevenson
A near-contemporary Flemish picture of the Battle of Barnet in 1471.
Henry the seventh
The book today
Mark twain
Henry the eighth
Catherine of AragonHenry`s wivesAnne BoleynThe first wifeThe second wife

The third wifeHenry`s wivesJane Seymour

The exhibition at the Moscow Kremlin Museums “The Golden Age of the English Court: From Henry VIII to Charles I”
the English Civil War
What do you know about history of england?
«The prince and the pauper»
James barrie
«peter pan» by j.m. barrie
Drake`s jewel
«the Pirates of the Caribbean»