Тема урока clever boys and girls.pptx
The clever boys and girlsIntellectual show
Our players“The light star”“The golden moon”
1st level “Presentation of the teams”Participants tell some words about themselves, about hobbies, favorite subjects, motto.
2nd level “Baiga”1. Name the national flower emblem of England?(the rose)How many parts are there in Great Britain? What are they? (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)Who is the head of Great Britain? (Queen Elizabeth)What is the oldest university of Great Britain? (Oxford)How many letters are there in English alphabet? (26)“іздеу” сөзінің ағылшынша аудармасы? (look for)“clean” сөзінің антонимі? (dirty)What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)
Who was the first American President? (George Washington)Which is the most popular British sport? (Football)What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)“қарау” сөзінің ағылшынша аудармасы? (look at)“good” сөзінің антонимі? (bad)How many letters are there in Russian alphabet? (32)What is the official language of the USA? (English)Who played the part of Rambo? (S. Stallone)
Do you know?A place where things are made, often by machines. (a factory, завод, зауыт)2. A machine like an electric cupboard that you keep in your kitchen and use for keeping food cool and fresh.(a fridge, холодильник, тоңазытқыш)3. The room in a house or restaurant where food is prepared to eat.(a kitchen, кухня, ас үй)4. A drawing of an area which shows cities, rivers, roads etc.(a map, карта, карта)5. A set of sheets of paper containing new and advertisements, which is sold every day or week. (a newspaper, газета, гaзет)
6. A very large animal that looks like a very large fish and lives in the sea(a whale, кит, кит)7. A place with grass and flowers. (a garden, сад, бау – бақша)8. A wild animal that looks like a large dog. (a wolf, волк, қасқыр)9. Very cold rain which is soft and white.(a snow, снег, қар)10. A building where doctors and nurses care for people who are ill.(a hospital, больница, аурухана)
1. A person, often a woman, who is trained to help doctors and look after people when they are sick or old.(a nurse, сиделка (няня), күтуші әйел )2. A building where you can go and see important things connected with science, history etc. (a museum, музей, мұражай)3. Someone who lives near you.(a neighbour, сосед, көрші)4. A building or room in a building where you can buy things.(a shop, магазин, дүкен)5. A small point of light that can be seen in the sky at night.(a star, звезда, жұлдыз)6. Someone whose job is to teach.(a teacher, учитель, мұғалім)7. A large wild cat with yellow and black lines on its fur.(a tiger, тигр, жолбарыс)8. A place where are you pay to watch a film.(a cinema, кинотеатр, кинотеатр)9. A book that tells you what words mean and how to spell them.(a dictionary, словарь, сөздік)10. A plant such as a carrot, cabbage or a potato which is grown to be eaten. (a vegetables, овощи, көкөністер)
“Magic numbers”Great daysThe places2020Sports and games20303030404040
Great days - 20This holiday honors our mothers, grandmothers, women in the world?(International Women’s Day 8th of March)
The places - 20The place for skating in Almaty? (Shymbulak)
Sports and games - 20The Kazakh traditional horse races. (baige)
Great days - 30The Kazakhs celebrate this holiday on March 22. People pay each other visits, for give wrongs and cancel debts?(Nauryz)
The places - 30The old mausoleum in Turkestan. It is more than 1500 years old.(Hodja Ahmet Yassaui )
Sports and games - 30This is an indoor game for two players. You need a special table, a racket for each player and a small ball.(table tennis)
Great days - 40One of the best holiday for children. The Americans celebrate it on October 31. (Halloween)
The places - 40The most popular place to visit in Kyrgyzstan – a huge lake that a trip to the mountains(Issykkol)
Sports and games - 40An outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. The object of the game is to score a goal. (Football )