Distribution of resources in hierarchical multielement systems with parallel structure Introduction
УДК 658.678
Shukayev D., Umbetov U., Bekseitova A.
Distribution of resources in hierarchical multielement systems with parallel structure
The Majority of modern chemical manufactures are complicated technological complexes, each st
·eter X = (x1, x2..., xn) which is the some resource, and through target parameters Y = (у1, у2..., yп).
Figure 1 – Parallel structure of multielement system
Here xi – an entrance variable, a resource which is allocated for processing to i -th subsystem (i = 1, ..., n); уi – a product which can be races-считан on the basis of model of interrelation уi с xi; ui – some operating influence which is used for realization of economic processes in a subsystem; уi = f(xi, ui) – mathematical model of i - th element.
13 EMBED Equation.3 1415,
where п – the general number of subsystems, 13 EMBED Equation.3 1415 – a vector of the limited resources (a total resource) which is required to be distributed(allocated) between separate subsystems.
The t
·х1 *, х2 *..., хn *), satisfying to conditions
13 EMBED Equation.3 1415 (1)
at which function of the purpose reaches(achieves) the maximal value, that is. 13 EMBED Equation.3 1415 (2) Operating influence ui (i = 1, , n) enables the central body to infl
·Т] where it is possible to consider(count) these variables constant. For organizational-economic systems as the purposes various economic categories, such at least expenses or a maximum of the income of realization of production and (or) services can act.
· требу-NO to solve more complex vector problem. The elementary case of scalar problems arises, when functions уi=f (хi), i = l..., n, are linear functions. For a case when resource X is scalar size, this problem has the elementary decision which can be desc
·ribution is optimum. Let k> i and l
·х1mах is satisfied or the condition x1min – x01 0 is broken. We accept x01 = x1min then the condition (1) is not executed yet.
3. To reduce quantity of resources for the second subsystem on rule, described in item2, etc. the Block diagram of the given alg
·rix of system of restrictions of a problem of distribution of resources appears close to вырожденной, that leads to greater(big) computing difficulties and instability of the received decision. In works [1-3] it is offered to use the approach which assumes
· сi before the optimum decision will cease to be those; or on-how many it is possible to change the factors describing size of resource before the decision will cease to be admissible, or, at last, as change of restriction factors influences the optimum de
·имитирование under the received laws of distribution of actual changes of parameters by means of corresponding algorithms of modeling of casual laws [6]. Thus, applying offered and other methods, it is possible to simulate most often meeting continuous of distribution. Normal, or гауссово distribution is one of the most important and often used continuous distributions. Uniform distribution on frequency of application concedes to only normal law. Exponent ional distribution describes a lot of real processes where «time of occurrence" is examined. Many non-negative masks describing any casual phenomena, it is possible to describe by means of scale-distribution. As its parameters define scale and the form of the law of distribution at change of their values density the scale-distribution can accept the most various forms and, hence, does this law by one of the most universal and valuable in the applied attitude [6.]
The conclusion
Computer system of the task analysis of distribution of resources can be or is used as independent, or included in structure of the information system’s management by the chemical - technological processes assuming presence of parallel objects with the purpose of optimization of technological processes, proceeding in parallel units.
Figure 3 – Common scheme of modeling system of parameters analyzing
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A = 13 EMBED Equation.3 1415
Y = 13 EMBED Equation.3 1415
Distribute recourses between subsystems, asxi = xi max
i = 1
Checking of resource restricting 13 EMBED Equation.3 1415
Checking of technological restriction
xi min ( xi
Decrease resource for i subsystem , xi = ximax – С
xi = xi min
i = i + 1
Solving tasks by giving parameters
Step by step searching of parameters changing
For giving changing parameters of solving task – optimal?
If only one parameters changing task?
If there is the parameters changing?
Set of mutual influence of parameters changing
Solving task - reaching?
Finding the new solving task
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