Разработка урока в 8 классе «Do you know English well?»
Открытый урок в 8 «В» классе
По теме: «Do you know English well? » («Хорошо ли ты знаешь английский?»)
Тип урока: комбинированный, урок-конкурс
Задачи урока:
провести практику в речевой деятельности: монологической, диалогической, чтении и аудировании
учить логически строить высказывание
закрепить новую лексику, встречающуюся в тексте
формировать языковую догадку
учить детей слушать и понимать друг друга
воспитывать уверенность в способность изучать английский язык
формировать социокультурную компетенцию обучающихся
Оснащение урока: картинки по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона», магнитофон, аудиокассета, карточки с заданиями.
План урока
1. Начало урока. Приветствие.
Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. – Good morning! We are glad to see you too!
T.: Today we have an unusual lesson. We have a competition today. You are divided in two teams. Tell us please, what are the names of your teams? Who are the captains?
Ученики называют свои команды, представляют капитанов.
Let me explain the rules of our competition. We will have 6 rounds for the teams and 1 round for the captains. For each right answer you will get a sweet. Whose team gets more sweets it will be a winner. And the sweets will be you
·e and get tasks. At these papers there are some words for you. In 15 minutes you must to make up short stories with these words.
Слова для составления рассказов:
Happy birthday
At the English lesson
a present
the teacher
my friend
a mark
a birthday party
a cake
ask a question
a good answer
a book
And we go on.
We begin the second round. Уou see some pictures on the blackboard. They are the places of interests of London. You get the cards with descriptions of these places. Your task is to match descriptions and pictures. You have two minutes.
Ученики подбирают описание для достопримечательностей, выходят к доске и зачитывают описание для каждой картинки. За каждый правильный ответ один балл (конфетка).
The London Eye is on the Thames. It’s the largest observation wheel in the world and it’s very popular with tourists.
It is a famous house in Baker Street. The museum of Sherlock Holmes is now.
The British Muse
·he Present Perfect Progressive Tense. We’ve used the prepositions “for” and “since” in the sentences with these Tense. Now you get the cards where you must fill in the gaps with the prepositions “since” or “for”.
Образцы предложений:
Карточка № 1
I have been learning English for two years.
He has been looking for his keys for 15 minutes.
She has been working since 5 o’clock.
I have been reading the book for two hours.
Карточка № 2
I have been waiting for him for 20 minutes.
It has been raining since two
Слова на доске: consist, include, separate, form, surface, flat, damp, industrial, iron, cotton.
Текст для прослушивания:
Great Britain
The British Isles lie in the north-west of Europe. They consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and ma
· iron goods are made, Manchester, the cotton centre of England, and others.
The important ports of the country are London, Liverpool, Glasgow and others.
Now let’s listen the second time and be ready to answer some questions to the text.
Вопросы к тексту , которые задаются по очереди каждой команде.
Where do the British Isles lie? The British Isles lie in the north-west of Europe.
What does Great Britain include? Great Britain, the largest island in Europe, includes England, Scotland, and Wales.
What do
·Исходное слово
Правильное слово
Our competition is over. Let’s count the so-called points!
После завершения шестого тура команды подсчитывают баллы и учитель подводит итог. Если позволяет время, предлагается загадка на сообразительность.
You have a chance to correct the results. I have an interesting riddle for you. Listen attentively, please.
Elisabeth, Lizzy, Betsy, and Bess,
They all went together to seek a bird’s nest.
They found a bird’s nest with five eggs in,
They all took one, and left four in.
Элизабет, Лизи, Бэтси и Бэсс
Весною с корзинкой
отправились в лес.
В гнезде, на березе,
Где не было птиц,
Нашли они пять розоватых яиц.
Им всем четверым по яичку досталось,
И все же четыре на месте осталось.
Хоть разные
Названы здесь имена
(Элизабет, Лизи, Бэтси и Бэсс),
Но так называлась девчонка одна.
Она и ходила
С корзинкою в лес.
Разгадав эту загадку, проигрывающая команда может стать победителем если разница была в один балл, т.к. за правильный ответ можно присудить два балла.
The London Eye is on the Thames. It’s the largest observation wheel in the world and it’s very popular with tourists.
It is a famou
·. Hundreds of years ago the Tower was a castle. For many years the Tower was a state prison. At present many people visit the Tower as a museum.
It is Trafalgar Square. In the centre of the square is a big column. At the top of the column there is a statue of Admiral Nelson who had to fight the French at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
The big clock on the tower in London is often called Big Ben. It is the biggest clock bell in Britain. It is called after Sir Benjamin Hall.
Westminster Abbey is one of the most beautiful buildings in London. There are many monuments of great men there. It founded in the 13 century.
1. I have been learning English two years.
He has been looking for his keys 15 minutes.
She has been working 5 o’clock.
I have been reading the book two hours.
I have been waiting for him 20 minutes.
It has been raining two o’clock.
He has been walking an hour.
She has been working as a shop-assistant she left school.
Happy birthday
At the English lesson
a present
the teacher
my friend
a mark
a birthday party
a cake
ask a question
a good answer
a book
13PAGE 15
13PAGE 14115