Презентация на тему Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place Автор: учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ№130Коркина Альбина Маратовна then - /рen/ - тогда, потомthis - /рis/ - этот, этоthere - /рeə/ - там, тудаthat - /ржt/ - тот Правило «змейки»: межзубный звук There is …. in the room. Where is the bear? Where is the computer? Where is the ball? Where is the lamp? Where are the books? Where are the pictures? Head, shoulders, knees and toesKnees and toesHead, shoulders, knees and toesKnees and toesAnd eyes and ears and mouth and noseHead, shoulders, knees and toesKnees and toes head - голова shoulders – плечиknees – колени toes – пальцы ногeyes – глаза ears – ушиmouth – рот nose - нос Let's play hide-and-seek with a kitten! Where is the cat? Where is the cat? Where is the cat? on at in behind under on the left on the right Prepositions of Place