Лингвистический марафон Шаги в грамматику
Лингвистический марафон 7 класс I этап Зарядка для ума TASK IУкажите номера слов и словосочетаний, требующих употребления в Present Simple
at present
at the moment
by 10 o'clock
every time from 2 to 4
as a rule
twice a week
all day long
every year
every month
every week
every day
TASK IIУкажите номера слов и словосочетаний, требующих употребления в Present Continuous
at present
at the moment
twice a week
this afternoon
every year
every month
every time from 2 to 4
every day
at that moment
as a rule
every week
TASK IIIУкажите номера глаголов, которые не употребляются в Present Continuous
to know
to doubt
to seem
to go
to find
to do
to mind
to remember
to understand
to turn
to believe
to come
to take
to stay
to hate
to try
to prefer
to help
to need
to want TASK IVУкажите номера предложений при переводе которых необходимо употребить Present Continuous Что это за запах? Что это горит?Он всегда нам много помогает.Земля вращается вокруг Солнца.Зачем ты носишь эту смешную шляпу?Я всегда встаю в 7 часов.Не бери эту книгу. Аня ее читает.Ты часто ходишь в кино?Ты меня не слушаешь. О чем ты думаешь?Джон сейчас принимает ванну.Не выключай музыку! Я ее слушаю.Я люблю иногда слушать классическую музыку.Его никогда нет дома, когда я ему звоню.Кто там играет на фортепиано?Мой брат играет в баре по воскресеньям.Выключай телевизор! Никто его не смотрит.Куда ты так торопишься? TASK VУкажите номера предложений при переводе которых необходимо употребить Present Indefinite У нас на обед всегда бывает сыр.У нас на обед сыр, а у вас?Я не совсем понимаю, что Вы имеете в виду.Мы уезжаем в 11 часов.Они всегда опаздывают на 5 минут.Иногда мы вместе гуляем вечером.Вы говорите по-немецки? - Очень плохо.Посмотри, с каким удовольствием он поет.Твой друг учится в институте?Сегодня мы пообедаем вместе.Мы всегда обедаем вместе.В данный момент мама говорит по телефону.Мама говорит по телефону по два часа.Луна вращается вокруг Земли.Зачем ты носишь такую теплую одежду?В эти дни мы проводим много времени в библиотеке, так как мы готовимся к экзамену. TASK VI Укажите правильный вариант написания –ing формы следующих глаголов
to run - a) running, b) runing, c) runyng
to put - a) puting, b) putting, c) puteing
to take - a) taking, b) takeing, c) takking
to have - a) hawing, b) haveing, c) having
to leave - a) leaveing, b) leaving, c) leavyng
to go - a) going, b) goeing, c) goyng
to write - a) writeing, b) writing, c) writting
to lie - a) lieing, b) liying, c) lying
to die - a) dieing, b) diying, c) dying
to play - a) playing, b) plaing, c) plaeyng TASK VII Укажите правильный вариант формы глагола в Present Indefinite в 3-м лице ед.ч.
to run - a) runs, b) runes
to be - a) are, b) is
to take - a) takes, b) takeis
to have - a) haves, b) has
to leave - a) leaves, b) leavs
to go - a) gos, b) goes
to write - a) writes, b) writs
to lie - a) lies, b) lyes
to do - a) dos, b) does
to play - a) plays, b) playes TASK VIIIУкажите правильный вариант временной формы глагола 1. Where is John? He (to play) football in the yard.
is playing
is not playing
2. I not (to like) the picture you (to look at) now.
am not liking, are looking
don't like, look
don't like, are looking 3. He (to read) books in three languages, and now he (to read) a French novel.
is reading, reads
reads, is reading
is reading, is reading
4. She usually (to do) her homework at home.
is doing 5. In autumn many birds (to fly) to the South.
are flying
6. What that woman (to do) there? She (to sell) vegetables.
is doing, sells
is doing, is selling
does, sells 7. What you (to buy) here? I (to buy) an English textbook.
are buying, am buying
buy, am buying
buy, buy
8. Look! How many birds (to fly) high up in the air!
a) are flying
b) fly
c) is flying 9.There are many children in the garden. Some of them (to run).
are not running
are running
10. Where you (to go) now? I (to go) to the library.
are going, am going
are going, go
are going, are going TASK IXУкажите правильный вариант временной формы глагола
1.I (to eat) porridge every day.
a) am eating b) am eatting c) eat
2. We (to do) our shopping in the afternoon.
a) do b) are doing c) is doing
3. Every year he (to spend) his holidays in France.
a) is spending b) spends c) spend
4. I (to live) in Glasgow, which is my hometown.
a) am living b) live c) lives 5. It (to rain), take your umbrella!
a) rains b) rain c) is raining
6. The sun (to rise) in the east.
a) rises b) is rising c) rise
7. Leave me alone, I (to work).
a) work b) is working c) am working
8. Fetch a doctor! The poor man (to die)!
a) is dying b) dies c) doesn't die
9. He (to read) newspapers every day.
a) read b) reads c) is reading
II этап «Кто рано ложится и рано встает, тому Бог подает» TASK IВыберите нужный предлог 1. I go down _____________the library.
2. There a lot of us ____________the library.
3. I look ______all the possible jobs ________the paper.
4. Soon it is time ____________lunch.
5. I look ___________the job advertisements __________lunch. TASK IIДополните предложения 3. When it is time for lunch he ...
goes to the shops to buy some food.
goes to the shops to have lunch.
goes to the shops to buy sets and ice-cream.
4. For lunch he usually eats...
soup and bread and cheese.
soup and bread and butter.
soup and bun and cheese.
5. He goes to carpentry classes because ...
he wants to get a new trade.
he likes to study.
they are free for the unemployed
TASK III Дополните предложения 1. After breakfast Peter Maxwell goes...to the library to read an interesting book.to the library to read the latest news in thenewspaper.с) to the library to read the advertisements about jobs.2.Peter Maxwell goes to carpentry classes because...he wants to get a new trade.he likes to study.they are free for the unemployed. 3. He prepares the Big Meal of the day ...
at about five o'clock.
at about six o'clock.
at about seven o'clock.
4. Peter takes a lot of things for the Big Meal:...
it's usually vegetables and cheese.
it's usually potatoes and cheese.
it's usually vegetables and meat.
5. They go to the pub ...
every Sunday.
every Friday.
Every Monday.
TASK IVУкажите номера ошибочных высказываний The unemployed persons like to talk about jobproblems in the library.
It doesn't take Peter a lot of time to look at the jobadvertisements in the papers.
At lunch time he goes to the shops for some foodbut never cooks himself.
Unemployed people have to pay a little sum ofmoney for their carpentry classes.
Peter has nothing to do during the day. TASK V Укажите номера верных высказываний It doesn't take Peter long to prepare the Big Meal.
Usually Peter goes to a pub or the cinema onFriday, sometimes he watches TV.
After lunch on Mondays and on Wednesdays Petergoes to a carpentry class.
He usually gets up at nine o'clock.
Sometimes at 10.30 he and his wife turn off the heaterand go to bed. TASK VIУкажите вариант соответствующего русского эквивалента 1.at about 8 o'clock:в 8 часов;около 8 часов;после 8 часов.2.25 репсе worth of cheese:сыра на 25 пенсов;сыра по 25 пенсов;сыра за 25 пенсов.3. It's important to do a lot of things ... you are unemployed.a) if;b) when;c) where. TASK VIIУкажите верный вариант пропущенного слова 1. We ... say we are unemployed but we know.
a) never; b) usually; c) ever.
2. On the back from the shops I buy a local paper andlook... the job advertisements over lunch.
a) at; b) for; c) after.
3. On the other days of the week I go for walks ... theweather's all right, or I read.
a) when; b) but; c) if.
4. Every Friday we go to a pub ... to the cinema.
a) and; b) but c) or.
5. Usually at 10.30 we turn... the heater and go to bed.
a) up; b) off; c) out.