План-конспект урока английского языка .Тема урока «Addiction to the internet».
Тема: «Addiction to the internet»
Основные цели урока:
1. Практические: Познакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме «Интернет-зависимость» и организовать ее первичную тренировку; совершенствовать умение говорения в пределах изучаемой темы.
2. Развивающая: Развивать умение чтения с извлечением детальной информации;
3. Воспитательная: Воспитывать культуру монологической речи.
Оборудование: учебник 9 класса Л.М. Лапицкая, схема, наглядности, доска.
Тип урока: комбинированый урок.
Этапы урока Учитель Ученик
1.Начальный этап
А. Организационный момент Good morning children! Glad to see you. So it’s time to start our lesson. What date is it today? Who is on duty? Tell me who is absent, please. Thank you. Today is the 20th of April
I am on duty.
All are present.
Б. Целеполагание The topic our lesson is “Addiction to the internet” . Today we will work with the text there will be some exercises and we ‘ll discuss this problem. В. Фонетическая разминка Now look at the blackboard. Listen and repeat after me. Who can translate them?
The word addicted is formed by ending –ed to verb addict. And the noun addiction formed by ending –tion . Is it clear? Ok. Now I want you match these words with this these to make the word combinations. (Good for you!, clever you are, well done) An addict - addicted – an addiction
Зависимый (сущ.)– зависимый(прил.) – зависимость.
Internet addict(заядлый интернет-пользователь)
Addicted to the video games(зависимый от видео игр) The mobile phone addiction(зависимость от моб. телефона)
Г. Речевая зарядка Now I’ll read you dialogue. Listen to it attentively.
-You heard the dialogue, what is the problem here?
-Why didn’t Tom go for a walk on the street with his friend? - How to call the condition of Tom? -(the boy all time serfs the internet)
-(because he can’t leave his computer)
-(the condition of Tom called an addiction to the internet)
Д. Проверка домашнего задания 2. Основной этап
А. Работа с текстом You have listings with the text. We’ll read and translate it. But first pay attention on the words that may cause you difficulties.
Let’s start. Regardless of – независимо от
virtual – виртуальный
entirely - совершенно
eventually – в конечном итоге
outcasts – изгои
access – доступ
furthermore – кроме этого
inevitably – неизбежно
therapist – психотерапевт
laptop – ноутбук
attached – привязан
unaware – не подозревать
Б. Послетекстовые задания I hope you understood the text. So I’ll give you cards with the exercises. You have a minute to view them, then we will do exercises together. В. Вопросно-ответная работа 1) Why do computers wide spread nowadays? How do you think?
2) What age people are becoming computer addicts? Can It happen to anyone?
3) Why people hide (прятаться) from the real world online?
4) Are Internet addiction dangerous in your opinion? Why?
5) Are you know such people? Is your classmate or out school friend?
6) How do you know that a person has had this problem?
7) Are Internet addicted people recognize that they are addicted? - (I think because we work by the computer, we can play in games, we can watch tv in the internet and there are many entertainment in the computer)
- (This kind of condition can affect people regardless of age, but young people more likely to it. Yes, it can happen to anyone.)
- (Because they have difficulty communicating with other people and they find it easier to open up to persons online. )- (It very dangerous, because such condition require help to professional therapist.)
- (No, they usually don’t understand this fact.)
Г. Обсуждение темы на основе высказываний Now you’ll read the advice how to avoid this problem and I want you express your opinion about it. There are phrases to help you. Read them. 3. Заключительный этап А. Домашнее задание Open you record- book and write down the home task. At home you heed to learn by heart these advices. Б. РефлексияYou have read the advice so try to give your advice for people addicted to the internet. Open your books at page 224 ex. 4a to help you. And start your answer with : I’d like to advice… and choose what you want.