Разработка урока по технологии БиС по теме Typical animals of Kazakhstan карта урока УУ1
The theme: «Typical animals of Kazakhstan»
The aims: to activate and study new lexical material
Technology map: Oral lesson 1 (УУ1)
I . Org. moment
- Good morning dear students and guests. I’m very glad to see you at our lesson. Let’s start our lesson. Today we have an open lesson by “Bio-information and Synergetic” technology. The theme of our lesson is “Typical animals of Kazakhstan”. The aim of our lesson is to reach to 63 %. It means 7 students of you must get excellent mark. There are your seats and each student has its own seat. Today at our lesson will be 5 stages and in each stage for your wright answer you get 1 point.
Матрица посадочных мест
II. Homework
The first mark
1. олень 2. Кошка 3. Змея 4. Козел 5. Заяц 6. Носорог 7. божья коровка 8. Рыба 9. Медведь 10. тигр
11. бык 12. Гусь 13. Орел 14. Попугай 15. корова
What of these animals live in Kazakhstan?
III. New theme “Typical animals of Kazakhstan”
Watching the video “Saryarka - Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan (UNESCO/NHK)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w17U5rUaJk
IV. Key words.
lynx wolf owl kill wild desert steppe
Write down these words
7 слов – 30 секунд
14 слов – 1 мин 15 секунд
21 слов – 2 мин 30 секунд
Translate these words
V. Working with the text.
The second mark
Certain regions of Kazakhstan feature rocky canyons, snow-peaked mountains and conifer forests (taigas). Different wildlife species flourish in different regions of the country.Kazakhstan's desert life includes snakes, lizards and other reptiles; jerboas (тушканчики), gophers (суслик) and other rodents (грызуны); and larger animals such as gazelles. Deer, boars (кабаны), jackals (шакалы) and other mammals live near lakes and rivers. The steppes are home to deer, antelope, badgers (барсуки), wolves and foxes. In the mountains roam snow leopards, bears and smaller species including lynxes (рыси), ibexes горные козлы), boars (кабаны) and wolves.Birds of Kazakhstan are diverse (разнообразны). Large species such as vultures (грифы) and eagles nest (гнездятся) in the mountains. Observers in the steppes spot falcons (соколы), hawks (ястребы), pheasants (фазаны), grouse(тетерева) and partridges (куропатки).Kazakhstan maintains (поддерживает) a number of nature reserves (заповедники). The oldest, established in 1927, is Aksu-Zhabagly. Within its 85,000 hectares dwell some 50 mammal and 240 bird species, including the snow leopard, red bear and golden eagle. In eastern Kazakhstan, Caspian deer and bears are among the more than 80 animal species in the Markakol Natural Reserve. A mountain lake is home to the unusual uskuch whitefish.The rare white heron (цапля) is a distinguished inhabitant of the Naurzum One reserve. Kurgaldzhino is remarkable for its rare bird species, including the mute swan and Dalmatian pelican. The Ustyurt Reserve is noted for its reptilians. Various international organizations have been active in preserving Kazakhstan's natural assets. Expert-guided wildlife tours are available.
Students are given time for working under the text.
7-11 forms the 1st time for 4 minutes
VI. Special questions
The third mark
1. What regions of Kazakhstan do you know? Deserts, steppes, mountains, rivers and lakes.2. What animals do live in deserts? Snakes, lizards and other reptiles; jerboas (тушканчики), gophers (суслик) and other rodents (грызуны); and larger animals such as gazelles
3. What animals do live near lakes and rivers? Deer, boars (кабаны), jackals (шакалы) and other mammals
4. For what animals the steppes is home? deer, antelope, badgers (барсуки), wolves and foxes.
5. What animals do roam in the mountains? snow leopards, bears and smaller species including lynxes (рыси), ibexes горные козлы), boars (кабаны) and wolves.6. What kinds of birds do live in Kazakhstan? Vultures, eagles, falcons, hawks, pheasants, partridges, grouse.
7. How do we name the dry land? Desert
8. Is there any nature reserves in Kazakhstan? Yes, there are
9. What is the oldest nature reserve in Kazakhstan? Aksu-Zhabagly10. What information was new for you? (Their own answer)
11. What reserve is noted for its reptilians? The Ustyurt Reserve
12. What organizations have been active in preserving Kazakhstan's natural assets? International
13. What Kurgaldzhino is remarkable for? for its rare bird species, including the mute swan and Dalmatian pelican.
14. What kind of rare bird is inhabitant of the Naurzum One reserve? The rare white heron
15. What animal do live in Aksu-Zhabagly reserve? snow leopard, red bear and golden eagle
VII. Yes/No questions.
The fourth mark
1. Is fox a bird? No
2. Are rodents animals? Yes
3. Are rodents usually big? No
4. Is gazelle an animal? Yes
5. Do snow leopards live in deserts? No
6. Are there hills and mountains in Kazakhstan? Yes
7. Are there any tigers in Kazakhstan? No
8. Do elephants live in Kazakhstan’s mountains? No
9. Are bears usually small? No
10. Is there any rivers in Kazakhstan? Yes
11. Is our climate suitable for wolves and foxes? Yes
12. Is swan a bird? Yes
13. Is Aksu-Zhabagly a reserve? Yes
14. Do the rare white heron live in desert? No
15.Are the steppes home for deer, antelope, badgers (барсуки), wolves and foxes? Yes
VIII. Vocabulary
The fifth mark
Write down an essay on the theme “Animals in Kazakhstan”
Norms of words
5 form - 30 words
6 form - 41 words
7 form - 45 words
8 form - 50 words
9 form - 56 words
IX. Reflection
The teacher summarize all the marks: 4,5 marks – «5»; 3 marks – «4»; 2 marks – «3». If there are 63 % of «5» marks – the aim is reached.
Приложение 1. Текст.
Certain regions of Kazakhstan feature rocky canyons, snow-peaked mountains and conifer forests (taigas). Different wildlife species flourish in different regions of the country.Kazakhstan's desert life includes snakes, lizards and other reptiles; jerboas (тушканчики), gophers (суслик) and other rodents (грызуны); and larger animals such as gazelles. Deer, boars (кабаны), jackals (шакалы) and other mammals live near lakes and rivers. The steppes are home to deer, antelope, badgers (барсуки), wolves and foxes. In the mountains roam snow leopards, bears and smaller species including lynxes (рыси), ibexes горные козлы), boars (кабаны) and wolves.Birds of Kazakhstan are diverse (разнообразны). Large species such as vultures (грифы) and eagles nest (гнездятся) in the mountains. Observers in the steppes spot falcons (соколы), hawks (ястребы), pheasants (фазаны), grouse (тетерева) and partridges (куропатки).Kazakhstan maintains (поддерживает) a number of nature reserves (заповедники). The oldest, established in 1927, is Aksu-Zhabagly (Аксу-Жабаглы). Within its 85,000 hectares dwell some 50 mammal and 240 bird species, including the snow leopard, red bear and golden eagle. In eastern Kazakhstan, Caspian deer and bears are among the more than 80 animal species in the Markakol (Маркаколь) Natural Reserve. A mountain lake is home to the unusual uskuch whitefish.The rare white heron (цапля) is a distinguished inhabitant of the Naurzum (Наурузум) reserve. Kurgaldzhino (Кургальджино) is remarkable for its rare bird species, including the mute swan and Dalmatian pelican. The Ustyurt (Устюрт) Reserve is noted for its reptilians. Various international organizations have been active in preserving Kazakhstan's natural assets.
Certain regions of Kazakhstan feature rocky canyons, snow-peaked mountains and conifer forests (taigas). Different wildlife species flourish in different regions of the country.Kazakhstan's desert life includes snakes, lizards and other reptiles; jerboas (тушканчики), gophers (суслик) and other rodents (грызуны); and larger animals such as gazelles. Deer, boars (кабаны), jackals (шакалы) and other mammals live near lakes and rivers. The steppes are home to deer, antelope, badgers (барсуки), wolves and foxes. In the mountains roam snow leopards, bears and smaller species including lynxes (рыси), ibexes горные козлы), boars (кабаны) and wolves.Birds of Kazakhstan are diverse (разнообразны). Large species such as vultures (грифы) and eagles nest (гнездятся) in the mountains. Observers in the steppes spot falcons (соколы), hawks (ястребы), pheasants (фазаны), grouse (тетерева) and partridges (куропатки).Kazakhstan maintains (поддерживает) a number of nature reserves (заповедники). The oldest, established in 1927, is Aksu-Zhabagly (Аксу-Жабаглы). Within its 85,000 hectares dwell some 50 mammal and 240 bird species, including the snow leopard, red bear and golden eagle. In eastern Kazakhstan, Caspian deer and bears are among the more than 80 animal species in the Markakol (Маркаколь) Natural Reserve. A mountain lake is home to the unusual uskuch whitefish.The rare white heron (цапля) is a distinguished inhabitant of the Naurzum (Наурузум) reserve. Kurgaldzhino (Кургальджино) is remarkable for its rare bird species, including the mute swan and Dalmatian pelican. The Ustyurt (Устюрт) Reserve is noted for its reptilians. Various international organizations have been active in preserving Kazakhstan's natural assets.